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"Fixing" the National Football League's Political Problem

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posted on Sep, 27 2017 @ 06:44 PM

originally posted by: Grambler
a reply to: burdman30ott6

As I said elsewhere, one good that could come out of these protests is ending these subsidies from tax payers to billionaires.

This should have ended regardless of the anthem protests, but if that is the catalyst for ending them, so be it.

Isn't it strange no one is demanding the billions in subsidies stop for the myriad of companies that get them other than the NFL?

I thought according to the right that this is un-american and will only hurt jobs in this country. You realize the players make up a small fraction of those who work in some capacity for the NFL right? Because of a silent protest that has done absolutely nothing to those frothing at the mouth (other than expose the hypocrisy of those who are now claiming they stand in their living rooms hand over heart while it is being played) you want to take away the trickle down economy?

posted on Sep, 27 2017 @ 06:44 PM
Usually I am all about making a joke and this one started as one but then I thought about it.

What if the NFL was to take two weeks off and all the players, coaches, staff went down to Puerto Rico to actually physically help with the clean up and restoration to prove they are all about helping the forgotten Americans.

posted on Sep, 27 2017 @ 07:04 PM

originally posted by: Ahabstar
Usually I am all about making a joke and this one started as one but then I thought about it.

What if the NFL was to take two weeks off and all the players, coaches, staff went down to Puerto Rico to actually physically help with the clean up and restoration to prove they are all about helping the forgotten Americans.

Ah, what? How about Exxon does that? Or you? Why would that be their prerogative? NFL players give substantial time and money to charities already.

posted on Sep, 27 2017 @ 08:04 PM

originally posted by: ColoradoJens

originally posted by: Ahabstar
Usually I am all about making a joke and this one started as one but then I thought about it.

What if the NFL was to take two weeks off and all the players, coaches, staff went down to Puerto Rico to actually physically help with the clean up and restoration to prove they are all about helping the forgotten Americans.

Ah, what? How about Exxon does that? Or you? Why would that be their prerogative? NFL players give substantial time and money to charities already.

So does Exxon Mobil.

posted on Sep, 27 2017 @ 09:08 PM
a reply to: ColoradoJens

And I drive elderly, vets and MR/DD to their appointments. So what's your point?

The NFL is the one catching heat at the moment. If you watch CBS, you might notice that they are advertising for Thursday Night Football pretty heavy. Almost like they are a little worried about viewership and ratings. As for my above post, it kinda keeps in theme with the subject of fixing the NFL's problem.

So maybe explain about how deflecting and pointing fingers elsewhere fixes the problem at hand?

posted on Sep, 29 2017 @ 01:33 PM
Simple fix: Since the NFL fumbled on the initial kneeling issue, it's too late for them to tell the players "don't kneel," because they will take offense to that, and who knows what happens next. Go back to how it used to be in the past. Players in tunnel - anthem plays - players run out after. Fixed. Players will still be miffed, but.. not as much I would think, as they would know the NFL is trying to fix a problem. And they can't revolt against the decision and kneel anyway.. they will be in the tunnel.

Only decent solution I see at this point. The only other is to simply let it die out over time. Which will work until Trump tweets more crap, because he isn't getting enough attention, and it all starts up again. So.. I'd say just remove the problem from the field.

posted on Sep, 29 2017 @ 02:52 PM
a reply to: Ahabstar

I find this whole issue to be hilarious if not just sad. I have discussed this with a few people recently, such as coworkers and uber drivers, and not one single person can remember ever even watching the national anthem be played at who tunes in for that??? I honestly think 90% of us have plenty of important things to worry over and think about that the only ones who even care are those seeking attention anyway.

posted on Sep, 29 2017 @ 03:00 PM
So am I the only one who couldn't have cared less about the NFL in the first place? Well, if I were or had been a fan, all this special kneeling snowflakery would discourage me from being such. It's all so stupid anyway. Protesters today are not the protesters of the past who tried to have a voice for worthy change. Today, people just actively pursue something to protest about, anything, whatever, just some sort of 'movement' they can be a part of. Whether any of it actually makes sense or whether they even fully understand what they're protesting and why is totally optional to most of these nuts.

posted on Sep, 29 2017 @ 09:21 PM

originally posted by: burdman30ott6

originally posted by: ColoradoJens

originally posted by: Ahabstar
Usually I am all about making a joke and this one started as one but then I thought about it.

What if the NFL was to take two weeks off and all the players, coaches, staff went down to Puerto Rico to actually physically help with the clean up and restoration to prove they are all about helping the forgotten Americans.

Ah, what? How about Exxon does that? Or you? Why would that be their prerogative? NFL players give substantial time and money to charities already.

So does Exxon Mobil.

Their employees?

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