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Bernie Sanders Proposes MEDICARE-FOR-ALL. Democrats Want This To Be Their Primary Message.

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posted on Sep, 12 2017 @ 06:36 AM
a reply to: Justso

People were dying in larger numbers before Obama passed the ACA. His actions bought people who had no provision at all, into a realm where they could at least get covered. Don't get me wrong, he was a warmongering, intelligence agency appeasing douche, just like Bush and Bill Clinton before him, but none of that changes the fact that Obama's healthcare system, no matter what it did to you or people you know personally, WAS better than what came before it. The only arguments against that, come from those who do not care about human life as much as they do their own, weak desire for comfort and wealth.

posted on Sep, 12 2017 @ 06:37 AM
a reply to: WeRpeons

Yeah, you have many good points-problem is-it's Bernie. He's a socialist in every sense and we can't have that. He desperately needs to go away-He's the one clogging up any movement for proposed healthcare changes because he's carrying around his past which screams socialism. If he truly wanted to help-he'd go away and let Trump and his people try to work with Congress etc. instead of always causing roadblocks. All he's doing is trying set himself up for 2020-duh-like we don't see that. Annee's right-he needs to shut up-he had his chance now go away.
edit on 12-9-2017 by Justso because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 12 2017 @ 06:39 AM
a reply to: Justso

What do you mean, had his chance?

Had his chance to get blocked out by corporatists and their inhuman agenda, their anti-democratic agenda?

Get real.

posted on Sep, 12 2017 @ 06:50 AM
a reply to: TrueBrit

Guess you forgot they passed this horrible Obamacare without reading it. It is only recently the disastrous effects are hitting people-and also killing people. We've always had free clinics and hospitals for the indigent. I'm afraid you are off base here.

Obama was handled-Obamacare has jaded our medical staffs and now we don't have doctors graduating cause they'll never be able to make any decent salary esp after paying their student debts. Obamacare was/is thrust down our necks and we Americans like to make our own decisions. Obama had no idea what Americans wanted-he did as told. Period.

Trump-thank god, is trying to find a system for all Americans lowering himself to even work across the aisle-thank God he's not a politicians. I anxiously await whatever he comes up with-we don't know yet.

By the way, I've heard nothing but horror stories about UK and canadian health policies for the most part. Waiting months for serious surgeries, terrible hospital conditions. I wouldn't brag too much about single-payer in other countries-we Americans won't easily hand over all our decision making to the government. Nor hand over 50% of our pay without some control on our part. Ain't gonna happen andTtrump knows it.

posted on Sep, 12 2017 @ 07:16 AM
My parents are newly retired and on Medicare. Medicare doesn't pay for ANY of the standard prescriptions they have to take. Standard stuff for blood pressure and blood sugar. They of course have to supplement the care.

NO THANKS TO GOVT RUN HEALTHCARE. Seriously people, the govt @#$@ up everything.

posted on Sep, 12 2017 @ 07:24 AM
a reply to: jjkenobi

Prescriptions are covered by Medicare Part-D. This is separate from Parts-A and -B. I thought this was common knowledge.

posted on Sep, 12 2017 @ 07:24 AM
a reply to: Justso

Single payer works just fine, unless someone tries to run it like a business, and charges nurses to get their training, as our universities currently do.

If you try and run healthcare, that is, a public service, like a business, and charge people to train for the medical profession, then:

a) regardless of the party you happen to be in, you are right wing, therefore in the wrong, as was the case with Blair and Brown, regardless of the fact that they were in the New Labour mob.

b) costs spiral because private companies get involved and fleece the taxpayer

c) no one wants to train to be a doctor or nurse, because the costs are too great for genuinely caring, down to earth, hardworking people to be able to afford them, which leads to potential doctors and nurses either never qualifying, or having to go elsewhere to train, work, earn and learn.

d) agency staff must be bought in, at greater expense than employing members of staff directly would require

e) everyone from the cleaners to the porters, to the doctors and the nurses, ceases to be a state employee, and the costs keep going up.

