a reply to:
It is hard for me to take you seriously when you say thanks for putting it all together and then say it is the work of the Devil. I get called names,
made fun of, and people say the vilest things about me, without even trying to prove it to themselves that what I have concluded about the Preserved
word is true.
The chapter and verse usage was limited but started in 1227AD. Then the NT Wycliffe Bible in 1382 was the first to use Chapter and verse numbering
in a printed version of Scriptures. The AV Holy Bible was first printed in 1611(translation started in 1604, that is seven years) was the first
complete Holy Bible in English to use Chapter and verse. Since then all Bibles followed suit in taking on the chapter and verse numbering system,
however there are a few who have removed the numbering and reduced it from single verses to paragraphs and chapters. It took a few AV editions to get
the English for our generation in the AV perfected.
But God does say and it is important to say that the over all context of Psalm 12 is about preserving his called out servants, Israel, the immediate
context of Verses Six and Seven are specifically referring to his words as purified, tried and that he himself would preserve His words. God has
always used men in each generation to preserve his word, that by the time God got to the English Generation of today, which started under King James
of England, as it was under his reign that the English Empire was established by the time he died, The Sun never set on the English Empire.
While that Empire has long been lost, English still remains as the predominate trade language of the world. Most computer software codes though they
are reduced to the binary system of Zero's and One's, are primarily written in English for the most part.
I having actually read 25 different English versions completely through at least 3 times each since 1994. Since 2003 upon reading the AV for the
first time I came to it with a pure heart, I asked God, "if this be your preserved word for us today please show me truth". It took me two years of
reading, study and comparison that I realized there a few things that separated the AV from all other Bibles.
1) The English best represented the plural meanings of the Partial Hebrew and Greek manuscript copies that were available. Where the translator were
uncertain, the prayerfully asked God to lead them, at times the just Transliterated and word at and other times they translated it. But they were the
best English words for what we had. From the AV you could literally teach every other versions word changes just by knowing the many meanings of the
English word.
2) Every word can be defined by the context in which the words are found. As I described above in Psalm 12:6, 7. NO need to far a dictionary to give
you the meaning. And as the English language grew Dictionaries were made to keep up with the meanings not just spellings. I currently have a Noah
Webster's unabridged dictionary which means it has all the original word's of the original 1829 version of his dictionary. Which have all the 360
plus revised Bible versions since 1830/1880.
3) It has all the words, phrases, verses and sections in it. This was one of the things that amazed me the most. Though some of the words, verses,
sections seemed controversial to scholars as late as 2010. I found that the bibles I had been reading ad parts removed, some changed words. These
bibles limited the plurality of meanings of the English word to one single specific point, causing a vast amount of application to be lost. Some of
the words were just changed to synonyms of the original English word used the preserved version, which even led to more confusion for men to
IN short the Preserved word of God as found in English AV Version is the most complete and accurate Bible to date.
4) It also has the most amazing inspired of God cross-reference system I have ever seen. Most Bible versions have a cross referencing system that has
a theological slant of specific denominations. So when you buy their Bibles their system is usually found either in a center column or as footnotes
at the bottom of the page. The one I speak of does not have to put the cross-references for you anywhere but in the text itself.
This means you must read the Preserved word of God enough times to have an actual familiarity of all the words in it. To this day 14 years later I am
still finding words, phrases, sections and whole verses that cross reference to another part of the Bible.
5) Out of all the other Bible versions out the the preserved word of God is simple enough for anyone with at least a 6th grade education can
understand it clearly. The preserved word testified of itself that it teaches and makes wise the simple. Having said that I know of a man who
recently went home to Christ, who had only a 3rd grade Filipino education who taught himself English and how to read with the AV Bible I gave him. He
was a real blessing to the church in the Philippines.
6) The preserved word of God has clearly in it has Historical Application, Doctrinal Application for tow separate groups, one Israel and the other the
Body of Christ, the Church. And it has Spiritual Application for all men, saved and unsaved.
Once this was all realized by me I rarely use and Lexicons anymore, I rarely read commentaries anymore. I daily read it and mark the cross references
in the margins of it so I can see God's word more clearly. I have found many truths that if I share them like I did about the Numbering of the Verses
and the numbers of certain words many would say they are of the Devil. But The Holy Ghost teacheth by comparison of spiritual things to Spiritual
things and the Bible is a spiritual thing that we must daily delve into and we will never fully know it all in this life time. Everyday I am
surprised at things I see.
The Preserved AV Holy Bible is written for man to live in this world system united with his maker. It is a God inspired, God preserved and shows us
the Love God has for all men, even though he has appointed one nation to serve him forever, that being Israel. We the Church will be with him forever
more according to 1 Thess 4:13-18, this we have for our comfort in a world of wicked and perverse men.
I hope this answers your questions, and I assure you I was in no means trying to create any foolish controversies or arguments, surely you will not
say it is of the law, which was the main context of the verse you quoted as found in Titus 3:9. It usually comes down to ones own bias. It was just
an observation from years of reading the Bible. First I noticed little things in the AV like some of the the 3:16 verses having some real spiritual
truths in them (milk). Then it grew to see the more in depth truths Meat. But every good meal for full nourishment contains good meant, Vegetables
which usually followed by desert with a good cold glass of milk.
Be blessed.