posted on Oct, 15 2017 @ 11:03 PM
a reply to:
Why Terry, it is given you over and over again in the Bible, and yet you nor Noinden, the religious student, have never seen it, though you all have
read the Bible once. But then again it is something that takes years of Bible belief to even begin to understand. I too am in the beginning stages of
its understanding.
The Beginning and the End, from everlasting to everlasting, yet without beginning and without end but forever blessed. There is a mathematical
equation and you may know it one day, if you search for it in the only place that truth can be found on this planet, and you can hold it in you hand.
It takes faith and it takes pureness of heart.
Like I said, the one who counts Hebraic syllables is more closer to the truth of the math of God than you are.
Noinden, metaphysics and philosophy have nothing to do with truth, you of all people, being as well briefed in world religions as you claim, should
well know.
Good night I have had enough for one day maybe two.