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North Korea Says Diplomacy is Over - Nuclear War May Start at Any Moment.

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posted on Oct, 18 2017 @ 07:19 AM
a reply to: gps777

so I`m in agreement with you on innocent people being murdered, but you don`t mention any empathy for the citizens of NK, just ignored the rest of my post and quoted what you liked to attack to fit your view

You mean this bit ?

I hope for the very best for them.

I also noticed you didn`t mention any of the innocent people slaughtered continually in the name of the death cult Islam, that lead to the conflict, guess your afraid you`ll be called a bigot as most are.

I didn't mention it because it has no bearing on the situation in North Korea , I would however point out that Saddam Hussein had nothing to do with Islamic terrorism , the conflict was about other stuff.

What is your solution, pretend it all doesn`t exist so long as your not directly affected and do nothing, that`s weak, attack those who think otherwise or say "who are we to judge", which is a judgement within its self, allow it to continue while our own existence is threatened with nuclear destruction by a communist tyrannical dictatorship, but Trumps an idiot, Trumps an idiot, Trumps an idiot like a broken record, your in denial of your own judgements gortex.

My solution is dialog , withdrawing the threat amassed at the North's borders and keeping up the pressure on China to help resolve the matter.
If you think what I posted was an attack on you then you are wrong , it was a salient point , who are we to tell others how to run their own affairs.
Yes Trump is an idiot but no one said puppets need to be smart.

He won the election by using the media against themselves to give him air time, he is turning America around, unemployment is the lowest in 17 years and has added 5.5 trillion dollars to the stock market since being in office, he is slashing middle class income tax, making the lives of the back bone of America far better. Ignore his personality and watch what he achieves.

He won the election by using dog whistles and fear , if he had been faced with a stronger opposition candidate he most likely wouldn't have won , his victory was more down to the weakness of the US electoral system than being the right candidate at the right time.

Trumps no idiot, don't buy into the charade.

History will prove one of us right and one of us wrong .... I'm more than happy with my position.

edit on 18-10-2017 by gortex because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 18 2017 @ 08:14 AM
a reply to: carewemust

So how are they going to get Kim Jong to sit still long enough to locate him?

posted on Oct, 18 2017 @ 08:26 AM

originally posted by: muzzleflash
a reply to: carewemust

I think we should stop violating DPRK's right to possess the same weapons we threaten them with.

It's we who are in the wrong here.

Aside from Trump threatening to wipe them from the face of the earth (and he is a braggart blowhard), the U.S. hasn't threatened NK with nuclear weapons, so I'm not sure what you mean. Keep in mind it was NK who signed the agreement to not produce nuclear weapons, nor a method to deliver them. The U.S. kept its end of the deal.. NK did not. They were also not threatened until they started testing nuclear weapons.

So the onus is fully on them. And I don't know why people are ok with a government such as theirs to have nukes, especially when there is no failsafe in place. Kim could have a good hair day and decide to nuke someone. However I suspect they will use their nukes once they have them not for deterrence, but as a bargaining chip for personal gain.

"Because those others guys have them" isn't a good reason for someone else to have nukes.

posted on Oct, 18 2017 @ 08:26 AM

originally posted by: TheConstruKctionofLight
a reply to: carewemust

So how are they going to get Kim Jong to sit still long enough to locate him?

Seismograph?? Yeah i know i couldnt help it. What ill say is they know where hes at. In fact poof is the reports we get as he moves around troops or preps for a launch. But i dont think assination is the way to go.

posted on Oct, 18 2017 @ 08:32 AM

originally posted by: gortex
I didn't mention it because it has no bearing on the situation in North Korea , I would however point out that Saddam Hussein had nothing to do with Islamic terrorism , the conflict was about other stuff.
If you think what I posted was an attack on you then you are wrong , it was a salient point , who are we to tell others how to run their own affairs.

Ok it seemed that way to me, maybe I`m too used to people flinging mud.

My solution is dialog , withdrawing the threat amassed at the North's borders and keeping up the pressure on China to help resolve the matter.

I can`t see that working and would put SK in jeopardy and harder for SK allies to help if SHTF.

History will prove one of us right and one of us wrong .... I'm more than happy with my position.

So far he has proved he isn`t an idiot, in his direction for America.

But no hard feeling gortex.

posted on Oct, 18 2017 @ 08:34 AM
a reply to: fleabit

Keep in mind it was NK who signed the agreement to not produce nuclear weapons, nor a method to deliver them. The U.S. kept its end of the deal.. NK did not.

