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Bill Clinton personally met with Vladimir Putin to get the uranium deal approved

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posted on Oct, 20 2017 @ 01:54 PM
Did I just witness Phage throwing the Clintons under the bus?

Or did we just timeslip into an alternative reality?

posted on Oct, 20 2017 @ 01:55 PM

originally posted by: Phage
a reply to: Grambler

Have I advocated for Trump to be indicted?

This is real evidence here, not like that fake stuff about Trump.

I don't think you advocated for indictment for trump.

I was serious, I can't tell if you are being sarcastic or not.

posted on Oct, 20 2017 @ 02:00 PM
a reply to: ausername

Sure, Zerohedge is a completely reliable source and the only thing the meeting could have been about was to negotiate a deal which Clinton alone, out of seven others, could have vetoed. But she didn't so...there you go...guilty. There were seven agencies on that committee, right? Or was it nine?

I say petition the DOJ to indict. Because zerohedge. Because meeting.

edit on 10/20/2017 by Phage because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 20 2017 @ 02:01 PM
a reply to: Grambler

I'm thinking either sarcasm or hell has frozen over.

posted on Oct, 20 2017 @ 02:02 PM
maybe vlad and bill where out enjoying pissing nudes

posted on Oct, 20 2017 @ 02:03 PM
a reply to: Phage

lol... well played.

posted on Oct, 20 2017 @ 02:03 PM

originally posted by: ausername
a reply to: Grambler

I'm thinking either sarcasm or hell has frozen over.

Its sarcasm.

He thinks this story is nothing.

I am sure he will go back to demanding investigations of hookers peeing and Pokemon now.
edit on 20-10-2017 by Grambler because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 20 2017 @ 02:27 PM

originally posted by: grey580
a reply to: Iamonlyhuman

hrmm.... makes you wonder why Russia would rig the election in Trump's favor since they were on speaking terms with the Clintons.

Maybe they wouldn't play ball.

Every single post I have ever read about this subject ASSumes that Putin knew Trump was going to win. "Putin put him in office!!!" "He is Putin's STOOGE!!!"

Maybe, it's time to take what we actually know so far, and build a case on what really happened.

Here is my take. Billary, knew she was going to win. She has said this like 4,000,000 times. So, let's look at everything that happened with those particular rose colored glasses in mind.

Hillary and Bill knew she had this election IN THE BAG. So, they arranged the Uranium One deal, WITH Bill handling Putin and then Killary (inside the State dept), greased the skids and made sure the deal went through. QUIETLY. That is just now starting to really come out.

As compensation, the Russians behind this deal, then sent ~100M-ish to the Clinton Foundation. I say ~100M because I've seen various different numbers floated out there. So, let's say it was a Ben Franklin ($100) just to take that argument off the table.

The Russians send $100 to the Foundation. Putin, KNOWS he has Killary by the short hairs. Once she is in office, he can bribe the living hell out of her, because THAT's one nice kickback (hey, I need a Ben Franklin!!).

During this time, the Russians need to create a complete dossier on Trump too. You know, just in case. What they find, couldn't fill a thimble.

Fast forward to the day after the election.

So, Killary had this one in the bag. ALL of their nefarious actions (DNC, you can name all of them) are going to suddenly get thrust to the top. SHE LOST!! The MSM is in a full panic. We all saw the meltdown that continues to today.

So, the Killary camp starts feeding this false narrative to their contacts in the MSM, TRUMP COLLUDED WITH RUSSIA TO SNATCH MY RIGHTFUL ELECTION!! SICK HIM NOW!!!!

Putin, planned for Killary to be in the Oval Office. He had planned to use the Uranium One deal as continuous blackmail against her and her administration. Had she won, by now, we would be watching SO MANY deals being done with Russia with THEM getting the upper hand. Because, they had her by the short hairs.

Up until the actual election itself, Russia KNEW Killary would be elected. Look at the deals that are now coming to light.

