originally posted by: MRuss
I believe most every woman has gone through similiar events but really good looking women have some of the worst stories in terms of lifetime
NightSkyeB4Dawn posted in their wonderful write-up, this is a complete myth. While you might receive generic unwanted
attention more often, "unattractive" people get assaulted and harrassed at the same rate. In fact, people with low self-esteem and disabilities
(including being elderly) get sexually assaulted in disturbing numbers, because the disparity between power and helplessness is greater.
Rape in and of itself (including pedophilia) is a power dynamic and unrelated to attraction. It's an article of transference - a person who was
victimised sometime in their life switching roles and victimising someone else.
So domination would be a better word. Even in ancient times - in Gudmundarsaga there's a part where it is said rape of a defeated enemy isn't
considered argr (homosexual act) whereas the victim was ergi, and thus humiliated.
The saddest thing about pedophilia is that it is a vicious circle. All pedos were molested as children. The percentage who then become monsters
themselves is unknown, but certainly not necessarily going to. Men are more likely to do so because the male mind has a tendency to externalise pain,
whereas females have a tendency to internalise (though certainly not always the case). So abused women are more likely to self-harm, overeat, abuse
drugs, though they may also hurt others. Whereas men are more likely to lash out, attack, and abuse others, though they will also often self harm. But
this is why the majority of pedos are male.
Daterape on the other hand tends to do with attraction and a sense of entitlement, which is not granted. And that's really a deeper problem in
society. We're raised to believe we 'deserve' a certain level of perfection. All people feel entitled in some way, but with men it's about looks.
In the media we have men who no matter how obnoxious, dumb, fat, ugly, they are, they deserve the attractive wife. This is pushed by society. The
Flinstones, Simpsons, Family Guy, King of Queens, According to Jim, Big Bang Theory, Parks and Recreation, Seinfeld, That '70s Show, just off the top
of my head.
Movies also push the normalising sex crimes - teen sex romps where boys violate womens privacy and film them naked (american pie), even date rape
(johnny depp giving roofies in Private Resort), and the ever increasing problem of violence in porn.
And then we have the opposite ingrained behaviour for women - no matter how intelligent, successful, beautiful they are, they still need to find the
rich husband to live a posh life. No looks are ever attractive enough, no expensive lifestyle is ever posh enough. Consumerism is big business.
More than anything we need to stop the technology fetish and actually interact with humans, and learn how to treat each other. Even on ATS we have had
attractive avatars that received a ton of inappropriate comments - even when they were proved to have stolen a google photo. It's crazy how many
people will harass someone randomly but believe it to be flirting. A lot of people don't understand that a compliment is not the same from a
a reply to:
it started very young before we had ANY real ability to cope or understanding of what was happening. It started at 11 with me.
It's called grooming, and the younger you start the more fragile the psyche becomes, and so the more easily manipulated/abused. Children are also more
gullible and the most common way to prevent informing police is threatening the victim's parents. "If you tell anyone I will kill your parents".
a reply to:
They say that civilisation is a veneer removed by opportunity... and to answer your later post, yes women have their self-confidence attacked
deliberately, by corporations in order to push make-up sales. A healthy, confident populace will not be as profitable.
a reply to:
Generally speaking predators will deliberately gain positions of power/respect because it enables their behaviour. Religious institutions especially
because they come with a disbelief that such a noble person would do such a thing.
originally posted by: Martin75
And then from outta nowhere he throws in some crude joke about leaving the boys getting extra credit from their hot teachers alone. Um, what? That's
disgusting. I didn't know what to say.
South Park did a whole episode about the double standard when older females abuse male kids.
originally posted by: CB328
So you do realize that the only real reason to have females is for sex right? Men can do everything women can do except for get pregnant, that's is
really the only reason we need to have a female gender at all.
Our chromosome mutated out of theirs. You would be more accurate in saying the only reason for men is procreation (genetic variability). I think this
is the first time I've ever disagreed with you!