They pulled out of the deal following GW Bush putting them on the "Axis of Evil".

posted on Oct, 18 2017 @ 09:05 AM
a reply to: gortex

I did forget to mention gortex Sadam was behind the 93 World Trade bombing and there was that other near miss of the guy that was to deliver a brief case full of Anthrax, he didn`t know what he was carrying because when he got to Canada (I think it was?) intending to take it into the States, he opened it and it killed him, it also killed the people who came to inspect the situation. al-Qaeda finishing the job on 9-11, which spurred the US to go after both.

He did have WMD`s they were smuggled into Syria according to Amir Tsarfati who was in the Israeli Defense Forces. I`m 100% sure but think Israel flattened one of these bunkers in Syria about a year ago?

Regardless I agree with you about the number of civilians that are killed, makes my stomach turn, war is always horrific.

The sooner the world be less reliant on oil the better and is why imo Saudi Arabia wasn`t hit hard and purposefully covered up. The world economy would come to a screeching halt if that happened.
edit on 18-10-2017 by gps777 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 18 2017 @ 09:17 AM
a reply to: carewemust


Logical? That's tricky, we all know the irrational escalations too well.

I dunno, IQ deathmatch between the two would-like-to-be-leaders?

posted on Oct, 18 2017 @ 10:38 AM

originally posted by: PublicOpinion
a reply to: carewemust


Logical? That's tricky, we all know the irrational escalations too well.

I dunno, IQ deathmatch between the two would-like-to-be-leaders?

Depends on which side you ask.

NK's logic will dictate to protect the regime at all costs and NK has only had one war and that was with the US 65 years ago - fresh in their mindprogramming still to this day.

US's logic will be answering serious threats to their country with military force (as per usual) and I would say developing inter-continental nuclear capability is of the most serious type of threat from a dictatorship.

Does anyone have a diplomatic fair solution for both sides?

posted on Oct, 18 2017 @ 10:48 AM
a reply to: spliffster

You know, I was going to throw you some questions about the discovery of nuclear fission and gunpowder, and the personnel working on the Manhattan Project, but then you come up with this pearl of wisdom:

"Not saying the US is a saintly country, but they are less worse than the rest of the world."

Well, atleast I got a good laugh out of it, so there's that.

posted on Oct, 18 2017 @ 10:51 AM

originally posted by: muzzleflash
Until we can agree to SALT III with everyone, where the US and Russia primarily agree to a very major dismantling and disarming program, I don't see how we have any moral justification to bark orders at nations like Iran or N Korea.

We are hypocritical here. And unfair.

The entire Korean crisis is the World Powers fault because we wanna play chess with the world and dictate policy decisions in other nations.

Remember Iraq? We don't have any credibility right now. We are the warmongers.
Salt 1 & 2 were bad why go for 3? The Progressives have always given away our advantage.

posted on Oct, 18 2017 @ 10:59 AM

originally posted by: gortex
a reply to: gps777

so I`m in agreement with you on innocent people being murdered, but you don`t mention any empathy for the citizens of NK, just ignored the rest of my post and quoted what you liked to attack to fit your view

You mean this bit ?

I hope for the very best for them.

I also noticed you didn`t mention any of the innocent people slaughtered continually in the name of the death cult Islam, that lead to the conflict, guess your afraid you`ll be called a bigot as most are.

I didn't mention it because it has no bearing on the situation in North Korea , I would however point out that Saddam Hussein had nothing to do with Islamic terrorism , the conflict was about other stuff.

What is your solution, pretend it all doesn`t exist so long as your not directly affected and do nothing, that`s weak, attack those who think otherwise or say "who are we to judge", which is a judgement within its self, allow it to continue while our own existence is threatened with nuclear destruction by a communist tyrannical dictatorship, but Trumps an idiot, Trumps an idiot, Trumps an idiot like a broken record, your in denial of your own judgements gortex.

My solution is dialog , withdrawing the threat amassed at the North's borders and keeping up the pressure on China to help resolve the matter.
If you think what I posted was an attack on you then you are wrong , it was a salient point , who are we to tell others how to run their own affairs.
Yes Trump is an idiot but no one said puppets need to be smart.

He won the election by using the media against themselves to give him air time, he is turning America around, unemployment is the lowest in 17 years and has added 5.5 trillion dollars to the stock market since being in office, he is slashing middle class income tax, making the lives of the back bone of America far better. Ignore his personality and watch what he achieves.

He won the election by using dog whistles and fear , if he had been faced with a stronger opposition candidate he most likely wouldn't have won , his victory was more down to the weakness of the US electoral system than being the right candidate at the right time.

Trumps no idiot, don't buy into the charade.

