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Craven Bigfoot

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posted on Dec, 3 2017 @ 07:40 PM
It looks real to me. It's either really a Sasquatch or a deliberate hoax with a guy in the top half of a suit.

I believe in Bigfoot. I've never seen one myself, but my dad, step brother and several other people I know swear they have. I've seen things weirder than Bigfoot, so I don't doubt.

posted on Dec, 3 2017 @ 09:58 PM
a reply to: bronco73

If I ever see one whilst walking in the woods I'm going right up to it and videoing it! Obviously it's safe!

posted on Dec, 3 2017 @ 11:06 PM

originally posted by: intrptr

originally posted by: Night Star
Too difficult to tell from this vid. Wish they would have gotten a close up shot without so much grass and shrubbery blocking this thing.

Not only, its 'walking' away casually, not trying to hide, in broad daylight. Seeing how their vehicle could be heard from some distance and Big Man would have had ample time to duck before the occupants spotted it because they are so careful about being hidden from view and all...

Perhaps it was on the move. Just like you have deduced the probability of what some of its intentions are in regards to staying hidden, doesn't preclude to others. Something always give, however miniscule it may be, its damned worth the glimpses. This is, of course, assuming this is real or not.

I don't know, I've watched over and over again, something is definitely there, and on the move. I can think of a couple of scenarios in which the unexpected my have happened.

It is in my OPINION that if Sasquatch is real, it'll effectively be at the top of the food chain in the remote wilds, having mastered the nuances of nature in its entirety. An entire closet tribe of beings, maybe a culture centered around staying hidden. Very small and few family groups. Maybe something in their genes is decaying, leading to infertility among a vast portion of them, leaving significantly dangerous populations levels.

edit on 3-12-2017 by Arnie123 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 4 2017 @ 08:48 AM
a reply to: Arnie123

It is in my OPINION that if Sasquatch is real, it'll effectively be at the top of the food chain in the remote wilds, having mastered the nuances of nature in its entirety. An entire closet tribe of beings, maybe a culture centered around staying hidden.

IMO, top predators are not closet beings.

As far as completely hidden, might be possible to hide from average hikers, especially cars, but not the professional. I don't mean the guys with night vision on 'Big Foot' TV either.

Many people just don't understand about hunters and trackers.

If these were real they would have been followed, filmed and or hunted down by now. Some people do this for a living and they are very good at it. It is impossible to hide from a good tracker. Like animal hunters they spend their entire lives in the woods, sitting and waiting along trails, streams , mountain ridges. They know every single beast and critter, their lifestyle absolutely depends on this. Pick an animal, they know what range to locate it in, how to pick up a trail, how to read sign and follow it to the animal.

What amazes me is how many people today have no clue about that. They watch tv nature shows and see a pack of wolves hunting deer or a mountain ram on a hillside with his herd and they are oblivious to how many hours and days went into locating and stalking, let alone observing and filming their behavior.

Most animals hide at the sigh of humans, hear their approach long before they are in view. Animal senses are waaay more attuned than our own. If hunted they are even more skittish at the sound and scent of humans.

Big Man has no reason to hide, we don't trap, shoot or capture them at all....

posted on Dec, 4 2017 @ 01:59 PM

originally posted by: intrptr
a reply to: seagull

That leaves either a really good hoax (and I'll applaud the work that went into it, while wanting to slap 'em upside the head...), or it's a mystery.

All the elements of hoax are there. If it had been a bear, we'd say oh, its a bear, because we are familiar with that known species. Or a cougar; hardly ever see those 'in the open'. I lived my whole life long the Pacific Coast range, I know both bear and cougar are there, seen their tracks, scat, kills, never ever saw one in the flesh.

If I did I would know what it was because they are well documented. They are known, people have tracked them to dens, filmed them and their young, hunted, skinned and stuffed them... captured and raised them in the wild.

If this big man hasn't ever, Ever been captured, caught, killed, skinned, stuffed, put in zoos, it simply doesn't exist.


So, because it hasn't been captured, caught, killed, skinned stuffed or put in zoos it doesn't exist?

Seems silly to me to think that way and you might want to do some research on the subject.

Heard of the Bili Ape ? Discovered in 2006. A man sized chimp with the characteristics of a gorilla. There are still things out there that haven't been found. Did this creature not exist until it suddenly did? Spend more time away from large cities and in mountainous and forested regions. If they are at all intelligent and/or use the trees for travelling, it could explain why trackers can't find them. As for why no bodies have been found, nature breaks down animals very quickly. I do admit that I find it curious that no body has ever been found or presented, but, that does not mean they don't exist.

posted on Dec, 4 2017 @ 02:00 PM

originally posted by: seagull
a reply to: superman2012

I remember you mentioning the Boreal Trail. Sorry it got cut short...hope the injury wasn't serious?

