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Seriously, Is There Anything Conspiracy Related at Disneyworld?

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posted on May, 16 2005 @ 08:04 AM
Selective ID,

Please elaborate on the "missing children". What are you suggesting?

posted on May, 16 2005 @ 08:40 AM
these illumnati guys sure are tricky......but how do you control someone that doesn't watch disney ? Its like the universe using 11:11 to tell us of some grand event...its not a very practical, effective or realistic way to brainwash everybody. Broadcast news would be a better bet, or the bible

here's some damning evidence;
Some of DISNEY’S

blatantly OCCULT MOVIES.

Aladdin. A wisecracking allpowerful genie is shown.
Halloween Hall of Fame (1977). Jack-o-lanterns come to life.

oh no !

[edit on 16-5-2005 by syrinx high priest]

posted on May, 27 2005 @ 02:40 AM

Lords of Chaos, Riverdale High School
April 30, 1996
Two youths identified as members of an all-white gang in Fort Myers, Fla., have been charged with planning to disguise themselves as Disney characters and then kill black visitors to Walt Disney World. The youths, Kevin Foster and Christopher Black, both 18, were indicted in Fort Myers on Wednesday by a Lee County grand jury, which accused them of plotting to mug Disney employees at the popular theme park, in Orlando; don the employees' costumes to conceal guns equipped with silencers, and then shoot black tourists.

posted on May, 29 2005 @ 11:46 PM
The only conspiracy at disney world is making you go on some of those rides with out the benefit of alcohol

posted on Jun, 4 2005 @ 07:16 PM

Originally posted by Enigmatic Debris
visit here for all your Disney conspiracy needs:

There was at one time a "supposed" animated movie that Dali and Disney where making together, one of them (can't rember which) died before it was finished. Straight Dope . But also Alice & Wonderland was written way before anything to doe with Disney but yes there are alot of erotic suggestions in the movies ect.

posted on Jun, 4 2005 @ 07:25 PM
Also if you want to work in the park female- only allowed the first tradional 1st hole ear piercings, no/very min makeup/jewelry, I think hair has to be a certin length. Guys- can't have any earings I think must have very short hair above ears everything else is about the same.

posted on Jun, 4 2005 @ 07:34 PM

Originally posted by Simulacra
Also, look deep into Disney movies, they are saturated with erotic suggestions.

Hhhhhhmmmmmm.......It just occurred to me.......I have heard about the subliminal scenes in Roger Rabbit and Aladdin, etc, and it makes sense.......Erotic and sexual subliminals would appeal to the adults in the audience and inspire them to fornicate, thusly creating more children, which is the target audience and default entertainment for tired parents. Alas, a perpetual Disney dynasty.......there is motive......I'm thinking the subliminals aren't the result of mischievious animators, but an intentional aspect of their artwork..........

That, and I've never seen a real mouse with a smile that big..........

posted on Jun, 5 2005 @ 03:19 AM
It's wierd when people visit a Disney theme park in that everybody knows exactly where everything is even though they don't read the map first. For example, some kids somehow know exactly which ride will be their favorite i.e. Splash Mountain. Also, I do believe that there is a program of mind controlling since if you think about it, how is it that the Anaheim Disneyland can operate with the utmost in precision without the utiliodors whereas Walt Disney World can't live without them? It's a little suspicious isn't it and kind of makes you wonder... I also heard that even though Tokyo Disneyland was built about a decade after Walt Disney World and obviously recieves the same amount of rain, that they like the Anaheim Disneyland, also doesn't employ a system of utilidors.

posted on Jun, 5 2005 @ 03:45 AM

Originally posted by Selective_ID
I wouldn't be surprised if Disney had some part in the tons of missing children reported each year.

Originally posted by Faeryland
Selective ID,

Please elaborate on the "missing children". What are you suggesting?

I guess that Selective ID isn't answering, and I don't know what Selective ID was suggesting, but I was about to reply to that post with my own idea.....That is that I would tend to not completely rule it out as a possibility, merely because of the fact that Walt Disney World and Disney Owned Epcot Center have an agreement with the state of Florida, that they are completely autonomous, owning their own police dept., fire dept, setting their own standards for ride safety, living condidtions for employees, garbage removal, and so on and so on.

So, although the "Disney Police" have absolutely no authority outside of the "Magic Kingdom", they have complete authority inside. So.....if there is an accident on a ride or something, and Disney doesn't want the bad publicity, well....................?

[edit on 6/5/2005 by CyberKat]

posted on Jun, 5 2005 @ 04:03 AM

Originally posted by invader_chris
Seriously, is there anything at Disneyword conspiracy related?
Okay, first off, I'm going to Disneyworld in April or something.

I want to know the facts about strange things at Disneyworld. I have heard assumably false rumors of a hidden city underneath there.

Well, like I think someone further up on this thread mentioned, there is an "underneath" of Disneyworld, but it's not hidden or a conspiracy. It's just a way for employees to enter and exit, change costumes, where the mechanisms for the rides and other attractions are, etc... no conspiracy there that I know of.

If you like, here's a link to a thread to a semi satire, semi "just wierd" thread I started on the subject of Walt Disney World and Epcot Center. I based some of it on this article. Also, if you do a google search on "Walt Disney World" and/or "Epcot Center" you will find a lot more interesting info.

