Since January the 20th in 2017, the "government" of the former allegedly united states obvisiously is trying hard to start a war. It doesn´t even
matter who will be the enemy, Trump angers and provokes every of his, of the alleged enemies of the former allegedly united states. It could be hardly
easier for the circles(military industrial complex, the moneyed aristocracy) that installed and control the Trump puppet. It´s difficult to overlook
that, if you are not blinded by the shining greatness of his greatness.
It seems that the goals of PNAC now can be reached, with that puppet in power, there are two wars "missing", that against Iran and that against North
korea. PNAC demanded, we can say ordered in 1997/98 the wars in Afghanistan-, Iraq-, Libya-, Somalia and Syria. In Somalia we have the drone war. And
as said, NK and Iran are missing.
"Bisher wurden die von PNAC seit 1997/98 geforderten und geplanten Afghanistan-, Irak-, Libyen- und Syrien-Kriege begonnen, wie auch schon Drohnen in
Somalia eingesetzt wurden. Ausständig von den PNAC-Kriegsvorhaben sind nur noch die Kriege gegen den Iran und gegen Nordkorea."
Had to take this german part, because i couldn´t find that part in the english version, like so often, please use a translator.
And now the Trump puppet is going against Iran and NK, coincidence?
Even if you read the words PNAC used and Trump uses, you wouldn´t guess who said what. About "Americas greatness" and stuff. "Deutschland" über
alles stuff, if you know what i mean. You could put the PNAC words in Trumps mouth and nobody would wonder, it´s what he always demands and says.
Dear sane(!!!) citizens of the former allegedly united states, YOU have to stop that wild west madness, this insanity of the moneyed aristocracy that
ruled and rules the former allegedly united states. Or do you want these circles to start a war with whoever, just for their profits? Because, the
former allegedly united states is not an untouchable paradise with an invisible, impenetrable magical shield, this time it could be that you have a
war on your own soil!
Think of russia, think of china, NK, Iran, think of all those that don´t like the former allegedly united states, because of it´s wannabe world
domination behaviour in the world, over the last decades and now!
I am not even sure if many of your "partners" would be willing to help the former allegedly united states if they were attacked, as it behaves right
now. According to Trump those "partners" are not needed, just good for paying more for wars that are started by the former allegedly united states,
more for desruction, destabilization and all that misery on earth that was started by those circles in the former allegedly united states..
As you can see now, it isn´t done with bringing a member of the big money, an alleged billionair into power, to fight the establishment, which is is
nothing else than the big money. How ridiciolous is this? If you only can choose between pest and cholera, how should pest or cholera be good for you
people?(thinking of the elections in germany on sunday, same game...)
Didn´t you ever wonder why nothing changed and changes to a better for the average, not rich citizen, no matter which of your "two parties" in
your(in reality) one party system(in Germany we call it GroKo, great coalition, in the former GDR it was called SED) is in power or who is the alleged
It´s the moneyed aristocracy that wins, since ever. If in the former allegedly united states, if in europe, if in africa, in asia, wherever on earth,
to every time! Really, it´s up to you citizens in the former allegedly united states to stop that madness that threatens the whole world and yourself
right now!
Your ruling class, call it deep state or whatever, is completely out of control! And you are not inviolable, invincible and unreachable on your own
soil. The sons and daughters of your averages citizens are send to die in these wars that make the rich richer. And you sit there, divided like never
before, hate each other and are too deflected to see what really is going on. If you go to the streets, to protest, it´s just "hating the other side"
protests, instead of protesting against the real threat to you and the world. You are even armed to the teeth, millions of armed to the teeth low wage
slaves that sit in the cooking pot and wait to get cooked, while yelling Maga, Maga or diving your nose into your spyPhone and Facebook, to
self-explore you to the secret services and multinational acting corporations around the world.
I know that most former allegedly united states citizens don´t care about what is going on in the world, outside of their own country, as long as
there are stars and stripes flags every three meters, as long you can see people in uniforms and camouflage clothes everywhere, just as much as in NK
or China. As long your SUV has enough cheap gas and your electricity costs almost nothing, compared to the other western parts of the world. As long
you can have food challenges and "eat" unhealthy huge portions of the most unhealthiest food, full of sugar and fat.
You don´t care about working like slaves for almost no money(a lot of you, more than in Germany, and that means something), living in tent cities on
the streets while empty houses rot, with signs in front of it that say: Property of the Deutsche Bank! Change Deutsche Bank to any of your bankster
institutes. You don´t even care about your ruling class selling your, "gods own" soil to China and SA, for example. All that doesn´t matter as long
you can hate each other, with your wild west mentality, that didn´t evolve since then. You first shoot, then ask. Like your ruling class!
And you don´t see, because your heads and eyes are full of hate on each other, and because most of you are not really interested, how the world
changes, in relation to the government of the former alleged... you know states. Those, that really felt as your friends, for decades, turn away now.
It´s only the governments of these "partnerstates" that stand still by your side! You have lost the "Hearts and Minds" of most the population of
these "partner"states. Because of all the undeniable informations in the internet, whistleblowers and also the simple history opened our eyes about
the reality.
More and more people on earth see the former allegedly united states as they really are, as the threath that they are, for the whole world, the former
allegedly united states included. You just have to read european german-languaged newspapers online, their comment sections, what the average people
really think about the ruling lunatics in the overseas. And many don´t make the difference i do, between your ruling class and your average citizens.
If left, if right, if middle, doesn´t matter, they are all united in:
"Stop that lunatic cowboys before it is too late!"
And it´s getting more and more, from day to day, since january the twentieth. That is sad because millions of still sane people live in the allegedly
former USA, people that prefer freedom instead of war, that prefer a free life instead living in a police- and surveillance state, that would like to
be payed fair for the lifetime they spend to make others rich(low wage slaves), that don´t want to be world police, the greatest, first.