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Lifting the Veil - An Invitation

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posted on Oct, 1 2017 @ 11:12 AM
a reply to: sputniksteve

It's nobody's secret. It's there since when...?

Just waiting for the one's to uncover.

posted on Oct, 1 2017 @ 11:16 AM
a reply to: Cutepants

I think an interesting concept is that when duality and non-duality are combined, one comes up with quite the perspective. Ironically, non-duality is itself a dualistic concept no matter what mental gymnastics we use. Though, it certainly connects at a different node than typically defined dualism.

Similarly to how once one utters anything whatsoever about "Zen," well.. its no longer Zen. It isn't so much that one is superior, or should be sought above others, but that all of it is part and parcel of the same package.

In holding it all as individually sovereign parts of the same whole, it can allow us to climb to another part of the tree. Breathing about thinking sounds silly and nonsensical, but thinking about breathing sounds very rational indeed!

Perhaps its just perspective, wherein something like the wave-particle duality is borne of little more than our angle of approach.

posted on Oct, 1 2017 @ 12:06 PM
Eisegesis, I enjoy your threads. They are always pretty much over my head but I read them nonetheless and thank you for your threads and posts.

I realize this is probably not a "right question," but why will you only answer the right questions? And I'm not being facetious- I actually am interested about that.

Why the deadline? You said you would answer that in time. But why can't you answer it now?

As another poster mentioned, who will be displeased about your revelation of whatever it is you're planning to reveal? Who??

Is there anything "concrete" in all of this, this thread, its purpose...will anything concrete come of the truths you're planning on revealing? Or is this all esoteric symbolism and philosophy? Is this really just a thread for deep thinkers to show how much they understand about the nature of reality? I mean, there are a few long posts here already with folks gifting us with definitive statements about what this means and what that means. Will anything but theory be revealed?

Why can't you just reveal to us about the earth's history, straight up? Why the cloaking? Can't you just out with it? Why not?

I imagine someone will be along shortly to tell me the value will be lost if I don't figure it out for myself, or that this thread isn't for me. Maybe that's true, maybe it isn't.

I am open to the possibility that you truly do have some important and possibly dangerous secrets to impart. I am equally open to the possibility that you just enjoy holding (perceived) power, that you like having people asking you for answers, and that you enjoy attention.

I'm 50/50 at this point.

I eagerly await your reply! Thank you!
edit on 1-10-2017 by KansasGirl because: Sloppy

posted on Oct, 1 2017 @ 12:34 PM
Well, if we're talking about things being the same I guess I can start with the ying yangs - one on the benediction page is going counterclockwise & Tao's goes clockwise

I'm not sure all of the other symbolism, other than duality, there seems to be a light/dark theme as well

ETA: one has dark on top & the other has light on top as well
edit on 1-10-2017 by coldkidc because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 1 2017 @ 01:16 PM
Bookmark. Thank you. Amazing.

posted on Oct, 1 2017 @ 01:16 PM
a reply to: eisegesis

Way to co-opt Discordianism. Why not link to the Principia Discordia instead? Biters are fine, but if people want to use our stuff, a "Hail Eris, All Hail Discordia" or five seems appropriate. Just sayin'.

posted on Oct, 1 2017 @ 01:17 PM
...and then the chaos nerds appeared

posted on Oct, 1 2017 @ 01:22 PM

originally posted by: boozo
It's about ...

He already shared some of it. Just click on his signature "?" and scroll up. That might help.

That manual is a trip. I wonder if my computer is infected now, I probably should have run a scan on it first.

Has anyone tried to read through it yet? I started but I have a feeling that with an open mind, completing that manual will alter a person's reality.

Is this considered the 3rd installment then? They have 2 other threads that kind of lead into this. I briefly saw the 3rd thread before it was nuked out of orbit.

I must be really dense because it feels like being constantly teased with follow through or answers never offered.

posted on Oct, 1 2017 @ 01:33 PM
a reply to: KansasGirl

This is just my take on it. Eisegesis may think differently (though I sincerely hope not)...

"The Truth is Out There"
This can be read in more than one way.

Let me rephrase:
The truth is already out there, in plain sight, for all to see.

Jesus puts it like this:

3. "If your leaders say to you, 'Look, the kingdom is in the sky,' then the birds of the sky will precede you. If they say to you, 'It is in the sea,' then the fish will precede you. Rather, the kingdom is within you and it is outside you.
29. Jesus said, "If the flesh came into being because of spirit, that is a marvel, but if spirit came into being because of the body, that is a marvel of marvels.
Yet I marvel at how this great wealth has come to dwell in this poverty."
113. His disciples said to him, "When will the kingdom come?"
"It will not come by watching for it. It will not be said, 'Look, here!' or 'Look, there!' Rather, the Father's kingdom is spread out upon the earth, and people don't see it."

There is no better place to hide the ultimate majesty and magic of the world than in plain sight, for all to see (but for very few to recognise in its totality).

Thing is, a lot of people on this site are somewhat in the dark, looking for shortcuts to what they think will make them happy. 
Now, if someone thoroughly analyses themselves and discovers what would truly make them most happy, and then someone shows them the light that confirms that, then the magic of the 'self-discovery' of that light is gone. 
The light would immediately become less bright, and this would inevitably make some people turn away from it. What an unfortunate situation that would be!
You have to discover the light for yourselves and become active participants in emulating what you find.

That's why all of this is shrouded in double-meanings and secrecy. The reason it is veiled is because it has to be kept that way. 
Nobody unveils the bride but the groom himself (nobody unveils the discovery but the discoverer themselves).
Otherwise it's all just been for nothing.