Hey, maybe you'll see a big hairy monkey in a bear suit...

Not a serious injury at all, just one that stopped me from being mobile for too long.

posted on Dec, 4 2017 @ 05:41 PM
a reply to: superman2012

Chimpanzees? Really, chimps in the congo are your goto never before documented cryptid example...

So, because it hasn't been captured, caught, killed, skinned stuffed or put in zoos it doesn't exist?

Unless your blind.

posted on Dec, 5 2017 @ 08:11 AM

originally posted by: intrptr
a reply to: superman2012

Chimpanzees? Really, chimps in the congo are your goto never before documented cryptid example...

So, because it hasn't been captured, caught, killed, skinned stuffed or put in zoos it doesn't exist?

Unless your blind.

So rather than actually taking the time and responding to something with an intelligent well thought out reply, you question something that is provable and documented? Okay.
Your second "sentence" does not make any sense without the proper context. Unless my blind what?

posted on Dec, 5 2017 @ 12:09 PM

originally posted by: superman2012

originally posted by: intrptr
a reply to: superman2012

Chimpanzees? Really, chimps in the congo are your goto never before documented cryptid example...

So, because it hasn't been captured, caught, killed, skinned stuffed or put in zoos it doesn't exist?

Unless your blind.

So rather than actually taking the time and responding to something with an intelligent well thought out reply, you question something that is provable and documented? Okay.
Your second "sentence" does not make any sense without the proper context. Unless my blind what?

Hear-say from anecdotal eye witness reports or possibly hoaxed images and fleeting footage are not enough alone to convince anyone a heretofore unclassified animal species exists.

Thats the difference between what poses for forensics and what 'some people' believe today.

As exemplified by your double blind statement. Can't really blame 'some people' though, they been conditioned to believe things without veracity by media, school and church, all their lives.

posted on Dec, 5 2017 @ 12:21 PM
As far as chimps being 'new', lol, as a species they are well documented. As a minor offshoot they probably are known to locals, have been eaten probably as bush meat too, because they are very real, to them.

Just because they aren't officially discovered till recently, doesn't mean they were hidden from everyone on the planet.

Unlike Big Foot. They remain unclassified because they don't exist. "Crytpids" isn't even an official taxonomic rank. Unlike every other critter on the planet, there is nowhere in the world you can go to thats 'home range' where guides and trackers will lead observers to their den, cave, game trail, scat, skeleton. etc.


posted on Dec, 5 2017 @ 01:27 PM
a reply to: superman2012

no body has ever been found or presented

I've wondered if that's because of cannibalism among the species. Let's imagine they're a small group in remote places. If they consume their dead that would quickly accelerate decomposition of what's left. But it's a far out theory so who knows.

I've also wondered if they have extraordinary life spans, maybe their instincts don't require them to breed often. Again, bouncing sh*t off the wall. lol

As far as

They remain unclassified because they don't exist.

Know how many species are discovered each year? Who is to say they're not genetically linked to some other species? Here's a good article discussing the thousands of species discovered every year. (also separates out plant life)

Article on new species discovered yearly

If I've learned anything on this planet, don't dismiss anything. It's a crazy world and we're still discovering it. I want to believe in bigfoot type creatures, but haven't seen one yet. (we have the big muddy monster here).

posted on Dec, 13 2017 @ 02:24 PM

originally posted by: intrptr

originally posted by: superman2012

originally posted by: intrptr
a reply to: superman2012

Chimpanzees? Really, chimps in the congo are your goto never before documented cryptid example...

So, because it hasn't been captured, caught, killed, skinned stuffed or put in zoos it doesn't exist?

Unless your blind.

So rather than actually taking the time and responding to something with an intelligent well thought out reply, you question something that is provable and documented? Okay.
Your second "sentence" does not make any sense without the proper context. Unless my blind what?

Hear-say from anecdotal eye witness reports or possibly hoaxed images and fleeting footage are not enough alone to convince anyone a heretofore unclassified animal species exists.

Thats the difference between what poses for forensics and what 'some people' believe today.

As exemplified by your double blind statement. Can't really blame 'some people' though, they been conditioned to believe things without veracity by media, school and church, all their lives.

