posted on Oct, 31 2018 @ 03:21 AM
The EU has been feeding for years a misconception of gigantic proportions :
The EU claims that it is its own success that there weren't any wars on the European continent since the end of WW2.
Sometimes this credit is also attributed to NATO, again erroneously.
The ONLY reason that there were no wars in the European continent since 1945 is that the USA and the USSR/Russia have systematically impeded them,
even while the EU and NATO were doing their best to heighten tensions and to attempt to start wars at all costs.
E.g. The continuous German orchestrated tensions in Berlin ... the constant hammering fascist propaganda in Italy, Zbigniew Brzezinski, the bombing
of Yugoslavia in 1999 ... the current Ukrainian crisis and even 9-11 itself was exploited by the EU and NATO to attempt to start wars in eastern
Europe against Russia