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Actor Anthony Rapp: Kevin Spacey Made A Sexual Advance Toward Me When I Was 14

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posted on Oct, 30 2017 @ 09:32 PM

originally posted by: rickymouse

originally posted by: seasonal

originally posted by: rickymouse
There are a lot of people with skeletons in the closet. This whole thing could tear our country apart if everyone starts blaming everyone going back fifty years. Alcohol tends to distort inhibitions, so do some meds. Women probably have a lot of stories to tell about things in their past. I know some girls that were pretty wild, hanging out with the bad boys. They learned not to go with that kind of guy, there was no future. So they changed and settled down with a decent guy who asked no questions about her past. And they had kids and grandkids and had a good life. Why would someone want to start opening up their past and get stressed out. Sometimes bad things set the stage for good things to happen.

I can see adressing rapes and stuff like that and calling in the police right away, but you can't start getting obsessed with the things that went bad in your life, focus on the good and lessen your risk of bad things ever happening again. Otherwise you will go nuts and live a life full of negativity. Why do people want to open up old wounds and start stressing themselves out again.

I am not saying I approve of a person raping people or grabbing at someone's butt but I am saying dwelling on it and allowing it to ruin your life is not right either. Letting that happen makes it much worse. I have never had anything like that happen so I cannot truely comprehend it. But if I had, I would bury it and look at the good out there. I have known some women who always set their target on the bad boys, I can't understand why they would want to torture themselves so bad. Some of the most popular guys were jerks, I couldn't understand why any girl would go out with them.

Except if Spacey is still in a rapey mood, this could stop him preying on other youngin's in 2017.

Yeah, I can see him needing to go to jail. I think this should have been taken care of years ago by someone. I am more talking about skeletons in the closet referring to victims letting this stuff ruin their life.

I was giving kids rides on my farm tractor years ago at my daughters birthday party., they were the kids of good friends. I let them steer and shift and raise and lower the loader. A good friend of mine mentioned that I should not have them sit in my lap, it never even dawned on me that teaching kids to drive a tractor could be construed as being a pedophile. I thought about it and never gave any more kids rides, other than some of my grandkids after that. I could not comprehend that someone could take that as being child molesting, my dad taught us kids how to drive the tractor that way and also a few of my cousins. He was not interested in kids at all that way, neither was I. I am glad my friend actually informed me about that, I had no clue it was inappropriate to do that. I taught my daughter to drive sitting in my lap when she was young, maybe six years old. I figured I should teach her the basics in case I got hurt or had some sort of heart attack when we were out fishing or picking berries. There were no cell phones back then.

I look at some of this stuff and understand how families have no connection anymore. Someone seeing someone teaching their kid to drive a riding mower might get the cops called on them.

Yep, in the 80s we sat on dads lap and steered his big orange chevy pickup truck down the beach in Ocean Shores. And I have pics of me and my female cousin when we were 3 or 4, naked in the back yard playing in a little plastic wading pool maybe 5' in diameter. Also have old pics of my sisters naked in the bathtub together at age 2-4. These are not Polaroids, they were developed in a store, so at least one employee saw the pictures each time my family had photos developed, at however many different stores they went to, and nobody ever turned us in for anything.

I believe the nudity taboos are actually making the problem worse...

posted on Oct, 31 2017 @ 04:09 AM
Ok, I've not read the whole thread but Spacey's attitude just annoys me, he just believes his simple little statement would absolve him from any blame. "Oh I'm sorry I was drunk and attempted to have sex with you", the nerve of him, a young boy and this pervert tries to have sex with him not caring if its going to affect his life.

And before I get grief, I use the term pervert NOT because he's gay but because he tried it on a young man of what was it, 14?

There should have been a personal full apology to the guy BEFORE the facebook post and an offer to hand himself in to Police, instead he plays the 'I was drunk card', Sorry Kevin, not enough and now you face the public displeasure.

As for him coming out, is he kidding, since I first saw him in Outbreak with Dustin Hoffman it was clear he was gay and hanging around known gay parts of London claiming to be mugged when he was actually meeting young men outed him a long time ago. Personally I don't understand why people who are gay refuse to be honest, there's scores of gay men and women openly plying their acting trade with no problems, keeping it a secret only keeps the BS stigma going.

Just be yourself, remove the emotional chains, I myself suffer mental health issues of depression etc, I'm open about it, it helps both me and the people I know mesh better, if I was gay I'd do the same, its hardly a big deal in civilised Western culture now, its only these repressed Middle Eastern etc cultures that attack gays while secretly having that very lifestyle throughout.

Cowards and criminals...

posted on Oct, 31 2017 @ 05:12 AM
a reply to: Grambler i wonder if thats why they announced this as last season of house of cards they new this was coming? but yeah he needs to be called out for it. now he trying to deflect by coming out that he is gay. spacey you are an idiot cause by you doing that you make it seem more likely to have happened not less. let holly weird collapse in on it self.


posted on Oct, 31 2017 @ 05:23 AM

originally posted by: proteus33
a reply to: Grambler i wonder if thats why they announced this as last season of house of cards they new this was coming? but yeah he needs to be called out for it. now he trying to deflect by coming out that he is gay. spacey you are an idiot cause by you doing that you make it seem more likely to have happened not less. let holly weird collapse in on it self.


