Okay, so I gave up following & participating in Mandela Effect threads a long time ago, because:
a) The ridicule & hype against those who were affected was ridiculous in & of itself. It bordered on anti-experience hysteria.
b) Despite a bunch of attempts to streamline a definite series of effects which were common to all experiencers, there were ALWAYS inconsistencies,
in that many people remembered Australia being further south, but not everyone believed that New Zealand had been to the North-East previously. Other
differences, even within the context of a significant change (some aspects had 'changed', but others hadn't - for example the complex details of
Mandela's life & death) were inconsistent, and thus it seemed impossible to pin down a singular theory which explained these inconsistencies.
c) It really begins to have detrimental effects on your overall wellness If you get too into the ideas, concepts & dissonance which keen
investigation produces, if you have experienced strong Mandela effects personally.
With that said, the overriding confusion for me, was the way that a single theory couldn't explain the vast array of differences, and non-differences,
that various people experienced. A bit like the scene from Four Weddings & a Funeral, where the gawky English guy is in the 'typical American bar'
talking with the three USA girls - they're drunkenly comparing different pronunciations of words between the English & American English - and there's
a nice awkward moment of "yeah, same" after several differences are listed. That's how Mandela Effect experiencers feel when realising that they
share some, but never ALL effects.
Which got me thinking about the differences between different languages, in the context of a Mandela-type event. But wait - wasn't the very
institution of the differences between languages in the various geographical regions of Earth once construed & effected by the actions of the Elohim,
in the 'Tower of Babel Moment' (as referred to by JP Farrell)..? And how exactly would the languages have been confused, despite people all having
shared the same language originally (per the legend)..? If language comprehension is indeed an innate function of the brain & conscious awareness,
per the theories of Noam Chomsky, then some unusual, highly advanced & possibly nanotechnology-assisted hypnotic technique could conceivably account
for a 'twisting' of the linguistic sounds & interpreted meaning, extending to different symbols, again, perhaps due to geographic displacement &
further hypnotic conditioning after the initial manipulation/ 'twist'.
What if the Mandela Effect has been caused by an Elohim or Elohim-derived technique/technology, being delivered over the medium of something like TV
or cinema, or perhaps even in an ELF wide-area broadcast, which has the 'Babel Effect' on the memory centre of the brain? Could we go so far as to
label this hypnotic/technological method a 'neuro-linguistic-memetic, cognitive-affective virus'..?
The 'Babel Virus'...?
I believe this is the best theory to date, because it covers all the inconsistencies which have otherwise been inexplicable by any of the contending
theories (including the somewhat ludicrous suggestion that we're experiencing weird influx/supplanting/confluence of people from 'a million
timelines', all converging here/now with a hodge-podge of memories, none of which are fully congruent from one person to another). In with this
'neural memory twisting' (I assume delivered over a sort of carrier wave, either audio-visual or purely auditory), there would perhaps be (in
scattergun array, to ensure incongruence of memory in the final analysis) a variety of encoded transmissions, of famous cultural memes, all of which
would ripple around the globe as interference patterns embedded in whatever carrier signal is being utilised, so that indeed, we do end up with each
affected person having a totally 'bespoke' set of incongruent 'Mandela Effect' memories, none of which total experiences are shared by any other
single person. It's always "Yeah, got that one - no, not that one". Which just serves to make those who have been afflicted by this psy-op look even
more ridiculous in the eyes of those who, for some reason, haven't been susceptible to this phenomenon.
I'd go so far as to say that the carrier signal could have been set to only 'transmit/ be assimilated' when a three or four-stroke combination of
variants are present in any one person. Perhaps a gene sequence, a slightly alternate brain structure, a natural capacity to receive signals of
certain frequencies, and a certain concentration of a chemical aggregate (likely derived from the inhalation of particulate metals of a certain sort).
The nature of the carrier signal as technological & directed at a certain culturally similar receivership (Anglo-American, predominantly) would
indicate why it is only Western nations, and mainly English-speaking at that, which are heavily affected by this Effect.. A triumvate/quaternion of
genetic/cortex structural/cortex functional/chemical attributes which, when all three/four are 'tagged', will lead to successful assimilation of the
sophisticated 'Babel Virus' with its attendant soup of embedded memetic cultural references, which lead to unusual memory effect combinations (& their
destabilising potential) as the outcome.
I could delve into this in more detail, but I'm curious to see what others think before I do so. Personally, I think we're witnessing 'Babel Moment
2.0', and this is a psy-op run by the highest levels of human SIGINT operations, probably drawing inspiration from the Tower of Babel legend. I
suspect perhaps there is a hidden element which is perfectly aware of the exact technology/technique utilised by those referred to as Elohim in the
Old Testament. And just to let you know, I am in fact a Christian, but I do understand that some of the Old Testament references are almost certainly
not references to 'God with a capital G'. I'm not ruling out the possibility that this Babel Virus has been implemented to deliberately gaslight
human beings of an Anglo-American origin. Possibly it could destabilise very powerful people (as well as regular people).. If they begin to doubt
their reality, this could facilitate a chain reaction of related negative effects arising from their altered behaviours due to paranoia, etc. It
would perhaps be a 'hit or miss' weapon, in that you can't guarantee who can be destabilised by it - but if you can figure out who has been affected
by at least one of the known effects (transmitted memetic imagery or phraseology), then further spook shenanigans (drugs, hypnosis, deliberate
gaslighting) as follow-up would certainly have the potential to tip a highly stressed individual 'over the edge', maybe even ensuring they can be
hoodwinked or strong-armed into going along with traitorous activities...
edit on OctoberSunday17110CDT01America/Chicago-050019 by FlyInTheOintment because: clarification, phraseology