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The Russia Scandal Just Got Much Worse … For Hillary Clinton And Barack Obama

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posted on Nov, 22 2017 @ 02:44 PM
a reply to: Grambler

No it's not a mistake.

Giustra had a relationship with the Clintons when he owned the shares in that company.

Just because he wasn't personally enriched by the deal does not mean that he wouldn't want to see his former company profit.

Am I to take it then that you have no evidence of Giustra ever advocating for Russian interests? How isn't that a mistake then when you've claimed that we knew that he had? He owned shares in UrAsia Energy, which ceased to exist in 2007 when it was bought by Uranium One (a South African company).

So now we're taking direct financial ties off the table. It also seems that Giustra doesn't have a history of advocacy for Russian interests. So now we're left with Giustra wanted to see his former business partner, Ian Telfer, make a profit?

How much did Ian Telfer make from the deal? Was it enough that Giustra would be motivated to ask a favor that somehow blossomed into the entire Obama administration, the DOJ, FBI, etc all working together to make sure the deal went through? Because that's what's being implied (not quite alleged but heavily implied).

Furthermore, we have no proof that the price he was paid for the sell of those shares dkdnt factor in the u1 deal being in the works.

We have no proof that it was in the works. Keep in mind, you're talking about something that occurred 2 years prior to the Russians purchasing 17% of Uranium One, almost 3 years before they acquired the US mineral rights when Uranium One purchased Cogema and more than 3 years before Rosatom announced their intention to acquire a controlling share in Uranium One.

We also know that Giustra's shares were sold for $45 million in 2007. So let's assume for some unimaginable reason that his shares were worth $0 dollars (which they weren't), he gave three times that amount for the promise of help years down the road so that his stock price would be raised, netting him a loss of $90 million?

That doesn't make sense/ You're better off speculating that his past donations led to a relationship which made the Clintons susceptible to him asking a favor for a friend because this idea that his donations were pay for play in a future Uranium One deal is completely illogical.

Oh and btw, it wasn't just CFIUS that had to approve the Uranium One/Rosatom deal:

On July 5, 2005, Southern Cross Resources Inc. and Aflease Gold and Uranium Resources Ltd announced that they would be merging under the name SXR Uranium One Inc.[3]

In 2007 Uranium One acquired a controlling interest in UrAsia Energy,[4] a Canadian firm with headquarters in Vancouver, from Frank Giustra.[5] UrAsia Energy has interests in rich uranium operations in Kazakhstan.[6]

In June 2009, the Russian uranium mining company ARMZ Uranium Holding Co. (ARMZ), a part of Rosatom, acquired 16.6% of shares in Uranium One in exchange for a 50% interest in the Karatau uranium mining project, a joint venture with Kazatomprom.[7] In June 2010, Uranium One acquired 50% and 49% respective interests in southern Kazakhstan-based Akbastau and Zarechnoye uranium mines from ARMZ. In exchange, ARMZ increased its stake in Uranium One to 51%. The acquisition resulted in a 60% annual production increase at Uranium One, from approximately 10 million to 16 million lb.[8][9] The deal was subject to anti-trust and other conditions and was not finalized until the companies received Kazakh regulatory approvals, approval under Canadian investment law, clearance by the US Committee on Foreign Investments, and approvals from both the Toronto and Johannesburg stock exchanges. The deal was finalized by the end of 2010.[9] Uranium One's extraction rights in the U.S. amounted to 0.2% of the world’s uranium production.[10] Uranium One paid its minority shareholders a dividend of 1.06 US Dollars per share at the end of 2010.[citation needed]

ARMZ took complete control of Uranium One in January 2013 by buying all shares it did not already own.[2] In October 2013, Uranium One Inc. became a private company and a wholly-owned indirect subsidiary of Rosatom.[3][11] From 2012 to 2014, an unspecified amount of Uranium was reportedly exported to Canada via a Kentucky-based trucking firm with an existing export license; most of the processed uranium was returned to the U.S., with approximately 25% going to Western Europe and Japan.[12][13]

That's a lot of moving parts.

Are we to really believe that he gave the Clintons over a 100 million dollars and sought nothing in return?

Finally, even if you are right and guistra and his money have nothing to do with the u1 deal, so what?

He gave Streetohome Foundation $5 million in 2010. He gave something like $20-30 million to I believe it was the University of British Columbia. At the time, he was married to dot com millionaire turned social activist, documentarian, Alison Lawton (Uganda Rising, Hope in the Time of AIDS).