Good luck, have fun and don't worry about it.....

posted on Jun, 5 2005 @ 07:14 PM
Me, my wife and kids were just there, Disneyworld in Orlando, the week of May 14th. Arriving at Magic Kingdom, we fed our tickets into a machine at the enrance (turnstile). After feeding in our tickets, each guest was required to stick your index and middle fingers into the machine also, then your ticket was returned to you. I mentioned to my wife how weird this was, that you were fingerprinted along with your ticket. I guess this was to prevent someone else from using your ticket if it was lost, but I was wondering is there another alterior motive in this procedure? Maybe your fingerprints are shared with a government agency?

posted on Jul, 2 2005 @ 10:39 PM
Yes I know this is old but I thought I would post.... I work at disney ( the magic kingdom ) and there are a few odd things Ive noticed.... for one if you take some of the back roads around there on disney property theres parts that are blacked off with tall barbed wire fences and signs saying its restricted.... there was even one with an armed gaurd ( not heavly .. , just a pistol ) o.o... I was tempted to try to go back but I dont think I could... it said authorized personel only....
And the " City " yeah its more of tunnels -.-........ theres a few convience store type things , restrooms , benches , and the " Mouskateria" which is a place to buy cooked food ... theres also a ghetto little subways subs place lol... there are elevators and stairs going up top to the park and the tunnels under tommorrow land are said to be " haunted".. but ive never seen anything yet.... only got that creepy stare at the back feeling but that was because I was alone....
Umm what else.... Pirates of the caribean is supposed to be haunted bye a construction worker that was killed during building his name is "George" and can be seen if you look backwards at some points of the ride and the ride will "shut itself down " if you call his name or some crazyness like that...
Spaceship earth will shutdown very frequently... people claim its haunted but its really just shotty engineering..
Mainly all thats at disney ( other than the restricted areas ) are over priced crap and employees( or they make us say cast members -.-. ) that dont really like theyre jobs..
I thought it would be a good first job but ehh... not much here...


posted on Jul, 5 2005 @ 08:11 PM

Originally posted by UnBreakableI mentioned to my wife how weird this was, that you were fingerprinted along with your ticket. I guess this was to prevent someone else from using your ticket if it was lost, but I was wondering is there another alterior motive in this procedure? Maybe your fingerprints are shared with a government agency?

I heard about this on "of the hook" at and the guys there explained that there is no scanner-like components in the disney finger things capable of getting a fingerprint. Instead, it measures the length and width of fingers to get a unique number to the ticket.

I did a quick google of "disney fingerprints" and this was the first hit. Says the same thing.

If you are understandably still a little freaked out, you can refuse and present a photo id instead.

If there is any conspiracy to this practice, it might be getting children used to using biometrics in general at a young age. If Disneyworld does it, it must be OK right?

[edit on 5-7-2005 by 2nd Hand Thoughts]

[edit on 5-7-2005 by 2nd Hand Thoughts]

posted on Aug, 24 2005 @ 08:34 PM
I've read in a web site that one man in Disneyland went behind a bush to smoke a cigarette and while doing so he heard children crying from a little door underneath him and he went to search it he opened the door and right then a number of security guards came and took him away he had to sign something saying that he hadn't seen anything and that he was mentally ill.

posted on Oct, 4 2008 @ 04:32 AM
reply to post by Simulacra

I am pretty sure Alice in Woderland itself was not a creation of Disney but rather an opium induced rant by Louise Carole. I believe that is how it is spelled.

posted on Oct, 4 2008 @ 04:44 AM

Originally posted by FredT
There is a basketball court inside the matterhorn, plus a members only plush club in one of the psudo cities. It hink has alot of stuff on the park

The Matterhorn is only at Disneyland in the California park. I used to work there in the late '80s - Fantasyland Attractions. The Matterhorn "basketball court" is an exaggeration, but people used to ask about it all the time. It's on the top floor inside the Matterhorn - a very, very small room that was used as a break area for the mountain climbers that would climb up and down the Matterhorn all day in the summers. There was a basketball hoop up on a wall. There was an old snow machine up there that had been put there when the ride first opened to blow snow around, but they didnt use it anymore and it was too big to take out. There was a pool table up there too. Again, it was not for the Matterhorn cast members, but a breakroom for the climbers.

This is a fun thread - brings back a lot of good memories.

posted on Nov, 25 2008 @ 09:41 PM
reply to post by Simulacra

I think you pulled that information out of your butt because Walt Disney did not write Alice in Wonderland. It was written by Lewis Carroll in the late 1800's, long before '___' was even created.

posted on Nov, 25 2008 @ 09:54 PM

Originally posted by liquidskin
Also if you want to work in the park female- only allowed the first tradional 1st hole ear piercings, no/very min makeup/jewelry, I think hair has to be a certin length. Guys- can't have any earings I think must have very short hair above ears everything else is about the same.

When I was 17 I got a job at Opryland in Nashville. They gave me the job and everything, then told me I had to cut my hair. Needless to say I never worked a single day there.

posted on Nov, 25 2008 @ 10:27 PM
reply to post by Simulacra

Alice in Wonderland was NOT written by Disney. Try again.

posted on Nov, 26 2008 @ 07:18 AM
You know what is really amazing,my mother died a few years back,so my big sister E mailed my brother thru Disneyland ,my brother retired from the LBPD and is head of security at Disneyland,she gets an E mail back,seems head of security at Disneyworld has same exact name as my brother,what are the odds huh,now my brother is Dave X lol,had to make different screen names

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