History will prove one of us right and one of us wrong .... I'm more than happy with my position.
Oh of course ! Dialog like with the Japanese and such. Or dialogue with Libya the Hillary/Barack way. I'm
Not impressed with Progressive dialog and neither will be NK

posted on Oct, 18 2017 @ 11:24 AM
a reply to: InTheLight

US's logic will be answering serious threats to their country with military force (as per usual) and I would say developing inter-continental nuclear capability is of the most serious type of threat from a dictatorship.

I was trying to argue logics, not scripted autofire and national security Bollocks. And given the upcoming match with his SOS, we're at this point right now.

I would say developing inter-continental nuclear capability is of the most serious type of threat from a dictatorship

It's called nuclear deterrent for a reason, using them would be suicide. We all know that, only little Kim doesn't like to talk about it. Guess why?

The real threat is something else entirely and we ATSliens ought to know that as well, right? Remember Eisenhower? JFK maybe? Warren Buffet?
edit on 18-10-2017 by PublicOpinion because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 18 2017 @ 11:29 AM

originally posted by: PublicOpinion
a reply to: InTheLight

US's logic will be answering serious threats to their country with military force (as per usual) and I would say developing inter-continental nuclear capability is of the most serious type of threat from a dictatorship.

I was trying to argue logics, not scripted autofire and national security Bollocks. And given the upcoming match with his SOS, we're at this point right now.

I would say developing inter-continental nuclear capability is of the most serious type of threat from a dictatorship

It's called nuclear deterrent for a reason, using them would be suicide. We all know that, only little Kim doesn't like to talk about it. Guess why?

The real threat is something else entirely and we ATSliens ought to know that as well, right? Remember Eisenhower? JFK maybe? Warren Buffet?

The real threat is right there in front of you and do you remember Hiroshima and Nagasaki - reality.
edit on 110CDT11America/Chicago029111131 by InTheLight because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 18 2017 @ 11:37 AM
a reply to: InTheLight

Yes, I'm aware of the US threat for worldpeace, precisely my point.

Interesting point though, do you know why they dropped them? Me neither.

The atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki was a criminal act on an epic scale. It was premeditated mass murder that unleashed a weapon of intrinsic criminality. For this reason its apologists have sought refuge in the mythology of the ultimate "good war", whose "ethical bath", as Richard Drayton called it, has allowed the west not only to expiate its bloody imperial past but to promote 60 years of rapacious war, always beneath the shadow of The Bomb.

The lies of Hiroshima are the lies of today
edit on 18-10-2017 by PublicOpinion because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 18 2017 @ 06:28 PM
a reply to: PublicOpinion

It ended the war quickly is all I can see, saving Americans and Allies lives from a long drawn out war.


If Japan had nuclear weapons do you honestly think with its past, they wouldn`t have used them on our countries first? or on Pearl Harbor that sparked America to use the two atomic weapons.

Not surprising you use John Pilger .com "Holocaust denied: the lying silence of those who know" where he overlooks Muslim massacres and their goal of ceasing Israels existence and that Palestine is the lie and intends world domination under Islam and their god Allah by the sword. Palestine already has a state its called Jordan, Palestine named Palestine by the Romans from the Philistines.

Same bed fellows Nazi Germany and Islam and those who side with them.

posted on Oct, 18 2017 @ 07:06 PM

originally posted by: hopenotfeariswhatweneed

originally posted by: Wolfenz

a reply to: introvert

Inside Under Cover in North Korea|Nat Geo Documentary

sadly a Eye Surgeon cured 10,000 NK Citizens
and the Majority , Praised the Great Leader instead of the Surgeon

and for return they are willing too fight n Kill the Americans for the Great Leader!

see the 40:40 Mark in the Video for that! and at 45.50 even more Surprising !

It makes you sad that an eye doctor cured people's eyesight..... Really?

originally posted by: hopenotfeariswhatweneed

originally posted by: Wolfenz

originally posted by: Liquesence
a reply to: introvert

Same with Iran.

Having a nuclear weapon changes the game. One could argue it's a deterrent against aggression.

That said, NK talks a lot of #, and they well know they would be toast if they did anything. Unless they have a truly crazy leader who doesn't care. Or unless we do.

Ahh WOW ... Only Kim Jong UN His Family His Generals would Know they would be Toast!

The Rest are so #ing brainwashed for the last 60ish years ,
Believing that The Kim Dynasty are LIVING GODS!

and Would Jump a Bridge , or Sacrifice themselves for their Leader
THE Great LEADER is like JIM JONES / and Korth Korea is Like Johnstown! in a Huge Scale !

