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The Celebrities of ATS

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posted on Oct, 12 2017 @ 01:59 PM
a reply to: Lurker1

What other sites do you feast on and in what order does ATS rank?

posted on Oct, 12 2017 @ 02:42 PM

originally posted by: NewzNose
a reply to: Lurker1

What other sites do you feast on and in what order does ATS rank?

ATS frowns on me answering this question. I recommend you search Bing/Google/etc.

posted on Oct, 12 2017 @ 04:32 PM
a reply to: MindShine

Well ... that sucks. What do I mean: change. Change sucks. I have hated change my whole life.

Just as soon as I ever got accustomed to something, and learned to master the rules, the rules (Life?) changed on me.

ATS is changing.

I loved the initial ATS also, and was brought to it long before I ever made an account here, because actually to be honest I feared consequences for reading conspiracy - related content. *blush*

I really feel for those who came here at the start for reasons that have stayed the same, but are swamped by huge numbers of newcomers with different interests / agendas.

It sucks.

But ATS has also grown larger.

It has brought in many more new people than the original crowd.

I admire that ... and it would not have happened if it were not for the freedom of expression allowed here, on ATS.

But there are many sub-communities within ATS ... and there is still great content here for anyone who wants to find others who desire to talk about the same kinds of things, freely.

That is really what ATS is about.

posted on Oct, 13 2017 @ 04:47 PM

While I could go off and name the "celebrities" of ATS, I think most already know who they are at this point.

What a missed opportunity to link this member man


posted on Oct, 13 2017 @ 05:31 PM
a reply to: Indigent
Well done. The old joke which usually comes up on the First of April. If people have any gratitude, you will make a lot of new Friends.

posted on Oct, 13 2017 @ 05:44 PM
a reply to: DISRAELI

Wait, i dint link my own profile? awwwww

posted on Oct, 13 2017 @ 05:48 PM
a reply to: Indigent
Oh, is that what you were trying to do? You needed to add your own name at the end.

posted on Oct, 13 2017 @ 05:51 PM
a reply to: DISRAELI

It was the joke... I'm not that far gone... jet

posted on Oct, 13 2017 @ 05:51 PM
a reply to: MindShine

All I know is that political independents are never ATS celebrities -- not in the past, and not now.

posted on Oct, 13 2017 @ 05:56 PM
a reply to: MindShine

You've seen one Celebrity you've seen them all. Ive never craved for that kinda shallow minded attention, but I enjoy the informational threads a lot. Insightful thread!

posted on Oct, 13 2017 @ 06:10 PM
Another thread that laments somewhat the fact that conspiracies are not like they use to be.

The thing is, it may be that we have gone beyond the theoretical and entered the conspiracy---we're living it now, were actualizing it ----Its gone live and from that vantage point its harder to see.

posted on Oct, 13 2017 @ 06:37 PM

originally posted by: intrepid
I think it's a conspiracy.

It is. I say we organize an "Occupy ATS" movement to protest the 1 percenters of stars. I mean, my God, they should be giving them to the little people! There's no way they can spend them all!

posted on Oct, 13 2017 @ 06:51 PM
Funnily enough I was looking at the traffic of the top conspiracy forums on the internet the other day and I noticed a steep rise in other sites traffic whilst our beloved ATS just seems to be meandering along, stable yes but outranked by some pretty poor designed and badly monitored conspiracy sites.
I was going to create a post but then thought why bother, no one will listen, but upon seeing your thread, I thought I would add my thoughts.

Even Before It's News and a well known website with a name similar to the eternal creator are outranking this site.

There was a time when one could spot a new conspiracy snippet in the news and when logging into ATS it would already be on the forums and probably well discussed. That doesn't appear to happen anymore.

I know regulars will say, 'well the simple answer is to open a thread on it yourself'' etc etc but one person won't change the site.

I think ATS should be re-named Above The News and I say that tongue in cheek.

I'm a huge fan of ATS, always have been but sadly it's no longer the first Go To Site for conspiracy related material.

Well, it is if you want to be ripped apart or spend half your time dealing with nasty replies.

Just my thoughts.
edit on 13-10-2017 by studio500 because: punctuation

posted on Oct, 13 2017 @ 07:13 PM

originally posted by: Indigent

While I could go off and name the "celebrities" of ATS, I think most already know who they are at this point.