That's why most people who are 'in the know' - if that's what you want to call it - have no problem whatsoever talking about the beauty and majesty of what is discovered, but if someone were to ask us for a plain description or to draw them a picture, then we'd have to decline the request for their sakes (and very likely for our own).

I hope this makes sense.
But not too much

posted on Oct, 1 2017 @ 02:35 PM
a reply to: 1656hrs

There is no better place to hide the ultimate majesty and magic of the world than in plain sight, for all to see (but for very few to recognise in its totality).

and this:

but if someone were to ask us for a plain description or to draw them a picture, then we'd have to decline the request for their sakes (and very likely for our own).

makes just enough sense...

posted on Oct, 1 2017 @ 03:22 PM
a reply to: EartOccupant

Is that a modern version of a dreidel?

Perfectly round and perfectly square.

You mean 'balanced' don't you?

The Universe is everywhere, neither round nor square.

posted on Oct, 1 2017 @ 03:32 PM
a reply to: eisegesis

This is a journey I've been on for some time, the synchronicity within the images you've posted is undeniable to me. I look forward to that which you share. in love, I wish you well, -I am.

posted on Oct, 1 2017 @ 03:45 PM
a reply to: intrptr

That isn't far of, a dreidel in a way.

Although this one ( or actually what you see are two halfs) is an Utron.

edit on 1-10-2017 by EartOccupant because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 1 2017 @ 03:48 PM

originally posted by: EartOccupant
a reply to: intrptr

That isn't far of, a dreidel in a way.

Although this one ( or actually what you see are two halfs) is an Utron.

You left out a link to "Utron".

posted on Oct, 1 2017 @ 04:00 PM
a reply to: KansasGirl

Its frustrating, right?

But, there are reasons for it.

I'm speaking generally rather than specifically about eis or his threads. Frankly, I think he adds some needless drama, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't get a pretty big kick out of that.
The reality is that all of this stuff is available outside of the ATS member "eisegesis."

The problem with just doing a datadump instead of incrementally working towards the point is a bit like those magic eye pictures, or even education.

With the former, if you don't know there is more than meets the eye and the process necessary to extract it.. it is little more than visual static. You could show someone a magic eye pic that literally contained ALL of the worlds mysteries, but it'd be a waste of time if nobody could parse it.

In the latter, its like trying to jump to linear algebra before even learning addition and subtraction. There is a gap there that will prevent meaning and purpose from getting through to the individual. It all just looks like gibberish and is discarded, unlikely to be examined ever again.

On top of that, we are speaking about an arena where seeing that magic eye, or understanding that linear algebra, requires us to shift our active perception and cognition of reality itself. And, not just as an anomaly, but as a permanent shift to the very foundation of who we think we are.

In that sense, its almost like the picture in the magic eye image is not there until certain steps have been made. Its a very individual thing too, there is no one way that works for everyone.

Its downright tricky, really, and that's probably why the subject matter has so many amazing interpretations and pantheons and yet makes about as much of an inroad now as it has for millennia.
edit on 1-10-2017 by Serdgiam because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 1 2017 @ 04:40 PM
a reply to: eisegesis


They are all 3 different.

Tao's Yin-Yang image - has the head of the white-yang w/black dot on top & the head of the black-yin w/white dot on bottom

The Hand image - has the head of the black-yin w/white dot on top & the head of the white-yang w/black dot on bottom

The Psychonaut Manual cover - has the orientation similar to the hand image/pic except the dots are replaced with the Apple of Discord & Pentagram


posted on Oct, 1 2017 @ 04:58 PM
I really injoyed your post man! I agree on at least a several things.

1) There is indeed a veii or mask covering up the true evil being who is in charge of this world! Calll him Satan as your wish, but he is NOT Lucifer, at least as far as I can tell. For one thing, Satan HATES HATES HATES light. So why would it make any bit of sense for him to maskaround as an illuninator? I believe he wants total darkness in this void space of our home, which is why he DESPISES us human beings, because we have God's spark of life in us whether we realize it or not. Every heard of BioPhotons???

2. We can't see our creator because he is wearing a mask so that the accident "satan" can never see the magnicificnce of God. So he wages war upon us in order to exterminate the light. I do believe in the ends, according to ancient indian legends, the blue kachnina will watch man for a short long while, and then he will crash down to earth with a fury. Then upon the frozen onlookers, that blue Chachina will remove his mask...... And omg will it be amazing. the Evils powers will flee to the fatherst reaches of the galaxes in pure trearor. For Satan due to God's Mask, had foolishly said "There is no other God before me." When in all thruth, God is in all of us. He will quake and shember before us all left standing, and our GodHead.
edit on 1-10-2017 by RustBoat because: (no reason given)

edit on 1-10-2017 by RustBoat because: (no reason given)

edit on 1-10-2017 by RustBoat because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 1 2017 @ 06:13 PM
This world we perceive, interact with, build in and lay various foundations upon, is as real as most of us assume reality to be.
I dispute that with all of my heart, by I am not the protagonist in this parable.
If you have something to say, then say it.
Gnosticism deprives the simple man of truth and elevates the 'learned' to a place of mysticism and untouchablility.
Truth is for the simple. Knowledge is for the learned. Knowledge can pervert truth by way of pride.
Speak your heart as if you were talking to an 8 year old.

posted on Oct, 1 2017 @ 06:17 PM

originally posted by: Indigent
ill just comment to remember in 24 days that nothing happened

I have seen the real date: February 30, 3489.

posted on Oct, 1 2017 @ 06:41 PM
Its unfortunate the thread seems to not let the OP deliver his message. Everybody wants to tout their own horn.

Put your egos down and let the OP do his message. Follow along, and see what the message is.
Then you can flex your knowledge

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