a reply to:
The problem is that I have no proof of my suspicions whatsoever. And the more I learn, the more convinced I am that there were way more players
involved in each event than what's officially noted. I've noticed that in order to successfully lobby for global wars, many different groups &
industries have to believe they will benefit from that war. I mean people like these, but not limited to them:
1. Prince Bandar aka "Bandar Bush" (the notorious backer of global Wahhabi groups whose wife made payments to the wife of a known enabler of the 9/11
hijackers & whose unlisted number was in a hijacker's phone);
2. Jack Abramoff, the extremely powerful lobbyist whose casino boat was a meeting point for the hijacker Atta a week or so before the 9/11 attacks;
3. The Mossad agents who kept tabs on some of the hijackers in the US without alerting the US authorities;
4. The backers of the "Northern Alliance" & their leader Ahmad Massoud in Afghanistan, since the NA was the Taliban's primary enemy yet it was losing
& Massoud was assassinated a few days before 9/11;
5. Powerbrokers in the global opiate trade, since in July of 2000 the Taliban's leader Mullah Mohammed Omar outlawed opium production in Taliban
controlled areas, dropping production from 3,276 tons to only 185 tons in just one year
HERE). Ironically, a lot of the Western narratives at the time centered on how bad
this was for the poor, struggling Afghan farmers,
6. The organizations that lobbied for the passage of the bills "H.R. 2975" & "S. 1510", since those bills were hurriedly added to the Patriot Act
after the anthrax attacks happened;
7. Whoever would gain the most power from the new financial laws and surveillance powers passed after 9/11, including but not limited to the Patriot
Act & the NYPD's expanded powers;
8. The Wahhabis & Zionists that would gain the most from the destruction of secular Muslim govts, Libya & Iran;
9. The sponsors and co-writers of "A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm" & the PNAC, whose goals were greatly realized with the
implementation of the "War on Terror";
10. The defense contractors, energy industry titans, and MIC insiders who stood to gain the most from the skyrocketing Defense Dept budget after 9/11,
which roughly doubled from 2002 to 2008.
Now, I'm not saying that all or even most of these were involved in 9/11 or the anthrax attacks. But it's clear that the ones with no ties to the
actual hijackers still benefited immensely from the series of reforms, wars, and military occupations that history will call the "War on Terror". I
wouldn't even be surprised if the vast majority of the individuals affiliated with this list were simply brought onboard afterwards as a form of
"coalition building".
However, my suspicions are that there was a highly classified plan to reshape the Muslim world, smite Israel's most powerful enemies, obliterate then
reclaim the hearts & minds of Russia's MidEast allies, reclaim the MidEast's energy supplies (which was European "property" after WW1 & WW2), reignite
the global opium trade, and drastically boost defense spending & development. The enhanced policing reforms were likely an added bonus to shore up
domestic support while giving a pretext to crush domestic opposition.
I don't doubt for a second that Khalid Sheikh Mohammed had a plan, got permission from Osama to implement that plan, and then got 20-30 mercs &
enablers to implement that plan on 9/11. But I don't think that would've been enough to get the job done and I'm doubting that he was the main
architect of that plan. I'm thinking his camp got the plan from Prince Bandar's camp while Bandar's camp was an intermediary for some of the other
powerbrokers from my previous list. So while the 20-30 mercs & enablers were in the US, the other groups were doing their part on the sidelines to
make sure the plan went through. The affiliates of the other actors probably didn't even known the full scope of the plan or were misled about the
actual situation.
If my semi-crackpot theory were true, then how easy would it be for anyone affiliated in this plan to slip a couple hundred thousand USD to some
obscure researchers to send out some tainted letters? There have always been professionals and people w/good standings in society that have secretly
been affiliates with or paid protection money to the Mob, Mafia, Camorra, Yakuza, cartels, etc (or hired them to take care of some "business").
I even suspect that the airplanes were equipped with then-state of the art drone technology to ensure that they flew on target, since most of the
public didn't even know what UAVs were at the time. If you look at it strictly from that perspective, they would've been resoundingly successful live
fire runs that clearly propelled the drone/UAV industry into the forefront of modern military technology. It's not like govts, militaries & defense
contractors are above sacrificing citizens for the advancement of technology. Wasn't that the whole point in using soldiers as "cannon fodder" and
using civilians for human experiments? Quite a few people would kill strangers if billions dollars per year were at stake.
I know it's repulsive to think of it like this, but like I said earlier, I look at these things like I would look at a crime. There are only so many
coincidences that can happen before they stop being coincidences. Far too many powerful groups felt screwed over by the drop in defense funding under
Clinton; the Northern Alliance's losing streak; the spread of secularism & the outright rejection of Wahhabism in Islam ; the dramatic drop in opium
availability (don't forget that the West had already fought multiple Opium Wars & Banana Wars); the refusal of the world to take down Saddam, the
Iranian Mullahs, Qaddafi, Assad, etc; the loss of energy revenue in the MidEast, etc. But coincidentally, they all profited greatly from the
"unforeseeable" murder of thousands of civilians on 9/11 and the series of reforms, wars, and military occupations that would follow. Hmmm...
If we accept that we live in a "war based" economy, why is it so hard to believe that there are powerful people who think we need new wars to continue
our prosperity? You would only need a few powerful people to hatch a plot for something like this to happen. Heck, look at Jeffrey Sterling. He was a
former CIA operative turned whistleblower who revealed that the US govt had fed faulty nuclear weapons blueprints through secret operatives into Iran,
then pointed at those blueprints as "proof" that Iran was trying to build nukes. Condolezza Rice was reportedly astounded at this, not because of the
plans, but because she believed that only the highest ranking members of the Clinton & Bush administrations knew about these plans (called "Operation
Merlin"). We almost were able to take down Iran, reclaim their oil, and please both Israel & the GCC (for taking down their arch enemy), all because
of a plan known to only a few people.