I think the worst part of his apology the damage he did to that person and he can't even recall it. And even worse blames being drunk as an excuse like throwing up on your bushes is the same as molesting a child. This tells me he's got serious mental issues that he isn't dealing with at all. And he's very much a danger to children currently as well.

posted on Oct, 31 2017 @ 07:57 AM
a reply to: dragonridr

Netflix cancelled House of Cards. Way to go Spacey. You put yourself and others out of work.

posted on Oct, 31 2017 @ 09:08 AM
a reply to: thepixelpusher

Perhaps he should be out of work.

Too bad for those around him. From what I am reading many many knew he was a creep. Moral of the story is do not hitch your wagon to an accused and rumored child molester.

Spacey has a net worth of $100,000,000 he'll be fine.

posted on Oct, 31 2017 @ 07:45 PM
Here's something to think about:

When Kevin Spacey did this to Anthony Rapp, it was still legal in several states to get married when you were 14 years old (with your parents permission), but it was illegal in a number of states to be gay.

Now, it's illegal to even touch a 14 year old and it's legal to be gay and have a gay marriage.

originally posted by: thepixelpusher
Netflix cancelled House of Cards. Way to go Spacey. You put yourself and others out of work.

The incident happened more than 30 years ago.
edit on 31-10-2017 by CryHavoc because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 31 2017 @ 07:52 PM
I'm not letting Spacey off the hook at all (so please don't misinterpret), but why was a 14 year old at a party like this without a chaperone?

posted on Oct, 31 2017 @ 08:04 PM

originally posted by: Dudemo5
I'm not letting Spacey off the hook at all (so please don't misinterpret), but why was a 14 year old at a party like this without a chaperone?

But it doesn't matter, does it? Maybe he was a runaway, or there without permission, or somebody was supposed to be keeping an eye on him. But it doesn't matter. Only Spacey has responsibility for this. When you are that age you can't give consent, so even if he gave consent, he didn't because he couldn't.

posted on Oct, 31 2017 @ 08:08 PM

originally posted by: ladyinwaiting

originally posted by: Dudemo5
I'm not letting Spacey off the hook at all (so please don't misinterpret), but why was a 14 year old at a party like this without a chaperone?

But it doesn't matter, does it? Maybe he was a runaway, or there without permission, or somebody was supposed to be keeping an eye on him. But it doesn't matter. Only Spacey has responsibility for this. When you are that age you can't give consent, so even if he gave consent, he didn't because he couldn't.

Why did I bother saying that I was not letting Spacey off the hook if the FIRST person who responds to me responds as if I am?

I repeat: Spacey is responsible for his actions.

And I repeat my question: Why was a 14 year old at this party without a parent or chaperone?

I am suggesting that he was let down by other people as well.

And yeah, it sort of does matter, especially if what we're talking about is a system that puts children in vulnerable situations and predators who take advantage of them.
edit on 31-10-2017 by Dudemo5 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 31 2017 @ 08:13 PM

originally posted by: Dudemo5

originally posted by: ladyinwaiting

originally posted by: Dudemo5
I'm not letting Spacey off the hook at all (so please don't misinterpret), but why was a 14 year old at a party like this without a chaperone?

But it doesn't matter, does it? Maybe he was a runaway, or there without permission, or somebody was supposed to be keeping an eye on him. But it doesn't matter. Only Spacey has responsibility for this. When you are that age you can't give consent, so even if he gave consent, he didn't because he couldn't.

Why did I bother saying that I was not letting Spacey off the hook if the FIRST person who responds to me responds as if I am.

I repeat: Spacey is responsible for his actions.

And I repeat my question: Why was a 14 year old at this party without a parent or chaperone.

I am suggesting that he was let down by other people as well.

Well, yeah. I got that. And I thought I tried to answer your question, smarty pants. Ya know the part I posted about the runaway, there without permission, blah blah. That was "answering your question". I mean, seriously, who knows?

I even left you a beer to demonstrate I got it.

posted on Oct, 31 2017 @ 08:14 PM

originally posted by: ladyinwaiting

originally posted by: Dudemo5

originally posted by: ladyinwaiting

originally posted by: Dudemo5
I'm not letting Spacey off the hook at all (so please don't misinterpret), but why was a 14 year old at a party like this without a chaperone?

But it doesn't matter, does it? Maybe he was a runaway, or there without permission, or somebody was supposed to be keeping an eye on him. But it doesn't matter. Only Spacey has responsibility for this. When you are that age you can't give consent, so even if he gave consent, he didn't because he couldn't.

Why did I bother saying that I was not letting Spacey off the hook if the FIRST person who responds to me responds as if I am.

