posted on Nov, 21 2017 @ 04:25 PM
I studied the science of that and there is a reason it works. You can use bent welding rods to do that and find water lines and even witch for water
as long as there is water movement going on. special alterations to the rods can also locate gold. But only if gold is in a metallic form and close
to the ground level.
It has to do with ions and the polarization difference in opposite sides of the body. My uncle could use a wishbone style branch to find water. My
brother can use the two metal rods and is accurate. I can't get them to work, you need some special ability to do that. I understand that not
everyone can do this. from my research it appears that maybe a third of people can do it. One article was actually a government research article and
it showed that some people can find water and other conductors with the two metal rod method. There are phone company people here that use the wires
to find buried wires, I have a gizmo in the garage that has the ability to find water lines and other buried lines and it uses a magnetic sensor, like
a compass. It works on the same principle as the wires.
No magic to this, just because many scientists have not yet figured out how it works, doesn't mean it doesn't. When they figure it out they will
claim they discovered it and write a journal entry on their discovery then it will be accepted as real.
When I go out over the underground river out back of the house, my arm hairs tingle and stand up. It feels cooler there but when I use the
thermometer, it shows the same temperature. If you stand on a big rock outcrop with minerals in it, the same feeling seems to happen. Energy flowing
through a person, I think it is geomagnetic energy or what they call negative ions that are by streams and rivers.
If I hadn't personally felt it and watched the compass spin in circles I would not believe it. If I did not see people find water lines then mark
them and have miss dig come and mark them in the same spot, I would not believe it. That meter in the garage works great for me who cannot make the
wires work, my brother using the wires matches the meter.
One thing I have found, if science cannot explain something or comprehend how it works, the people often deny it is real. That is the dumbest way I
ever heard to do something. If I can't figure something out, I research it till I find how it works, not deny it. I will then say I don't know why,
scientists do not say they don't know, they automatically deny it exists.
edit on 21-11-2017 by rickymouse because: (no reason given)