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Pre-op transgender woman is suing Mass. over placement at male prison

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posted on Nov, 15 2017 @ 09:01 PM
a reply to: ketsuko

Just how many trans criminals do you think there actually are?

Enough to make bathroom laws?

posted on Nov, 15 2017 @ 09:07 PM
a reply to: Hazardous1408

The bathroom laws are for those who would take advantage of being able to walk into whatever room suits them. We've been over this before.

Prior to this openly trans thing and demands to make bathrooms whatever gender floats your boat, it was assumed they were there, but no one could tell and that's how it should be.

Afterward, a man in a frilly pink blouse can say he feels feminine and go on into whatever locker room he wants. A man who otherwise is a man in all respects (sans frilly pink blouse) can also simply say he feels like a woman and go on in too. The concern is that it gives predators who aren't trans cover.

posted on Nov, 15 2017 @ 09:42 PM
What a strange world we live in. So if there was a woman who identifies as a man do we put her with all the men since she so desparately wants to be one? Or do we put her with the women that she would enjoy and may possibly take advantage of?
Is it okay to give a criminal the freedom to choose their punishment soley based on the gender they identify with?

If you ask me, anyone who makes that decision to deny their god given gender should be fully aware and accept the consequences that it may bring. You cant have both worlds and not expect complications. Things could get very ugly in all prisons in the near future if this continues to become a thing.

posted on Nov, 15 2017 @ 09:46 PM
a reply to: Illiberation

Someone who is already running afoul of the criminal justice system has already shown such great judgment that they really ought to be allowed to decide these things.

posted on Nov, 15 2017 @ 09:58 PM
a reply to: ketsuko

Non violent drug offense... This time.

posted on Nov, 15 2017 @ 10:17 PM

originally posted by: seasonal
a reply to: ketsuko

Non violent drug offense... This time.

The only way to deal with those non violent drug offenders is chemically castrate them...... Obviously.

posted on Nov, 15 2017 @ 10:25 PM
The problem is a very real one.

Not one that many, probably most, of us can relate to, however.

The easiest, if not quite equitable, would be to place her into protective custody for the duration of her sentence.

The sexual assault problem is a very real one, whether transsexuals are involved or not. It's why most very young offenders are placed in protective custody, and why even more of them gravitate to gangs, or older more dangerous felons while in prison. For protection. ...and guess what the price for that protection might be.

Male prison, or female prison. Doesn't matter in the slightest, the problem exists in both.

Being in protective custody keeps the convict safe, well safer, as no protection is ever 100%, it also helps protect the officers. Breaking up fights, and assaults, of whatever variety, is extremely dangerous.

So arrangements of some sort should be, should have been, made.

posted on Nov, 15 2017 @ 10:26 PM
a reply to: hopenotfeariswhatweneed

The war on drugs has been good to the prison industrial complex.

posted on Nov, 15 2017 @ 11:34 PM
a reply to: seasonal

What's her legal sex? What's her legal name? After 40 years, she should have that squared away. If she did, then the state is absolutely in the wrong.

posted on Nov, 15 2017 @ 11:37 PM

originally posted by: seagull
The problem is a very real one.

Not one that many, probably most, of us can relate to, however.

The easiest, if not quite equitable, would be to place her into protective custody for the duration of her sentence.

The sexual assault problem is a very real one, whether transsexuals are involved or not. It's why most very young offenders are placed in protective custody, and why even more of them gravitate to gangs, or older more dangerous felons while in prison. For protection. ...and guess what the price for that protection might be.

Male prison, or female prison. Doesn't matter in the slightest, the problem exists in both.

Being in protective custody keeps the convict safe, well safer, as no protection is ever 100%, it also helps protect the officers. Breaking up fights, and assaults, of whatever variety, is extremely dangerous.

So arrangements of some sort should be, should have been, made.

Goddamn... yes.

It should be looked at as if the prisoner is a young offender. If you're going to send a woman to a men's prison... doing nothing to protect her is just plain sadistic.

posted on Nov, 15 2017 @ 11:45 PM

originally posted by: burdman30ott6

originally posted by: seasonal
A pre-op trans is hoping to be the first women with male genitalia

I'll take 'Sentences I never imagined I'd read' for $400, Alex. Seriously? This is how far down the slippery slope of ridiculous BS we've slipped as a people and as a culture? The man broke the law, the man has a penis and testicles and therefore should serve his sentence in a male prison. That's logical, it's fair, and dammit all, it verifies that we're not all here just to coddle the emotional and intellectual whims of a people.

A woman just got sentenced to a man's prison. While completely robbing her of her entire humanity, you just dismissed me as a human who lives and breaths in the world as a woman.

I know alerting the mods won't do anything for saying... that if I, a woman, committed a non-violent offense, I should be raped in a prison. Knowing that you'd like to see me raped in prison if I were arrested, I'd say you are a heartless bastard and plain evil if you can't, at the VERY LEAST, think of a third option besides her getting raped on a daily basis.

How can you be okay with that? Is that really who you are as a human?

posted on Nov, 15 2017 @ 11:55 PM
a reply to: Abysha

I don't have a desire to see you do anything, if I can be perfectly blunt. I think it is a cowardly cop-out to portray this as a "if you disagree with us, you want us to be raped" accusation. Is your position and mentality so weak and fragile that your entire argument requires you to pull ridiculous imagined accusations out of thin air to defend your point? "A woman" didn't do a GD thing here, as the article clearly states. Penns and testes is what has been referred to since time immortal as a man . As I've said elsewhere in this thread, prison rape is a stand alone issue which needs to be addressed as such. In the interim, equal protection under the law clearly states that this man goes to a prison for men.