I repeat: Spacey is responsible for his actions.

And I repeat my question: Why was a 14 year old at this party without a parent or chaperone.

I am suggesting that he was let down by other people as well.

Well, yeah. I got that. And I thought I tried to answer your question, smarty pants. Ya know the part I posted about the runaway, there without permission, blah blah. That was "answering your question". I mean, seriously, who knows?

I even left you a beer to demonstrate I got it.

But I think it does matter. That's my point. We're talking potentially about a system that puts children in vulnerable positions and the predators who take advantage of it.

You'll have to forgive me for disregarding the beer. Most of the time the beer is just another emoticon that means "suck it."

posted on Oct, 31 2017 @ 08:21 PM
a reply to: Dudemo5

You'll get no further annoying comments from me. I'm sitting at my desk dressed as a black cat and I look very, very cute. I even have on my skeleton-glow-in-the-dark earrings. No grouchy pants gonna get me in a bad mood.


posted on Oct, 31 2017 @ 08:22 PM

originally posted by: ladyinwaiting
a reply to: Dudemo5

You'll get no further annoying comments from me. I'm sitting at my desk dressed as a black cat and I look very, very cute. I even have on my skeleton-glow-in-the-dark earrings. No grouchy pants gonna get me in a bad mood.


Well that sounds way better that the stuff we were discussing.

posted on Oct, 31 2017 @ 08:31 PM

originally posted by: Dudemo5

originally posted by: ladyinwaiting
a reply to: Dudemo5

You'll get no further annoying comments from me. I'm sitting at my desk dressed as a black cat and I look very, very cute. I even have on my skeleton-glow-in-the-dark earrings. No grouchy pants gonna get me in a bad mood.


Well that sounds way better that the stuff we were discussing.

Most likely. Now I have to go find Rocinante. He's missing and I dressed him as an alien.

posted on Nov, 3 2017 @ 12:58 PM
Here we go again...

posted on Nov, 3 2017 @ 04:50 PM
a reply to: thepixelpusher

The Metropolitan Police confirmed that they are investigating an alleged assault on a man from 2008.

RE: House of Card

[Production shutdown] comes after a number of allegations, including CNN reporting that Spacey made the set of Netflix's House of Cards into a "toxic" work environment through a pattern of sexual harassment.

It said allegations were made by eight people who currently work on the show, or worked on it in the past, with one former employee alleging the actor sexually assaulted him., news - Kevin Spacey: UK police investigate sexual assault claim.

Seems Kevin Spacey does not have "bad decisions" but is a repeated, rehearsed, active predator.

Google: kevin spacey Nazi dad (also, replace Nazi dad" with "Satanist" because that brings a whole bunch of hits too)

And there is yet another example of KS making an excuse that "he is the real victim" because he suffered at the hands of his dad.

The guys is a real piece of work.

posted on Nov, 3 2017 @ 06:00 PM
This is going to sound a bit weird, but hear me out, please.

The thing that makes me suspect the Rapp case might be the tip of a very nasty iceberg is Rapp himself, or perhaps that should be "was."

He's no looker now, and to go by the photographs I've seen of him as a teenager, he wasn't even a cute teenager (by any stretch of the word 'cute'). He looked sort of geeky, with big glasses, very slightly buck-toothed, rather bouffant nerdy hair with a parting, in a very 1980s way.

This is the closest pic I could find to him at 14 y.o., and it's from 1986 when Rapp was 15 (born 1971). Without wanting to sound too ghoulish, it wouldn't look at all out-of-place on an FBI poster asking the public for clues about a child abduction/murder. In a way, it tells its own story, which I'll "unpack" a little, below.

What that photo says to me is that Spacey's misconduct wasn't so much of a case of sexual attraction based on striking appearance, but an opportunistic assault on someone who was already socially-isolated to some degree. It just reeks of premeditation, watching and waiting, sizing up a victim, weighing up whether they are likely to have close friends to confide in (or whether they are a typical pubescent kid, awkward and confused), then moving in for the "kill" when they are on their own.

That's what bothers me about this. In no way was this a case of a gregarious kid who might have looked a couple of years older than he was, in a social setting like a club. This was the exact opposite of an accident, it was something Spacey had clearly planned.

I mean, there was a reason Spacey went unaccompanied to this boy's room in the first place, right?

posted on Dec, 24 2018 @ 06:02 PM
Confessions of a madman or someone trying to muddy the water to potential jury members

quite transfixing and so much double layered talk, would have needed cameramen, editors, productions staff and script writing to be made.

What gives?

Not sure any lawyer would have suggested as such

posted on Dec, 24 2018 @ 09:01 PM
a reply to: UpIsNowDown

This sadist deserves his punishment for the crimes he committed. Who cares about an actor putting out a video playing a character who downplays his crimes??!

Lying bastard. Rot in hell!

edit on 24-12-2018 by TEOTWAWKIAIFF because: Stoopid autocorrectives

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