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originally posted by: and14263
a reply to: kennyb72
Hhhhmmm ok, you've been open ended in your reply and once again I am having to 'ask myself' something. Why not just give me the answer straight off the bat??
Because he does not have an answer. This is the old "look at me, I'm a powerful wizard (and ignore the man behind the curtain)" approach. You are supposed to be irritated, then do research, then give feedback, and the wizard will say "I knew all this of course, but now this.." and throw a new enigma. Ad infinitum.
Does cloud bursting count as magic?
originally posted by: ForteanOrg
originally posted by: and14263
a reply to: kennyb72
Hhhhmmm ok, you've been open ended in your reply and once again I am having to 'ask myself' something. Why not just give me the answer straight off the bat??
Because he does not have an answer. This is the old "look at me, I'm a powerful wizard (and ignore the man behind the curtain)" approach. You are supposed to be irritated, then do research, then give feedback, and the wizard will say "I knew all this of course, but now this.." and throw a new enigma. Ad infinitum.
9/11 -> 10/22.
Lol, funniest thing ever. You do realize that there are several different types of reality. The first is consensus reality or our mutually agreed upon reality. When your consensus reality clashes with everyone elses, you're called insane and locked away. The second is objective reality or the world as it really is when looked upon by an objective observer. Humans can get a touch of that every now and again, but usually slips back into consensus reality when everyone tells him he's a buzzkillington or being paranoid. The third is subjective reality or what the reality is inside you. Subjective reality in some is a near exact model of consensus reality. Those people lack imagination, they follow the law, but lack the spirit. They are the neo-phobes that detest change because they can't keep up. You know? The Grey Face?
But those who can switch back and forth between consensus reality and objective reality see the gaps. We can push back the curtains, walk backstage and see the actors. Fnord. We mesmerize, misdirect and manage the Grey Face by using his own symbols, words and emotions against him by subversion. It's not magic, we're just paying attention and have found the glitches. We're the neophiles, we thrive on change, flexibility, discovery and whimsy. Unfortunately for us, you're always trying to harsh our mellow by inflicting rules from your subjective reality into our lives. We see things differently and trust me, in our eyes... well, you've been missing the point forever. We're not bad... we're just here to wake you up so you can see what we do. How can you hate Discordians, we don't hurt others... we just threaten their sense of reality and they do the rest?
Remember, your belief and internal subjective reality is shared by 0 people. We're all special snowflakes. And we love you... and we're just going to keep on loving you over and over with laughter, joy and compassion. Then we can all share the sandbox without fighting about silly things. We're just waiting for you to see what Original Sin REALLY was, not what you thought. It's NOT a religion, it's a calling. There's no worship, no idols, no ritual, it's just an attempt by those of us who see to show them a peek by sneaking in a seed of remembrance while their shields are down. We want them to play! We have no desire to take them out or hurt them, we love them. They were us before we woke up, our family, our friends. They know we're tricksters, we make them look in the mirror instead of projecting all that fear and uncertainty outward.
I find it ironic they think we mean them harm when we only want to share the love and compassion of what the world could be if they weren't so literal. Life is a metaphor, an allegory. We do the same things over and over and never see why. We let them divide us spiritually, convince us that dogma trumps getting along with your neighbors. It's a rotten way to live. They need us. And we need them lest we forget why we're here. They test us, we test them, that's how it works. Remember? The tricksters always help save the day, lol. But then I'm always the optimist and rooting for the underdog.
So not the MO of a Discordian, but then we were hijacked, we encouraged them to hijack. Why? Because we let them infiltrate, but never filled them in on the real plan. You know it or you don't. We are the counter force against all those spooky things you worry about. If we hack you, it's with humor and while you're laughing, we'll slip in a little truth because when you're laughing, your mind is open and free from preconception, if only for just a moment. But that's enough. Look, you all know they're madmen, these despots and dictators... how do you fight a madman? With tools he's too rigid and unimaginative to recognize. Fnord.