At the same time Giustra pledged his $100 million, Carlos Slim also pledged $100 million and another $100 million came from Lundin for Africa, philanthropic arm of Lundin Group.

Were they all paying to get Telfer a good price on his stock years down the road?

And that's all setting aside the fact that $100 million to the CF isn't $100 million to the Clintons — something that just seems to be taken for granted by most people eager to gloss over all the detail.

Is there any proof of the Clinton's self-dealing from their foundation? Embezzling money? Do they take huge salaries from the foundation? How much of those millions was actually paid out for the initiative's work?

The other ten million (some of which wasn't disclosed properly) doesn't matter?

I don't know if there was another ten million, I think it was more like 2 million and of that a couple hundred thousand in 2010. I think that the Clinton's make 10s of millions a year in speaking fees alone. How many 10s of millions more have they made from book deals? In fact, how many hundreds of millions are the Clinton's worth these days?

And to respond to this:

But by the same token, people don't give the trump team that benefit of the doubt. If they met with anyone who was ever connected to russia, it's suspect.

I think it becomes far more suspect because of their repeated lying but I digress, as to your assertion about benefit of the doubt being unfairly meted out — if I show you some favorable decisions that have directly enriched the Trumps since Trump became president, you're going to immediately assume that Trump is somehow owned by the people who have benefited Trump family businesses to the tune of far more than a couple million?

I doubt it. And since I'm not making that claim here, let's you and I stick to dealing with facts. So far, the facts don't add up to a grand conspiracy involving multiple levels of the Obama administration to push through the Uranium One deal which is the current narrative pushed by Mr. Solomon, Hannity, and the pro-Trump crowd.

+3 more 
posted on Nov, 22 2017 @ 03:31 PM
a reply to: theantediluvian

First on guistra.

If he is just giving to the Clintons out 9f genoristy, then I assume he continued to do so after the deal.

Perhaps he has, I don't know.

But to act like it's unthinkable that he could have benefited or desired to see his old company get a good deal is ridiculous.

Again, it's all a moot point anyways.

What it comes down to is you saying because the foundation got millions before the deal then it can't be that the millions they got from the players during the deal had any effect. This is absurd.

The same is true of the argument that other people other than cfius had to approve.

Well that's it then. I mean, if more than one person has to approve, then there is n9 need to question money going to people involved from Russian backed sources.

In fact, why was mikrin even charged according to you.

There were so many moving parts, so one person couldn't have broken the law!

What a joke.

We know that mikerim was bribing peiple before the u1 deal.

We know this was kept under wraps by the fbi.

We know that people that shared mikerins and russia goals in the u1 deal were giving the Clinton foundation money.

We know that some of that money wasn't disclosed.

We know Bill Clinton personally met Putin around the time of the deal. We know Bill then got 500 thousand dollars from a Russian bank.

This is all undisputed.

In addition to that, we now have an informant that claims that Russian were attempting to bribe the Clintons or people close to them about this deal.

And you think none of this is a big deal?

If even half of this happened under trump, the country would be on fire.

edit on 22-11-2017 by Grambler because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 22 2017 @ 03:51 PM

Thank you gentlemen for the best debate I've seen yet on this subject.
Informative and civil. I praise you both.

posted on Nov, 22 2017 @ 03:53 PM

originally posted by: Sillyolme

Thank you gentlemen for the best debate I've seen yet on this subject.
Informative and civil. I praise you both.

Hey I think ante is great, he knows that.

I also think he is wrong here, but it is a good discussion.

+7 more 
posted on Nov, 22 2017 @ 03:57 PM
This is going to be a little hard to ignore in itself. Not like someone wasn't trying to tell them this was a bad idea

posted on Nov, 22 2017 @ 04:26 PM

originally posted by: elementalgrove
a reply to: iTruthSeeker

The MSM does not have choice but to cover it, the evidence has been mounting and we are going to see exactly where it all leads soon enough.

No amount of burying your head in the sand will stop the guilty from being exposed.

It would have stayed under the rug if Hillary won. These are the real reasons for #resistance, to stay out of jail as long as possible.

posted on Nov, 22 2017 @ 04:32 PM
Oh please, the corrupt establishment has members of both parties, Clintons included.

posted on Nov, 22 2017 @ 04:56 PM

originally posted by: ManFromEurope

If this topic is (getting help to) trending right now, what stupid stupid thing did Trump do this time?