I wonder how many other species started as anecdotal eye witness reports? Hmmm. I think you need to research a bit more before making blanket statements that do not fit where you want them to.
I do agree that there are many hoaxed images and fleeting footage nowadays, and none of those do anything to convince anyone that there is an unclassified animal species existing. What makes me actually think it is a possibility, is the many stories dating well back before the footprints found in California, which is where many people that do not know anything about this subject believe it to stem from. They can't be blamed, they were told what to think and what to believe.

Forensics? You mean the many footprints documented/casted that cannot be explained? If you believe Melba Ketchums DNA study, there has been DNA gathered and it is shown to be a human hybrid. Could you elude me in the woods? I'm sure you could.

Again, I have to agree with you. People do believe that animals don't exist, until they are proven to exist. I can't blame people for being trapped in the box that society and education put them in, they might not have the capacity to think outside the normal. The few that do, do not discount something because there is no proof.

posted on Dec, 13 2017 @ 11:42 PM
Looks like a man with a brown hoodie on. No neck. And how can anyone tell anything about Its walk? We only see the shoulders and head.

posted on Dec, 13 2017 @ 11:45 PM
a reply to: superman2012

What do you mean, no evidence?
Caution, language and stuff. Really, language.

posted on Dec, 14 2017 @ 07:11 AM
a reply to: Phage
Phage, this is your seventh and final warning.

Quit making videos just to fill out threads with content. Also, can you please keep the swearing to a minimum next time?

Thanks for the vid, I'm a true believer now.

posted on Dec, 14 2017 @ 08:25 AM
a reply to: superman2012

I wonder how many other species started as anecdotal eye witness reports? Hmmm. I think you need to research a bit more before making blanket statements that do not fit where you want them to.

I have, all my life. Case by case, long before you were born.

Anyway, you have such overwhelming proof...


posted on Dec, 14 2017 @ 08:33 AM
a reply to: Phage

What a huckster. The foot print he shows in the patch of dirt surrounded by grass is so obviously faked...

If a twelve foot tall animal weighing over a thousand pounds was on that roof it would collapse. The print it would have made from 'leaping off' would have been waaay more impressive than the one he shows.

His damn dogs bark all day long for no reason (you can hear em in the background the whole video).

posted on Dec, 14 2017 @ 08:40 AM

originally posted by: intrptr
a reply to: superman2012

I wonder how many other species started as anecdotal eye witness reports? Hmmm. I think you need to research a bit more before making blanket statements that do not fit where you want them to.

I have, all my life. Case by case, long before you were born.

Anyway, you have such overwhelming proof...


I did, Bili Ape, but you immediately discounted it because you couldn't argue against it. I have learned when people on ATS are so stuck in their way of thinking that they can not even consider there is another side to their belief. I don't argue with religious people and try to stay away from the fluoride crazies because of that.

There is nothing I can do or say or show you that would make you even ponder for a minute that you might be wrong, so why should I try?

posted on Dec, 14 2017 @ 08:54 AM
a reply to: superman2012

I did, Bili Ape, but you immediately discounted it because you couldn't argue against it.

Chimpanzees are classified, part of great ape family.

What class is 'unclassified cryptids' from? Oh, 'cryptids' aren't actually classified.


As far as 'you people' you are the people that crack me up here. This argument is pointless.

I said:

SHOW ME (evidence of Big Foot), and you reference chimpanzees.

posted on Dec, 14 2017 @ 09:04 AM

originally posted by: intrptr
a reply to: superman2012

I did, Bili Ape, but you immediately discounted it because you couldn't argue against it.

Chimpanzees are classified, part of great ape family.

What class is 'unclassified cryptids' from? Oh, 'cryptids' aren't actually classified.


As far as 'you people' you are the people that crack me up here. This argument is pointless.

I said:

SHOW ME (evidence of Big Foot), and you reference chimpanzees.

I attempted to show you that something that large can remain undetected for many years even though scientists were looking for it due to anecdotal evidence.
If you had indeed "studied this for years before I was even born", stories of the Giant Panda (searched for decades), Gorillas (mid 1800s), etc. would come to your mind as evidence that creatures of that size can elude scientists. Remember before you jump on your high horse, they thought they were the epitome of science then, just as we do now.

Did I say the Bili Ape was a cryptid? (hmm) I don't believe so. All I attempted to show you was that something that large could go undiscovered for a very long time. Just because you don't want to see the forest for the trees, doesn't make it not true. Take a step back from you firmly entrenched ideas and beliefs and you will see a whole world of possibilities open up for you. Or don't.

Possibilities, not a certainty. See what I did there? I admitted I don't know everything. My mind is not stuck in the mud of my beliefs and/or teachings.

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