ETA: on a side note, "denying you your humanity?" Srsly? You do realize both men and women are humans, ya? I'm denying you your own personal facts, or rather saying you have no right to demand others embrace your personal facts while casting aside their own. Tone down the hyperbolic BS... nobody here is calling anyone less than human.
edit on 16-11-2017 by burdman30ott6 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 15 2017 @ 11:57 PM

originally posted by: burdman30ott6
a reply to: Abysha

I don't have a desire to see you do anything, if I can be perfectly blunt. I think it is a cowardly cop-out to portray this as a "if you disagree with us, you want us to be raped" accusation. Is your position and mentality so weak and fragile that your entire argument requires you to pull ridiculous imagined accusations out of thin air to defend your point? "A woman" didn't do a GD thing here, as the article clearly states. Penns and testes is what has been referred to since time immortal as a man . As I've said elsewhere in this thread, prison rape is a stand alone issue which needs to be addressed as such. In the interim, equal protection under the law clearly states that this man goes to a prison for men.

I am a woman and you just said women like me should be raped in prison.

How do you not even think of a third option? What the hell is wrong with our society? It's like Satan took over all the old people and sucked out all compassion for humans.

It's sick.

posted on Nov, 16 2017 @ 12:04 AM

originally posted by: Abysha

originally posted by: burdman30ott6
a reply to: Abysha

I don't have a desire to see you do anything, if I can be perfectly blunt. I think it is a cowardly cop-out to portray this as a "if you disagree with us, you want us to be raped" accusation. Is your position and mentality so weak and fragile that your entire argument requires you to pull ridiculous imagined accusations out of thin air to defend your point? "A woman" didn't do a GD thing here, as the article clearly states. Penns and testes is what has been referred to since time immortal as a man . As I've said elsewhere in this thread, prison rape is a stand alone issue which needs to be addressed as such. In the interim, equal protection under the law clearly states that this man goes to a prison for men.

you just said women like me should be raped in prison.

You're entirely wrong on several fronts there... but you already know that, so moving on.

posted on Nov, 16 2017 @ 12:06 AM
a reply to: seasonal

Give him a padded cell someplace, and be done? He isn't a woman, and never will be. Surgery or no surgery, this is a man. He doens't have a right to be in a prison for women.

posted on Nov, 16 2017 @ 12:09 AM
a reply to: seasonal

Sure has, the company selling castration kits may be in for a win too,well if some people around this place get their way that is.

posted on Nov, 16 2017 @ 12:10 AM

originally posted by: burdman30ott6

originally posted by: Abysha

originally posted by: burdman30ott6
a reply to: Abysha

I don't have a desire to see you do anything, if I can be perfectly blunt. I think it is a cowardly cop-out to portray this as a "if you disagree with us, you want us to be raped" accusation. Is your position and mentality so weak and fragile that your entire argument requires you to pull ridiculous imagined accusations out of thin air to defend your point? "A woman" didn't do a GD thing here, as the article clearly states. Penns and testes is what has been referred to since time immortal as a man . As I've said elsewhere in this thread, prison rape is a stand alone issue which needs to be addressed as such. In the interim, equal protection under the law clearly states that this man goes to a prison for men.

you just said women like me should be raped in prison.

You're entirely wrong on several fronts there... but you already know that, so moving on.

And I know which of those fronts you are entirely wrong on.

But I agree, "moving on".

posted on Nov, 16 2017 @ 12:12 AM

originally posted by: LadyGreenEyes
a reply to: seasonal

Give him a padded cell someplace, and be done? He isn't a woman, and never will be. Surgery or no surgery, this is a man. He doens't have a right to be in a prison for women.

Even you at least have compassion for a woman you don't understand. Yes, there are third options.

Thank you.

posted on Nov, 16 2017 @ 12:36 AM

originally posted by: Abysha

originally posted by: LadyGreenEyes
a reply to: seasonal

Give him a padded cell someplace, and be done? He isn't a woman, and never will be. Surgery or no surgery, this is a man. He doens't have a right to be in a prison for women.

Even you at least have compassion for a woman you don't understand. Yes, there are third options.

Thank you.

One, this is a man, no matter what he might "feel like". Two, he's no more important than any other prisoner. Things happen to a lot of people in prison. This prisoner isn't any more in need or protection than is any other. Regular guys are raped and shanked, regularly, in prisons. That's a very real issue, and not one unique to someone who considers themselves to be "transgendered". That issue does need to be dealt with, and is a real problem, and NO ONE here has stated otherwise. What is stated is this person is no better than any other there, no more in need of protection. Placing a guy with male genitalia into a women's prison is a bad idea, all the way around. How about the young guy who has a really "pretty" face, and isn't very muscular? Women's prison for him, too? How about the ones targeted just because? Women's prison for them? How about a female prisoner, who identifies as male? Can they toss her into the men's prison, even if she's still anatomically correct? That's the issue here. Abuses in prison is another issue, and an important one. However, that doesn't mean that anyone who doesn't agree with a male being placed in a female prison is supporting prison violence.

Personally, I think they'd be better to keep prisoners locked up more, no opportunities for such violence, cameras everywhere, and any who violate the rules, guards included, are tossed in solitary, and left there. Committing a violent act while already in prison? Not something we should tolerate.

posted on Nov, 16 2017 @ 12:42 AM
a reply to: LadyGreenEyes

Or, don't lock up non violent drug offenders with hardened criminals that would happily rape and shank others.... Would that not be a far simpler solution?

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