This is stupid. If we were running our health service without any capitalistic imperatives, limitations, and providing for prospective nurses and doctors by ensuring that they never pay for a damned thing while they train, and have guaranteed work THE SAME WEEK they finish their studies, and further, that they would be employed over any agency staff, private doctor for hire, and furthermore, that those who refuse point blank to work privately on the side, were rewarded in some manner, then our health service would be overflowing with medical staff, not understaffed in that regard.

If we refused point blank to allow anyone but employees of the state to work in hospitals and surgeries, whether they be actual medical practitioners, or porters or cleaners, the NHS would never have fallen into disrepair. As it is, corporate greed has infected both those who train our doctors and nurses, and those who manage the healthcare system. That is the ONLY thing that is wrong with the system as it stands. You see, when the NHS was first started, you could not have found a private company employee, or a member of agency staff, anywhere in any of the buildings run by the NHS. They were spotless, absolutely flawless, run like carefully oiled machinery, from basement to rooftop. They were top class. They were top class because the ONLY motivation of EVERY member of staff, from the doctors to the janitors, was to do their best by the people they served. They were top class because hospital managers were not the law, the doctors and nurses, particularly the matrons, were. Paper shufflers were, rightly, considered beneath the concern of the medical staff, and their wishes were utterly irrelevant. Their desire for better pay? Meaningless and beneath notice, as it still should be.

These days the managers take home obscene amounts of money, money which should be spent ONLY on the care of patients, NOT on the fluffing of an under talented, over stuffed morons ego. Agencies which provide staff which should be drawn from uni-leavers who have been guided by the state, through the process of being educated in the medical field, take masses of cash out of the NHS. Private companies supplying equipment and drugs, scalp the taxpayer at every turn.

The problems with the NHS have nothing to do with its socialist roots, and everything to do with its corporate present. I intend to see to it, by my vote and voice, that the institution is returned to the height of its powers, by a return to the socialist underpinnings which made it operate, and very well thank you, in the first place.

posted on Sep, 12 2017 @ 08:07 AM
I think we are on the same side basically. Crazy that administrators are making all the money and the medical pros are suffering along with the patients. It's happening right here at fancy hospitals run so poorly that I will drive an hour to get to a better run hospital. So, we agree mostly, just a few details-unfortunately the politics are making & breaking any positive movement. We are at a standstill-the US Government is so corrupt and it is the money-makers/corporations that are the thieves. This is where capitalism gets a dirty word and is an embarrassment to our country.

Don't know if Trump can overcome his own capitalistic view and he has to work with our dirty government, self-serving Congress, etc. But we shall see. He's not as bad as the corrupt lifetime politicians, who gotta go-but he still has TPTB to deal with who could destroy him and his family. He's aged alot in a few months. The strain of fighting the system is getting to him-he has not one person to trust. Interesting situation-unfortunately he is dealing with disasters from every direction. Scary times. At least with Obama, Bushes and Clinton, you knew they were filty despicble people-not a Trumpeter but do believe he is trying.

posted on Sep, 12 2017 @ 08:10 AM

originally posted by: murphy22
a reply to: Asktheanimals

Don't you forget that! Americans, have fought wars and saved European ass*s more than ounce! For less! After we already kicked their A'ses, to be rid of them! Then we go save their hides...The "civilized" world don't do S! Unless they know the US. Is backing them! Or they're playing poker... With US. Every nation on earth, is safe, unless America falls. And every nation knows it!

That is a rather ignorant and dare I say delusional view of the past you've got.

WWI - late to the party, due to your isolationist approach. The war was nearly won, with the tools that won it deployed already.

WWII - Same isolationist story, those that held out are appreciative of the loans, production and eventually mass of manpower, if Britain and Russia fell the Nazi's would have been on your doorstep, potentially with all those nasties the Brits were working on, those things we gifted to you.

American revolution - you were fighting Brits and mercenaries, behind the scenes a good portion of Europe were rooting for you, even dedicated resources.

I could go on, I really could. But it isn't the thread for it.

As for health care, Americans suffer, their welfare counts. One shouldn't be ignorant of the death and decay of their fellow citizens, just like so many generals shouldn't have been ignorant of advice given before the D-day landings... People needlessly died then but that was bullets and bombs, today Americans are dying due to ailments.