What a missed opportunity to link this member man


ummm.... yep... nope lol no celebrity here as you can see by my star points or lack thereof. im more a reader than poster but thanks for the opportunity to maybe get one minute of fame. was a little stunned when i clinked on your link. lol.

posted on Oct, 13 2017 @ 07:15 PM
a reply to: alphacenturi

sowwy, it's a joke, anyone that click it goes to their profile.

I will stop doing it.

posted on Oct, 13 2017 @ 07:22 PM

originally posted by: IgnoranceIsntBlisss

originally posted by: MindShine

There are no more popular conspiracies as there were 10 years ago, there are only partisan politics following the ideals of the left vs right, each with their own group of followers.

Well maybe not 'popular', but the biggest story of our species' entire history, in my view, is the AGI Manhattan Project. The open goal of the technocrat elitists behind it is the extinction of homo sapiens. Now this does go back many decades, all the way back to the Eugenics Movement, actually, and the AGI Manhattan Project begin on September 12, 2001, although few knew it. Exposing it has been the core of my motivations in all of this for some nearly 12 years, although "AGI Manhattan Project" wasnt a term known outside of their circles until maybe it was 2009. Ben Goertzal was the first person, still the only person I ever heard use it, he was speaking hypothetically in the clip I found it in but the thing was it had been well underway for years by then (which I'm sure he was actually well aware). So in 2010 I released my then most complete 'systems analysis' presentation of a thesis of the machination that grew in the wake of 9/11 titled just that. In it I argued with piles of data that there was an "Economic World War" being waged against the commoners of Planet Earth, to prevent us from being able to participate in their heaven on earth scheme of transhumanist tech induced immortality. At that time the Tea Party & Occupy Movement's both rose up in more or less the same anti-establishment attitude, and just as quick they were each coopted by the Two Party & MSM System, the Tea Party were branded as racists, and just as fast the left were driven mad with racial obsessionism, all by 2011. The 9/11 Truth Movement assassinated. Tea & Occupy lynched. The anti-war movement carpet bombed by Obama. Right at this time a myriad of factors came in that I'd be tuned out of all of this stuff for the next 5 years. In that time I was able to not beat myself up too much as all the exposure from those overlapping movements should have had a lasting impact (it didnt), and everyone had AI phones in their pockets now what do they need me to explain the looming implications for? Little did I realize this SJW insanity was busy fracturing society and trolling back into existence the long ago faded out white supremacy fervor. I had happened to notice the BLM thing in the headlines, I had seen some of those police shooting videos and was stunned, so I figured the protests were about that. Come to find out that's just their banner but their manifesto is all about the full list of SJW mania, and that there would be nothing short of SJW Supremacy over all others to ever appease their thirst for power. Last year it took me a minute of head scratching to finally sort the sea change out, and in no time I started noticing how the same tech giant players already at the top of my technocrat transhumanist elitist + national university infrastructure (that interlocks with them and the official government flavors of the AGI Manhattan Project) snip list were the very same fountainheads of this SJW bizarro fest that has become the whole platform of the Democrat Party. Utterly brilliant strategy by the way. Truly marvelous. With this (not so) 'new' identity politics insanity (the mind control model at its core originally pioneered in Nazi Germany's eugenicist utopia), here for 'eternity' we're to expect the "left" and the "right" a never ending pissing match primary with cycles of violence secondaries, where everyone is too busy obsessing about the groups they were born into and/or find appealing to ever stop and notice that the technocrat's are playing us all like primitive tribalist marionettes while plundering our wealth like never before all while their technological machinations are poised to splatter humanity like a crate of tomatoes versus a runaway freight train (maybe in a mere 10 years)... let alone have any hoping of uniting against them not even for the survival of our species and the planet. Instead we see threads about 'the most important issue of the decade is trans rights', but nope Hillary & Obama being open allies with AL QAEDA nope non issue. Hey but Trump's he's a jerk and somehow he worse than any POTUS in history (before he was even in office was the story). Mass murderers though, they're free to go. Hey if that is Trump's ambitions well he sure knows now that he can get away with it, although thats the same story as ever and why the rest always do because hey party politics come before our country. Oh, and we're supposed to radicalize towards eviscerating the fabric of our society and celebrate handing it all over to some hypothetical global government run by multinational corporations. And the radicalism thats required to push that agenda thats not supposed to radicalize the counter current. OH, well actually it is, because that's how we all lose. So keep it up everyone, because until this changes we already lost and you know what if mass murderous war criminality is permissible 'as long as its my team starting it', in the 21st Freaking Century, then maybe we dont deserve to survive anyways. The problem is if we leave it at that all life on Earth can expect to perish with us because the tech stakes at hand in this looming WW3 (or is it WW4 or WW5 I lost count) are unlike anything history can even preparing us for in terms of scope. History does have a role to teach however, because it reveals our human nature, how as long as we keep pushing on ignoring our nature while constantly reaching towards more and more while everyone insists their group warrants supremacy well The Darkest Patterns continue to play out in ever grander form. Therefore we must break these cycles, and reach for an all new renaissance in human perception and affairs. Otherwise we perish and by the time that comes we'll have wished the nukes would have flown back int eh Cold War to save us the universal global suffering of what happens when primitive man (thats us) became cyborgs to enhance ourselves while expecting that we wouldnt also enhance our darkest traits: these traits that rule our society and thinking and discourse and we're all too happy to keep playing along as if any one tribe can possibly ever reign supreme short of eventual genocide. Whoever thinks that can work go check out what it took to break the Nazi's resolve, the aftermath of WW2. What's coming, if we dont get right with ourselves and each other, and take the power back ahead of time, the aftermath of WW2 will look like a cakewalk in the gumdrop forest.

