a reply to:
I loved it too. I just saw it the first time last night.
I liked Luke's transition from a somewhat highly emotional reckless hero to a brooding hermit recluse with a somewhat darker nihilistic view of the
force. But I really like the way Luke saw the force as something beyond good or evil. And it was Jedi hubris to think the force had sides to it. I
then liked the way Luke's character transitioned back when his faith was restored. I loved the Yoda scene when Yoda burns down the Jedi tree and Yodi
comment it's good to see Luke's younger spirit again. And then Luke's final transition to a luminous being through a volitious act of selflessness.
I did not care if the movie did not explain the mechanism of why he died at that moment. I just assumed Luke burned up all his midichlorians.
The idea of the force in Star Wars has always bother me bit philosophically. If there force always gravitates towards balance, and every time evil
rises then and equal amount of good rises, then it works both ways. There will always be an equal presence of evil no matter how well people evolve
themselves otherwise. I would just like to hope at some point humanity moves beyond good or evil to place where the mindset is more about enthusiasm
for being the best possible person you can be in terms of culture and participation. So I really like the new way of thinking about the nature of
the force that was changed by this movie.
But just after Luke rants on Jedi hubris, in Snokes death scene Ren and Ray immediately return back to the old style force conflict. I thought that
was interesting. At the moment when Ren was deciding to join Ray or vice verse, I was thinking maybe there would be 3rd possibility based on Luke's
elucidation into the nature of the force. But it did not happen. They just snap back to a good versus evil conflict opening up the possibility for
more movies.
Rose and Finn together were okay for me. I liked Rose. I thought there might have been a love interest at the end between Poe and Ray. I think Poe
is a good match for Ray. Poe obviously has some level of midichlorians because he's such a good pilot. The scene at the end with the boy and the
broom reminding me of Qui-Qon Jinn discovers Anakin:
"His cells have the highest concentration of midi-chlorians I've ever seen in a life form. It's possible he was conceived by the mid-chlorians."
They kind of touched on this with Ray's history. She found out her parents just sold her and she wasn't born of Jedi parents. So Ray is kind of
like Anakin in that she was touched by the midichlorian magic from nothing.
I like the way Ray's character transitions from scared little girl always trying to get to Jakku to accepting who she is even though she doesn't know
exactly what it means. She decides to stand up and participate in the battle based on her own personal morality and convictions of right and wrong
and how she thinks Ren is a monster. She seems to me like she's the new Yoda. She's engaged in the moral conflict of battling views of which side
of the force is the correct side to be on.
I still would like to see the series tackle of the issue of Ren versus Ray from philosophical moral conflict. Ren represents a top-down hierarchical
view of society. Ren believes in the organizational order that comes from authoritarianism. General Hux is one of my favorite all-time Star Wars
characters. The First Order speech in The Force Awakens is one of my favorite all-time Star Wars moment. I'm not sure Ren would believe in
authoritarianism if he wasn't its supreme leader.
So in face of supreme leader and worshiping authority, I would like to see the movie somehow show Ray's Republic way of thinking somehow triumph over
authoritarianism. Ray's way of thinking is everyone coming together in fellowship is stronger than people getting in line over fear. Ray is
promoting democracy and representation is better than jack booting people into submission. I think this is a great battle of ideas. Do people want
"leadership" or do people want "fellowship". What is man's natural order and way of being in terms of government and organizing society?
Another possible plot exploration I would think would be interesting is the idea that the midichlorians are some kind of collective consciousness.
And that the midichlorians have a malicious agenda to cause chaos in order to achieve some kind of end or benefit. And then the battle becomes not
over Jedi good and evil but over defending the people from an aggressive parasitic invasion. Maybe even combine the zombie Apocalypse idea with Jedi
powers. Just a thought.
Another thread I really loved in the movie was anything Toro's character said. I loved the exploration of the morality of the military industrial
complex and its exploitation of people. I loved planet Elerion and the ostentatious lifestyles of the arms dealers. I thought this was one of the
best parts of the film. It would take thousands of Jedi-s to ever get the military industrial complex under control and it's appropriate it would
only ever happen in science fiction!
Another character transition I liked is the way Finn went from trying to escape the First Order to actually facing and fighting the First Order
directly. I like the way Finn's character transitioned to being more Poe like. He went from being afraid to facing his fears and becoming a hero
pilot fighting with the resistance. It would have been nice if the scene when he met Rose for the first time Finn had a few lines where you see him
actually change his attitude. He was just about to desert in an escape pod. It would have been nice if Rose somehow inspired him to join the cause
in some way. All they did was Rose talked about her sister. I just thought they needed one or two lines of dialog where something clicks in Finn's
And the last transition I thought was really good was Poe going from reckless hero to a seasoned warrior more concerned about leadership and the
bigger picture. I liked it when Poe called off the attack because he realized it was suicide. I liked how Leia recognized his shift in consciousness
with her "go follow him" line in the movie. Poe is now the new general of the rebel forces. And Finn is the new combat hero.
But again, all in all I loved it. Definitely one of the top favorite movies in the series. JJ Abrams is terrific as usual.
edit on 18-12-2017 by dfnj2015 because: (no reason given)