Killary and the DNC have been trying to railroad Trump's presidency from the day after, until today. Change the subject. Change the narrative. Focus on Trump. DON'T LOOK THIS WAY YOU DUMBA$$, IT's TRUMP NOT ME!!!

Fast forward to today. Evidence of ANY Trump/Russia "collusion"? None. Not even a crumb. Evidence of Killary working with the Russians to secure a deal taking 20% of America's Uranium, then kicking back $100 (add as many digits as you find out the truth) THEN knowing that as sitting President, she can then feed the MSM whatever narrative her staff knows will deflect any target that may be on her back, to ANYONE or ANYTHING else? THAT would be where we are today had Killary won. But, she didn't win, did she. Hummm, now how do we keep Killary from going to jail...

So, what actually happened to the Clinton Foundation? I would bet you that same Ben Franklin, that had Killary won, the Clinton Foundation would need several THOUSAND large bank vaults to store all of the "donations". Russia, would win every single deal. They have her in the bag.

Instead, TRUMP won with one of the largest landslide victories ever.

The next 3 years are going to be rather hard on the entire DNC, Killary will eventually find herself testifying in her defense. She can run, but she can't hide everything.

Had she won, ALL of this would already be either swept under a VERY large rug, OR someone else would be heading to jail in her place. Monty, I'll take door number 2.

Instead, the MSM, and the entire DNC machine are working day and night to try to keep all of this under wraps.

I give this 3 more months, and you are going to start to see some real fractures in the DNC, Killary's camp, and the entire DNC infrastructure. You can run, deflect, and try to put the blame on anyone else, but eventually, the truth does catch up with you.

So, why hasn't Putin put this out there to destroy her once and for all? Has anyone else noticed that she is talking about another run in 2020? THAT's why. He may still be able to use that blackmail (if all of this continues to cause no real harm to the DNC or her), unless of course she's in jail by then.

Everything on my body is crossed hoping that they can finally throw her a$$ behind bars. Because, if for whatever reason she gets elected in 2020, whatever gods there may be, please have mercy on us.

posted on Oct, 20 2017 @ 02:28 PM

originally posted by: Phage
a reply to: ausername

Sure, Zerohedge is a completely reliable source and the only thing the meeting could have been about was to negotiate a deal which Clinton alone, out of seven others, could have vetoed. But she didn't so...there you go...guilty. There were seven agencies on that committee, right? Or was it nine?

I say petition the DOJ to indict. Because zerohedge. Because meeting.

Phage, I've seen both numbers too, but I'm leaning towards 9.

posted on Oct, 20 2017 @ 02:36 PM
BTW, I wanted to clarify my stance on all of this. Yes, I'm a Trump supporter. BUT, had there been evidence that his company (while he was Secretary of State), got a multi million dollar "donation" because he arranged a deal where we sold 20% of America's Uranium to Russia in exchange for that bribe, I would say throw his a$$ in jail right now. Period.

posted on Oct, 20 2017 @ 02:36 PM

originally posted by: ausername
lol you can almost see the devious gears spinning in Putin's head here...


Looks like Billy boy made Putin blush.

posted on Oct, 20 2017 @ 02:43 PM
I stopped reading a zerohedge.

It cracks me up - there's endless complaining about the "MSM" as fake news, and yet those very same people continue to create threads referencing BS sites like zh. Sad!

posted on Oct, 20 2017 @ 03:45 PM

originally posted by: Phage
a reply to: Grambler

Have I advocated for Trump to be indicted?

This is real evidence here, not like that fake stuff about Trump.

Had to refresh the page....twice....just to make sure I was reading the words correctly that you typed.


posted on Oct, 20 2017 @ 06:00 PM

originally posted by: Shadys321
How is this “article from 2010” even thread-worthy?

Hey! What a smackdown! Your super intelligent response reminds me pretty much of one of Hillary's during that senate investigation:

"What difference does it make at this time," or words to that effect.

posted on Oct, 21 2017 @ 05:13 AM

originally posted by: redtic
I stopped reading a zerohedge.

