posted on Jul, 1 2013 @ 05:43 PM
reply to post by Iasion
Brilliantly researched list.
As far as I know the only mention of Jesus was by Josephus. Some people think his work was altered to include Jesus because of the lack of references
to his life.
I wonder if Pilot's question does not hit the real reason on the head though when he supposedly asked Jesus 'Are you the King of the Jews?' Were
this to have any foundation it would have had a considerable effect on the Christian Jesus and his actual role. There would be no virgin birth,
fulfilment of prophesy, claim of being the Son of God and dying so our sins could be forgiven etc. It also came close to the end of the Jews as a
nation and obviously their kings/leaders.
The argument that the records were deliberately destroyed by the Pagan Roman Emporers is not plausible because they could not control all the writers
and their works from that time.