posted on Jul, 24 2005 @ 07:04 PM
Hellfire3, I agree about vD...I suppose I felt I needed to put von Daniken in the list, as he sort of launched the modern movement in regard to
Interventionist Theory. In addition to this, his work was one of the first which I encountered on this topic, some 30 years ago. He has, long since,
been surpassed by a wealth of information from brilliant authors due to breakthroughs in astronomy, archaeology, corrected historical accounts, etc.
etc.. His source materials, as well, are still worth a read.
As for Alford's about-face, all I've ever been able to find is this:
In 1998, Alan Alford’s second book ‘The Phoenix Solution’ was published by Hodder and Stoughton. In this book, Alan focused his attention on the
mysteries of ancient Egypt and argued that Egyptian myth described a catastrophic creation. This remarkable discovery – supported by the
eminent historian Michael Rice who wrote the Foreword to the book – has shaped all of Alan’s subsequent work, and caused him to retract a key
portion of the ancient astronaut ‘evidence’ which he cited in his first book.
(emphasis added)
It seems to have occurred at about the same time that he signed his publishing agreement with Hodder and Stoughton (the second publishing of Gods of
the New Millennium). I'd say he got pressured somehow into compromising his earlier research, in return for greater benefits. Very sad.
On topic, the relationship to the 6,000 yr question is addressed in the aforementioned works, with one theory being that the measurement of time
(years) is mistranslated from the original Sumerian tablets, through successive translations to current times (including biblical translations).
Proposed was the original period of time, called the sar, and it's composition & subsequent redefinition after the Cataclym (Great Flood),
from 3,600 yrs to 2,160 yrs. Using the original value, Sitchin displayed a timeline which fit fairly well to most of history, removing most apparent
anomalies. Alford noted some discrepancies, and figured in the effect of a pole shift & the Earth's wobble, and concluded that prior to the
Cataclysm sars were 3,600 yrs, but changed to 2,160yrs afterward to accomodate for the effect of the precession. Once this was done, a uniform
timeline emerged which accomodated every major event in history, including The Egyptian Kings List, and many other chronologies.