But hey, what do I know? I'm just a cynical bastard who criticizes all this tribalist stuff so you had better all ignore me.

You must be a BLAST at parties.

Seriously. Live life. Find joy where you can. It's over far to soon.

If you're stressing over grand conspiracies on a global level you're not taking time to appreciate the now.

posted on Oct, 13 2017 @ 07:42 PM
While political topics are all the rage there is plenty of conspiracy topics going on. I think its a matter of perspective as to what you feel like gravitating too.

I came to ATS on an Area 51 search. Right now in the aviation forum we are busy looking at a shadow cast at plant 42 to see if we may have spotted the SR-72.

Tons of conspiracies all over the board

posted on Oct, 14 2017 @ 09:16 AM
I arrived on ATS way back, dial up days. Sat here long into the night with my toddler Son teething & keeping us all up late into the night. Came here for UFO's, Area 51, secret bunkers and such like. It was great.

Different user name then, had many good discussions with FredT above. Remember him calling me one of the worst types of historical revisionist he'd ever come across lol. Took ages when I was posting, made sure the grammar and punctuation were accurate, that I was arguing my point with conviction but without nastiness. ATS was a real community. Sure, there were ATS celebrities back then. Some fitted in here fine, wonderfully creative individuals, many went on to staff posts. Others crashed and burned when they got too full of themselves, too many points, stars and flags created ego issues.

With broadband internet came fixed price, more websites to visit. Today with super fast fibre broadband, the ability to watch video content with no buffering, being able to cast those videos to the tv or watch on my iPhone ... the way I use the internet has radically changed. And thanks to the 2007-2008 crash and my own family's financial woes, I now work harder with longer hours than ever before. Constant US Politics on here doesn't encourage this European to log in, but as Fred says there's still good content to be found if you dig a bit. But I'm more a viewer now than a contributor nowadays.

My toddler Son ? He's now 19 y/o. With three children of his own and a fourth on the way. Still living off his Father. If anything it's a Contraception & Responsibility Forum this place needs

posted on Oct, 14 2017 @ 11:12 AM

originally posted by: CranialSponge

I clicked on this thread thinking:

"Finally ! Somebody made a thread all about little ol' me !"

Boo hiss.

I KNEW it was going to be about you too! Not a peep int he OP! I am shocked and just a little disappointed...

posted on Oct, 14 2017 @ 11:14 AM

originally posted by: Indigent

While I could go off and name the "celebrities" of ATS, I think most already know who they are at this point.

What a missed opportunity to link this member man


Whaaat? Shocked, yet gratitudes...

Wait, is that one of those fancy click baits that take whoever links to their own name?

edit on am1031amSat, 14 Oct 2017 11:15:37 -0500 by antar because: (no reason given)

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