Because usually the trumpets come back to this thing (hello, Russia already has a lot of uranium in its own territory, it does not need more uranium for malicious intends) when they have to cover up another misdeed by Trump himself.

So you don't actually get it, do you?

Cover cover cover cover, okay thats enough, the other topics are flushed out of the life-ticker!


posted on Nov, 22 2017 @ 05:14 PM

originally posted by: dukeofjive696969

originally posted by: butcherguy
a reply to: dukeofjive696969
And when it really gets rough, they have to activate the best weapon that they have in their arsenal of CTR phrases.

Circle jerk activated.

Lol, more kool aid as usual, still waiting for you guys to prove obama was not american, why the # would we believe the rest of the propaganda.

but you only troll that thread too.

posted on Nov, 22 2017 @ 05:47 PM

originally posted by: Sillyolme
a reply to: elementalgrove

Nope. It's nothing...never was anything but a wingnut pipe dream.

It must be fascinating to live in your dream world Silly!

You never did respond to the bet that I offered after you asked me to reiterate here is the dialogue!

originally posted by: elementalgrove

originally posted by: Sillyolme
a reply to: elementalgrove

Wanna bet?

Oh absolutely Silly!

This could be fun, what would you like to wager?

How about the person who loses authors an entire thread about how they were wrong?

In this thread we shall go into great detail about how either Hilldog or Trumpster has been guilty the whole time.

We shall dive into each conspiracy of either individual and confirm that we had been duped and our confirmation bias's got in our way of seeing the truth.

We shall then analyze our own cognitive dissonance and discuss how much growth we have had due to our own self reflection.

I would love to make this bet!

How about you?

posted on Nov, 22 2017 @ 07:46 PM
a reply to: theantediluvian

Well, it looks like Our Gov runs on the same Bribery system that Russia runs on. How quaint.

posted on Nov, 22 2017 @ 08:03 PM
Hillary is paranoid about Trumps Russia Connections because she herself has Russia connections. She is projecting. #LockHerUp. Why is this hideous person still walking around freely?

edit on 2017 by Skyfloating because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 22 2017 @ 08:43 PM

originally posted by: JoshuaCox
a reply to: iTruthSeeker

Jeff Sessions just said this was nonesense but y’all just dive right in , huh???

I really wonder what it’s like to be so propaganzied, that I just believe whatever the PTB say, no matter how cray it is or how often the change the story..

Indeed, I wonder how as well.....
I'm certain that you don't even need to wonder, since that is your modus operandi.

posted on Nov, 22 2017 @ 09:02 PM

originally posted by: AndyFromMichigan
I imagine that a certain James Comey must certainly have been aware of this. But then Loretta Lynch told him to call it a "matter," so all was good again.
It was Mueller who was the lead dog at the FBI at the time, and yes, he was neck deep in it...

posted on Nov, 22 2017 @ 09:20 PM

originally posted by: TinfoilTP

originally posted by: elementalgrove
a reply to: iTruthSeeker

The MSM does not have choice but to cover it, the evidence has been mounting and we are going to see exactly where it all leads soon enough.

No amount of burying your head in the sand will stop the guilty from being exposed.

It would have stayed under the rug if Hillary won. These are the real reasons for #resistance, to stay out of jail as long as possible.

Hence Hillary quoted as saying, If Trump wins we'll all hang!!

posted on Nov, 22 2017 @ 09:22 PM

originally posted by: Skyfloating
Hillary is paranoid about Trumps Russia Connections because she herself has Russia connections. She is projecting. #LockHerUp. Why is this hideous person still walking around freely?

I like this one better.

posted on Nov, 22 2017 @ 11:44 PM
a reply to: thepixelpusher

And this:

Who they associates with tells us all we need to know about them...

posted on Nov, 23 2017 @ 12:08 AM

originally posted by: RickinVa
Bill Clinton gave a 20 minute speech for which he was paid $500,000.00

That's $416.00 a minute.

Must have been some very powerful words.

"You will receive permission to buy Uranium 1 !!! Now, where is the check being sent?"

edit on 23-11-2017 by Justoneman because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 23 2017 @ 12:09 AM
a reply to: Skyfloating

Pretty sure there are pictures of the Clinton's with trump. LOL

posted on Nov, 23 2017 @ 12:40 AM
a reply to: Sillyolme

Yeah, at a Wedding, not a fundraiser like Winestain.

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