The Country is a Orwellian Nightmare

The Citizens of North Korea are Taught to Hate the USA
Since childhood from the 1950s to present day
they are taught in Schools , that the USA is a Imperialist Country .
and the KIM Dynasty Prevented the US controlling the Country
and North Korea had WON the WAR!

which in Reality , the War Never Ended just had been on Pause!
No Treaty was ever Signed , Nor a Truce , just the Cease Fire..

personally i think its time too UN-Pause the button and let it play
and record for the History Books !

Just Who Would be on Our side.. from this Threat From North Korea

The Chicken Hawk Country needs too be put Down ,

By Peter Maass July 18, 1989 e2e21c3a

North Korea - the most bizarre country in the world
Which Country Today Is Most Like Orwell’s 1984 Authoritarian Nightmare?
By Michael Rubin On 7/15/17 at 12:10 AM

So how much is the Country Brainwashed!

Watch the Video and Find Out !
Inside Under Cover in North Korea|Nat Geo Documentary

sadly a Eye Surgeon cured 10,000 NK Citizens
and the Majority , Praised the Great Leader instead of the Surgeon

and for return they are willing too fight n Kill the Americans for the Great Leader!

see the 40:40 Mark in the Video for that! and at 45.50 even more Surprising !

It makes you sad that an eye doctor cured people's eyesight..... Really?

yup it sure Does !

when they are devoting into Killing Americans
from having their eyesight restored from Donations of People all over this Planet
including Americans

When , these Brainwashed Citizen Worship a Dictator as a GOD.

Praise Their Great Leader! for This Cured Eye Site Correction , which in Their eyes its a Miracle
to them from The Great Leader KIM!

and Nothing goes too Credit for the Surgeon and his Staff from Nepal ..

all too the Great Leader!

So if your American or your Country is Allies with the USA

and if you have family and Friends in Military Service ,

and if a All Out War Breaks With the United States and North Korea

Will you be Sadden then when One of those Restored Site out of the 10,000 from NK
Killing your Family member or Friend?

Sadly it the ones that fund this Eyesite restoration Program
is People all over the world contributing making a donation !
hoping its for a good cause!

Say your American or that Donated Big Money into the Program of DR Ruits
only do have it go for curing North Koreans ... and well thats fine...
but when you find out the Say they will devote their lives for their Living God Leader
in too Killing Americans with this Restored Site in a Documentary !

Would you Be Saddend ? and which Happens to be a Scenario of that Same Contributer ( YOU )
had their Family members Son, Daughter, Nephew, Niece , Uncle, Aunt, Best Friend
( Getting the Picture Yet ??? ) those family members went into or
had been in service in a Break of War and CURED Restored Eyesight
from a Program you funded. North Korean
Killing them from a Weapon in Hand if a War Broke Out. Between North Korea & USA..

Apparently you did not watch the Documentary I posted.

ohh here Read about it and make a Donation


edit on 32017WednesdayfAmerica/Chicago10290 by Wolfenz because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 18 2017 @ 08:09 PM
Guys dont speed read.

Saw posts talking about limits to the us president. Of course theres limits. Thats why I said there are differences between kim and the us president.

As for the comment that wed retaliate. Again if theres age related dementia or microstroke dementia or suicidal depression Kim wont care about any retaliation.

posted on Oct, 19 2017 @ 10:40 AM

originally posted by: fleabit

originally posted by: muzzleflash
a reply to: carewemust

I think we should stop violating DPRK's right to possess the same weapons we threaten them with.

It's we who are in the wrong here.

Aside from Trump threatening to wipe them from the face of the earth (and he is a braggart blowhard), the U.S. hasn't threatened NK with nuclear weapons, so I'm not sure what you mean. Keep in mind it was NK who signed the agreement to not produce nuclear weapons, nor a method to deliver them. The U.S. kept its end of the deal.. NK did not. They were also not threatened until they started testing nuclear weapons.

So the onus is fully on them. And I don't know why people are ok with a government such as theirs to have nukes, especially when there is no failsafe in place. Kim could have a good hair day and decide to nuke someone. However I suspect they will use their nukes once they have them not for deterrence, but as a bargaining chip for personal gain.

"Because those others guys have them" isn't a good reason for someone else to have nukes.

I think there is also the concern that Kim might provide others with the weapons he's developed. Granted, we can track where that weapon came from should it be used in the future. But that's little consolation after the fact should a terrorist organization use one that they bought from NK.

posted on Oct, 19 2017 @ 11:40 AM

I think there is also the concern that Kim might provide others with the weapons he's developed. Granted, we can track where that weapon came from should it be used in the future. But that's little consolation after the fact should a terrorist organization use one that they bought from NK.

True as well - they are far from a responsible nation. Blackmail, kidnapping, extortion, black market.. it's all in a days work in NK, anything to fuel the luxuries only Kim and his bestest buddies share.

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