posted on Sep, 18 2017 @ 10:22 PM
originally posted by: RainbowPhoenix
So calm down I know you're not actually "cool" with it but I'm still left wondering why the response has been so limp wristed and
Probably because the authorities have a difficult time identifying that person X is a 100% going to commit a crime.
I know many govt anti-terror agencies have thousands of scumbags on monitor. But it's easy to assume what a person 'might' do and then say, "Aha!"
after they commit a crime, which is, of course, too late.
Also, I imagine many if not most of the agencies in question are too chicken sh*t to actually come out and accuse the Muslim community because, well,
we know what happens then. Islam and the islamic community do not take kindly to criticism, even if it's justly deserved. Look at the Danish
cartoons -- the amount of violence and death threats and actual attacks that took place were insane.
So, govt agencies know that if they were to start rounding up even known dangerous suspects and deport them, the muslim community would have a pity
party for themselves and probably react in the only way they know how -- violence.
Sucks, completely. I wouldn't mind being in the position of power to make decisions -- i'm not politically correct. But it wouldn't be me that would
suffer the islamic violence. The general public would
edit on 18-9-2017 by noonebutme because: (no reason given)