- an Anonymous member (of ATS)
What this is missing, is knowledge not even most Masons know. This isn't about God vs Lucifer. This is about two ultra-terrestials, who were half brothers. Actually, the first Lucifer was the father of the current "lucifer." The one who gave knowledge to man is not the same one who led the building of the tower of ba.bil. If you want to know who commissioned Nimrod, i was Marduke- the god of the Assyrians who also bore the serpent symbol because it was a SYMBOL of a lineage, just like TUBAL CAIN is a symbol of lineage! ALL ultimately comes from the same family. Very few masons know of the actual history of the "Gods" and their battle, as well as who was behind these actual movement. There is another "serpent brother" who had a differing set of teachings, which is what you know of as Hermeticism and the teachings of light. Those of you masons stuck in the archetypes of "Lucifer vs Adonai" are, and will remain manipulated by beings with larger capacities, abilities, and intelligences than us. The second born son of Lucifer (whom you know as quazecoatl, hermes, thoth) was the one who bore the teachings of light, while his Prodigal son, (marduke/satan), was the one who brought the occult teachings of darkness. This is due to a conflict between them, and the rebellion of the firstborn Son (marduke). After this rebellion, he made himself "supreme God" of the assyrians, and his symbol too was the serpent. The "defiance" of the sons of Cain had to do with Marduke initiations a rebellion by building a tower separate from the one at SINAI- which was a direct defiance to the Lord Jehovah/enlil and the "Kingdom of Heaven." See you guys are discussing, no the creators of the world or universe. But simply those whose role was either genetically creating us (lucifer) or given Dominionship over the earth (Adonai). At one point, all of "them" (ELOHIM) left, and the ones who took over, were the family of the one you call "Marduke." Sons of cain, ETC. The symbol, of the serpent does not BELONG to one being, but an entire lineage of beings, human and non! Waveform. Sinewaves. Kundalini. Electromagnetics. The list goes on. See, these beings have LONG lifespans. You are confusing the sons of Lucifer, with Lucifer himself (the great oanness/enki/ea). The bible is just another tool, synthesized with edited information- from which Masons can draw encrypted information. But it is still based on erroenous information to begin! All the biblical tales are re-interpretations of Egyptian ,babylonian, Sumerian and Akkadian tales. Sitchin has a piece of the puzzle. Noah was not the son of the lineage of Seth, but also of the lineage of EA/First Lucifer. Adonai/Jehovah is actually brother (half), so in actuality, the lineages are related at their core! The difference is this: the human beings who were "cast out" of E.DIN (the en.lil's home) were the created humans. Whereareas, those whose lineage descends from these Beings (through "mixing" of DNA copulation and/or hybridiazation). You see, ADAM, as is EWA/EVE, SETH, etc. are names of bloodlines, NOT OF PEOPLE. The so called "bloodlines" of the Illuminati, have not to do with these silly archetypes, but actually, how much Blood of the Gods you have in you (as per Greek times, another rehash of old legends)!!! Since one bloodline may belong to a being, who may be an enemy of the one who seeks to rule this place (just as in our world, incest, and plotting against brothers for the Throne is not uncommon, the same goes to the Gods!), it was common for one bloodline to try to annihilate another one. They possessed different qualities. Other "beings" also mixed into our DNA....making it even more complex. The TRUE hierarchy goes like this: Pure blood (meaning ultraterrestial) ->hybrids--->part blood -----> human. I can see this will fall on deaf ears....Masons have their own Dogma (and are just as blind, oh the irony of the veil ceremony) and are just as blind as the religious folk. Trace it back further, and de-godspell folks! This story is the equivalent as: you and me are half bros. We have different families, we disagree on how the monkeys should be treated, slaves or equals. We had wars, our families fued. Then We leave but our sons stay behind, and battle one another. Then their families, who mixed with the monkeys- also battle with one another. A bunch of secret societies started by us, then became taken over by our sons, and the half-breed monkeys. Then they go through contradictions, secret battles, and control for locations/resources but its all about one or two things: the world remains under jurisdiction of the Kingdom. Or the world goes to the hands of the "rebel," (who is one of the sons). That is all. We have created this great "mystery" that seems too big for our britches. And that my friends, is why you are all manipulated by forces you think are greater than you.
