posted on Nov, 21 2017 @ 05:05 AM
a reply to:
Is it an echo in here?
My favorites too, by far. Hobbit trilogy + LOTR trilogy.
My friend had them as audiobooks, and we used to listen them if i slept on his sofa. I am not too much into fantasy stuff, but i listened, got
interested, and decided to watch the movies. Hobbits first and then LOTRs because of timeline. Extended versions of all. It was absolutely magical. I
had myself relaxed good and had all sorts of snacks to eat. Zero alcohol, i wanted to follow the story real sharp.
It took me about three days to watch them, 6 movies about 4-5 hours each. I was stunned by the story and how well the films were made. I cried. Twice.
First when Gollum appears, and Bilbo decides to leave Gollum alive. The despair in Gollums eyes and overall appearance. And he got a second...
third... fourth? chance. I got emotional at that point. The second time was when Thorin got killed. It was so wrong in many ways, he was such a great
Actually i find a link between myself and Gollum. Sometimes i hold beer as "my precious" and if i get too deep in those thoughts, i will find myself
in darkness, broken.
But i am good now, have been for several days, and i hope everyone else who might be reading this is fine too!