My first thought was:
Wouldn´t somebody of the people directly in front of that building see where the shots are coming from? They even run into the direction of that
building, to take cover, as it seems.
Or maybe to stop the shooter?
There is definitely a man on the roof, but the pic of him, before climbing up to the roof, it doesn´t look as if he is masked. At least for me it
looks not like a masked man.
And the muzzle flashs could be the flashlight of a spyPhone, while taking pictures.
The man could have been just somebody who wanted to hear/see the concert without paying, and then shtf and he took pictures of the chaos unfolding
beneath him.
He is just to good to see, a shooter would hide himself on the roof and you wouldn´t see him in the video.
Just some thoughts.
On the other side, we all know that the whole official story stinks...
But with this event it will be like with all the other curious events before, we all know that something is really wrong, but we will never get real
evidence. Because the puppetmasetrs of such events are to good incovering up their tracks, in forming, creating the "reality", as they need it.
You know, nobody knew that the japanese were coming for Pearl Harbor... L H Oswlad shot Kennedy, all alone... Muslims with carpet knives hijacked
planes they never could fly and flew manoeuvres that were almost impossible, even for real pilots that were at least able to fly single engine sport
planes... "U"S Special Forced killed Bin Laden and threw him into the sea, without taking any evidence like DNA samples for example, to present them
to the public, etc. etc.
The ones that write the history books are creating the reality people later believe to.
And these people have an elastic relationship with the truth, with the real reality!
We all will know forever that something is wrong with all those events, but we will never be able to prove it.
edit on 19 10 2017 by DerBeobachter because: (no reason given)