posted on Oct, 15 2017 @ 07:11 PM
a reply to:
no one is actual and therefore is proven true, while the other claims to be true but can't be verified outside the mathematicians formula. Which
would change in a year or two.
I am going to ask you to come up with a mathematician who had made a mistake in prophesying future events mathematically?
Or are you saying that all mathematicians have been correct since day one?
Here is one that is provable to anybody, I dare you to find another. Haley's comet was once said to come around EVERY 76 YEARS, it was set forth and
kept in science books until the 1980's. Even though it was identified since 250AD to come around every 74-79 years. Today they wont know exactly
which year until it becomes visible via telescope (any type on which it appears first), and only then can they say if it will be 74, 75, 76, 77, 78,
79 years from the last time it passed because of the gravitational paths of the other planets as it passes them Jupiter being most predominately an
influence on this Jupiterian class of comets.
There was an error Newton made in his physics calculations can you find one of them?
BTW Haley's is said to return in 2061 July 28th to be exact. I hope to be around when that happens just to see them squirm when it is off by a month
or two.
edit on 15-10-2017 by ChesterJohn because: (no reason given)