I hope you all can sort it out, I really do. Because it's a shame that people suffer needlessly. A real shame.
edit on 12-9-2017 by RAY1990 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 12 2017 @ 09:14 AM
a reply to: Justso

He may be a socialist but he's attacking the REAL problems facing the majority of Americans. Trump is labeled as a republican yet he's a total failure! Capitalism has proven time and time again it caters to corporate interests and not the people. It's not anywhere perfect. In fact, it's one of the main reasons hospitals over-charge for their services and prescription prices are out of sight. Many socialist countries have programs that work extremely well. Do the research.

There's nothing wrong with socialist programs in a Capitalists society. Stop giving it a bad name. There is a lot of good in socialism, it brings people equal opportunities in the future, and provides them with safety and security. I'm sure we can create a long list of what's bad about Capitalism. There's good and bad in both systems.

posted on Sep, 12 2017 @ 09:37 AM

originally posted by: Justso
a reply to: TrueBrit

Guess you forgot they passed this horrible Obamacare without reading it. It is only recently the disastrous effects are hitting people-and also killing people. We've always had free clinics and hospitals for the indigent. I'm afraid you are off base here.

Obama was handled-Obamacare has jaded our medical staffs and now we don't have doctors graduating cause they'll never be able to make any decent salary esp after paying their student debts. Obamacare was/is thrust down our necks and we Americans like to make our own decisions. Obama had no idea what Americans wanted-he did as told. Period.

Trump-thank god, is trying to find a system for all Americans lowering himself to even work across the aisle-thank God he's not a politicians. I anxiously await whatever he comes up with-we don't know yet.

By the way, I've heard nothing but horror stories about UK and canadian health policies for the most part.Waiting months for serious surgeries, terrible hospital conditions. I wouldn't brag too much about single-payer in other countries-we Americans won't easily hand over all our decision making to the government. Nor hand over 50% of our pay without some control on our part. Ain't gonna happen andTtrump knows it.

I have an appointment for a specialist that was made for me last month.

Guess when I get to see him. An ORT General.

Yeah, 6/20/2018. I hope I don't need him next month let alone next friggin year.

Public healthcare here in Hong Kong.

I have a sous vide I'm going to start using for hydrotherapy on my hand.

posted on Sep, 12 2017 @ 10:22 AM
a reply to: burgerbuddy

So sorry. I have special needs, life threatening situations, that, /I didn't even qualify for Obamacare, that I am able to get through a free program at great hospital-it's just an hour away though. Private systems, taking care of our own, works best.

Hope you find another provider. Don't give up. Keep hunting and fighting, that's what I did. Where are you?

posted on Sep, 12 2017 @ 10:22 AM
a reply to: burgerbuddy

edit on 12-9-2017 by Justso because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 12 2017 @ 10:28 AM
a reply to: carewemust

This would be one of the greatest things America has ever done.
Freed slaves
Women can vote
Medicare for all

Let's do it and join the rest of the civilized world!!

posted on Sep, 12 2017 @ 10:29 AM
a reply to: WeRpeons

You may be right. Capitalism has invaded and destroyed so much of our quality of life. However, I will never believe socialism is the answer. Still believe we need huge changes but we shoud be privatizing and accepting responsibilities for those who need help in the private sector. And until this Big Pharma loses its grip we will be in a huge nasty, bloody battle.

I'm an independant. I want government out of my life as much as possible. We need as much societal change as we do governmental and socialism is out of the agenda-totally.

posted on Sep, 12 2017 @ 10:32 AM
its easy to declare care for all. It already exists, called the Hippocratic Oath.

Question is what quality of care?

People that are insured get cared for, treated and healed.

All others get a bill.

Those that can't afford insurance get aspirin.

posted on Sep, 12 2017 @ 11:46 AM

originally posted by: RAY1990

American revolution - you were fighting Brits and mercenaries, behind the scenes a good portion of Europe were rooting for you, even dedicated resources.