It cracks me up - there's endless complaining about the "MSM" as fake news, and yet those very same people continue to create threads referencing BS sites like zh. Sad!

Know what gives me a belly shake laugh ? Uninformed folks making comments about the one news source quoted in an OP. Without knowing it is ALL OVER the news .
Congratulations and give yourself a well deserved pat on the back. But dont break your arm in doing so...

posted on Oct, 21 2017 @ 05:38 AM


posted on Oct, 21 2017 @ 05:56 AM
a reply to: AndyFromMichigan

in my best bill clinton voice,

now vald were gonna sell you the uranium, but you got to pay to play.
and how about setting me up with some of those golden shower girls you got for trump next time i'm in town.
oh yea!

posted on Oct, 21 2017 @ 10:10 AM
a reply to: Grambler

Its a good question to ask ourselves and not one another. While you are asking questions, let us ask ourselves why when the Republicans were the Minority that they voted to repeal and replace more than 50 times by some measures and over 70 times in others knowing that there was no way it would pass, however when they have the Majority and an opportunity to pass a measure that all of a sudden they can't spell YES much less pass a bill as the party in charge.

I am not going to argue the merits of the health care bill as it has both good and bad in it as far as I am concerned but the Republicans are in total control, the Executive and Legislative Branches of government and many would say they now own the Judicial Branch as well.

This much I can tell you, that if they wanted an investigation then there would be one, if they wanted the Affordable Care Act replaced it would have been, so instead of asking each other why do we not ask our Republican friends in office about why there is no investigation. And just so we are not targeting our Republican friends lets ask the Democrats why when they were in charge as the majority why they didn't change the weapon laws if they are so bad, again if they wanted to change them then they would have changed them.

This ACT that our politicians put on has to be close to the final Act, after all not much has changed in my life time in regards to taxes, guns, term limits, Social Security and Etc. If you think that another investigation is warranted and that it will actually accomplish something other than large expenditures to a group of law offices that later hire the same people that gave them all that money to "investigate" then ask them for one.

Personally, I believe that it should be mandatory to report to the closest prison after serving in public office for a duration commensurate with the amount of time you served, I bet Term Limits would pass shortly after that requirement was passed but good luck getting anything passed that they don't want and can't use to continue to Divide and Conquer in order to maintain control and power over the money.

posted on Oct, 21 2017 @ 11:04 AM

originally posted by: DJMSN
a reply to: Iamonlyhuman

I read the whole rather poorly written piece which easily identified it as being from Zero Hedge, which is simply a partisan blog. Can you show me any law or regulation that prohibits a former President from meeting with the leader of another country?

I am pretty sure he doesnt need to ask nor would you or I need to ask. You are simply blinded by Partisan fear and hatred to see thru a crafted story by fellow blinded Partisans.

Does this mean no wrong was committed in this case ? No, but you cant prove money given to a foundation as a charitiable contribution is anything else especially when both parties say it was a charitiable contribution. No matter how many cheap thrid grade level written stories that the Zeros at Zero Hedge make up is going to change that fact.

No more so than the media meditating channeling and chanting RUSSIA; RUSSIA; RUSSIA means that Trump is some sort of closet communist ready to sell out his country. Both stories are nothing more than divide and conquer tactis being used to maintain the status Qo.

I didn't know the russian investors had $145 million dollars worth of concern for childhood obesity.

And minus 9% that actually might get near the fat kids, not a bad payday for hillary's signature.

posted on Oct, 21 2017 @ 11:59 AM
a reply to: burgerbuddy

I don't doubt that there are dirty dealings going on however I do doubt that anything can or will ever be proven. I seriously doubt Bill and Hillary have any interest in childhood obesity either and yes its a great way to raise money and then pay yourself as a foundation board member or whatever.

As I stated I would like to see all of them go to the nearest prison and I don't discriminate, both Republicans and Democrats need to go. Getting the proof to send them there however is a little different than providing a U-Boob video and mad typing on a blog saying they are guilty and since I am realistic, I know that its not going to happen anytime soon .

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