further, I will say this contradicts modern "Academia" science, and I will say flat out it is manipulated- because the models they use don't allow for the "holy grail" to be tapped into properly. What they are trying to do with "superconductors in cold temperatures" can be done by understanding Teslas original science, and that of the military. And now my friend, let me re-word what you have said from an alternative angle. Let us go back to Tesla. Tesla abhorred relativity, and constantly questioned Einsteins theory, he likened it to nothing but fancy mathematics with no real substance or applicability to what Tesla was discovering at the time- which is literally how to manipulate the very core of what makes energy and matter, matter. Unlike Einstein, Tesla could prove all his theories by creating technologies that worked. Before he died he announced he had created the "Dynamic Theory of Gravity" which would put Einsteins theory out of business (which actually, has created a LIMITED materialistic paradigm based on a false premise, that spce-time is curved)- and admonished Einstein for taking the medium that EVERY scientist before Einstein believed in, the Aether/Ether. Tesla said it isn't energy at rest that creates matter, but quite the opposite. It is the movement, that creates the illusion of matter. Not just matter but vibration, and especially SPIN and what the Russians now call torsion. Ancient cultures (the swastika too..) always depicted the nature of reality as a kind of spinning spral, and now we know the concept of Fractals. Tesla believed the source of all matter at the deepest lvels, in the Aether were helical vortices whose spin, angular momentum, and intersection with other such vortices that generated the varying frequencies of electromagnetic force that made up matter. The aether flows in varying ways depending on the electromagnetic frequency of the objects in question, if the objects are magnetic the Aether flows in the direction the magnet dictates and current is generated. Tesla also figured out faster than light communication, transportation, and yes, teleportation (as did Alexanderson). Relativity doesn't allow for it so all technologies and models that outpour from that are doomed to work in overcomplicated models to try and create the "magic." And sometimes they can, but there are far simpler ways to do it, since Tesla lived in early 1900's and figured things out that we are barely beginning to figure out. Tesla also discovered "Scalar fields" and "Standing Longitudinal waves" which allowed for time reversal of energetics, including that in a human body. This is the equivalent of discovering negative entropy, and Tesla realized it was in everything, everyone, and could be tapped into at will by a time reversed longitudinal wave. The "Higgs" is just another, butchered version of the "Aether." There is no "units of mass" or "solid particles" as we assume, but rather varying degrees of moving electromagnetic (and polarities) frequencies and force in which the interactions of Scalars, and Torsion generates the spinning medium that allows for light, to transduce itself into varying states, one of which is matter and the physical reality we see. Tesla found out that all natural EM energy is actually an emanation of inward moving, spinning forces as well as the convergence of standing scalar fields at different frequencies. Both him, and a Russian scientist later believed the sun was not how we are taught now, Nuclear fusion will never be proven here in a lab setting because it is the result of another kind of fusion. Tesla observed that the sun was absorbing more energy than it was putting out, and the radiation was a result of this inward movement. Not a "collision" of elements as we assume. It is only the surface of the sun that is hot. The suns Primary rays which then step down into the electromagnetic radiation we are so used today, and Tesla said radioactive elements on the earth weren't radioactive without the primary rays of the sun, meaning he found a way to eliminate radioactivity by shielding from it. Teslas famous quote "there is no energy except that which is derived from the environment." Meaning the idea that matter is literally energy, or at rest is fallacious, all matter is receiving energy from its environment and vice versa, and it is this interconnectivity and exchange that creates the underlying atheric matrix that eventually becomes matter by the kind of "slowingdown" of light, angular momentum and countless other things. In regards to the Big Bang, people forget about the other side, Implosion. Implosive forces are kind of negative entropic forces, look up sonoluminesence and cavitation. Causing things to move inwardly towards a center taps into the Aether, or "zero-point" which can generate more energy than used to create it (which violates second law of thermodynamics, or so they say), but the energy is on the "other side" what some electricians called "counter space." So yes, the center point, between all things- is essentially the Source(god), but this place is one of nothingness, and silence. Thus it is ineffable and impossible to explain- but it can be experienced. This is the goal of all spiritual traditions. Thus all of them seek to still their mind while also remaining in the moment. Yes, I remember Hidden Hand. One thing he showed was how energy out-flowed from the center point in wave-like waves (which looks like Pontying flux). Unlike how modern scientists assume, physical reality is not just wave collapsed to particle- it is both, equally, and there is a dance between the two, just as there is a dance between matter and the Aether. See we've also been thinking of the universe as monocausal, meaning from Big Bang to us (physicality), but actually it is bi-causal, meaning everything we do, and everything does, and everything that happens is equally flowing back towards source/big bang/point of origin. Thus in traditions like Kaballah, before it became tarnished by Judaic terminology, was about creating a clear line of communication, between the origin point and us. Ein Sof to us. People such as Yeshua were in that state at almost all times, and this is what they called "grace." Miracles were possible, such as manifesting fish/bread because there was no distance/lag between the inner core and the person/being. Your DNA and cells also have a wave-form, an informational substratum in the light (aura) you emit from each and everyone of your cells and both the cells and dna are capable of torsion by virtue of the plasma and ions (electricity, and electrostatic potential) in your cells which in states of relaxation/meditation, can create the spinning medium you need to tap into the deepest levels (Aether/Vacuum), and you can access all information non-linearly, this is also the basis for most non-linear abilities btw (telepathy/remoteviewing etc), along with resonance and entanglement. Each and every electrical interaction not just in your brain, but your body, as well as the light emitted- contains massive amounts of information. Superintelligence is not the brain, but the whole of the biomind (body/mind) working together. The amount of information your aura and cells process is beyond comprehension- this is our future, and one these beings I mentioned in the first post know very well. Tesla knew how to access it, he did not need mathematics or linear methods to gain knowledge or to see the inner workings of the universe, he literally resonated far inward and outwardly simultaneously and was able to visualize with such clarity he could see what he was creating in his minds eye indefinitely to a point where it was no different from physical reality. We too can do this.