Evem dedicated resources like the majority of the French Navy, used to harass British supply routes at sea, tens of thousands of regular French troops - including the continental commander at Yorktown - and over a billion French livres.

posted on Sep, 12 2017 @ 11:58 AM
The healthcare system in America is utterly broken, mainly by the outrageous profits enjoyed by the major players. The only fix is a complete do-over; adapting the best components of what works with the single-payer systems around the world should be our goal. The idea that America cannot succeed in doing what every other developed nation has done is specious at best. How else can America call itself the greatest nation on Earth if it cannot accomplish what our competitors have done? Even Russia has healthcare for all its citizens. And we publicly act like they are third-rate citizens.

posted on Sep, 12 2017 @ 12:36 PM
a reply to: TrueBrit

Most of the people "helped" by ObamaCare are those who earn less than $16,000 in 34 states. They gained free Medicaid.

posted on Sep, 12 2017 @ 02:46 PM

originally posted by: carewemust
Monday September 11, 2017

With the melting down of ObamaCare, and the failure of Republicans to replace it, U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders will be introducing a bill on Wednesday to open government administered/controlled MEDICARE health insurance to all Americans.

A leading ObamaCare architect is the latest Democratic figure to get behind the push for single-payer health care, as Sen. Bernie Sanders prepares to unveil his “Medicare for all” bill this week – kicking off a campaign sure to put immense pressure on senior Democrats and 2020 presidential hopefuls to support the costly proposal.

The push for government-funded health care once was relegated to the fringes of the Democratic Party but has made its way into the mainstream. The latest example of this was former Sen. Max Baucus saying last week that lawmakers should start looking at single-payer.
"I just think the time has come," he told NBC News, after making similar remarks at a public event in his home state of Montana.

In addition to ObamaCare architect Max Baucus, several other leading Democrats are throwing their support behind Bernie Sanders and his upcoming Medicare-For-All bill.

Medicare for All is becoming the new litmus test for Democratic presidential hopefuls.Cory Booker became the fifth Democratic senator to co-sponsor Bernie Sanders’s Medicare for All bill on Monday afternoon.

Senators Kamala Harris, Elizabeth Warren, Sheldon Whitehouse, and Jeff Merkley have also announced their support for the bill, which will be introduced this Wednesday. The bill won’t pass, of course, but that’s not the point. This is boundary-setting for a party badly in need of a message.

Personally, I'm not so sure that a Medicare-For-All bill won't pass. ObamaCare-ACA was a dog, even in its best days. Republicans are too dysfunctional to replace it. And the bi-partisan Senatorial commission that started work on plans to "shore up" ObamaCare this month, is simply going to throw billions of taxpayer dollars to health insurance companies.

If the bill to make Medicare available to anyone who wants it, is a replacement of ObamaCare (and not some add-on), I'd be all for it. And, more importantly, I think President Trump would be too.

After 7 years of promises, Republicans had their chance and they blew it, big time. The President wants all Americans to have access to quality, affordable healthcare. Donald Trump has been saying this for over 10 years, and a properly funded/expanded Medicare program can deliver. (IMO)


Passing such a thing, will bring the final boot of fascism down on America... unless there is a revolution... AND HERE'S WHY:

The problem with health care, isn't what most folks in America believe it is. The problem with health care, is the droopers inside the D.C. Beltway are and have been ALLOWING Monopolies, fraud, racketeering and price fixing in a way that would land ANYONE reading this in prison if THEY were doing the exact same thing in THEIR business.

Creating "healthcare for all" before fixing these kinds of Racketeering and Influence Peddling crimes... will only make the beneficiaries of those dollars even wealthier than they are.

For the life of me... and can't understand why conservatives and liberals won't, or can't, run this simple logic exercise and understand something as simple as "10 + 10 = 20".

So... when "the government" and "corporations" collude to create programs and demand the people adhere to them... that IS Mussolini's EXACT DEFINITION of FASCISM.

On the other hand... if some folks with genuine "doo-dads" actually forced this issue into the general public, after dealing with the disruptions to the economy, the MAJORITY of folks could pay less out of pocket for healthcare than they pay for insurance now... and the poor and marginalized folks would be more affordable to care for.

LEGISLATE PRICE DISCOVERY FIRST. Create a MARKET where providers MUST provide pricing BEFORE any goods, service or procedure takes place... and watch prices go down across the board by 60 to 80% or more.

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