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There's a chain of events in my life that's pointing to something big happening this year...

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posted on Sep, 9 2017 @ 10:48 PM
a reply to: angeldoll

I love when things like this happen. It reminds us how truly connected we are to everything, not only here and now but to our past, present and future.

Thank you for sharing.

posted on Sep, 9 2017 @ 11:14 PM
Makes me wonder if it some kind of collective consciousness and it response that causes these kind of events, like the hatman or shadow people, and that they may have some deep rooted symbolism to it. But no body gives a crap about that theory, it ain't life threatening enough.

I'm kind of into the Pretism pov when it comes to Bible prophecy. Meaning it already happened and the so called prophecies are actually historical facts, like Rome being the great dragon with iron teeth, with seven head representing an Emperor of Rome. Revelations is an interesting one, since it depicts the rise of the Vatican and it symbolic resemblqnce to the whore of Babylon which is depicted as Kali from Hinduism.

Now wether this prophecy or tptb way of fooling the waves as they went along is up to interpretation.[
edit on 9-9-2017 by Specimen because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 9 2017 @ 11:53 PM

originally posted by: annoyedpharmacist
The Hat Man. Interesting. I have never heard of that before, but have had a kind of experience with something dressed as such.

It was a time of upheaval in my life. Just moved out of college to an area where I knew no one. I felt isolated and alone.

One night I got home and just felt off. Extraordinarily tired. Laid down on the couch and fell asleep. Woke up from a horrible dream, and couldn't move....i saw out of the corner of my eye a silhouette of a tall person in a hat.

I tried to speak, but nothing worthwhile came out. Then he moved in an instant right next to me. I remember the fear as if it were yesterday. I closed my eyes and prayed, HARD. the feeling of dread slowly went away.

Will never forget it....

Life is way stranger than fiction, isn't it?

I'll never understand how a lot of different people can dream/see the same figure without even hearing about it before.

posted on Sep, 10 2017 @ 12:00 AM
First 7 years and finishes up on the next Full solar eclipse...

posted on Sep, 10 2017 @ 01:20 AM
I actually can't believe I just read this given everything that has been going on in my life recently.

Beautifully written BTW, not often you get something so coherent here

posted on Sep, 10 2017 @ 04:16 AM
a reply to: sylvie

I wish there was something that I could say to keep you from turning to religion...
Sleep paralysis is a scary experience and usually coincides with a specific figure due to stories and beliefs held in a specific culture.

Although my own experiences have varied greatly, I haven't had it in a couple of years and do not fear it anymore. Once you realise the experience is an expression of your sub-conscience more control can be had.

I'm just not an advocate for religion. The human mind is a fragile thing, and should be treated as such. I sometimes wonder if corresponding experiences haven't been implanted through social engineering. But hey, each to their own. I just wish I could make people see that the human race has the potential to be God, we're just being held back by silly superstitions...

posted on Sep, 10 2017 @ 04:48 AM
Ive had sleep paralysis all my life but the hat man , was a cloak man.

And I have only had one time ,when I saw a bright flash of light than woke up the next morning, but heard the noises and couldn't move so the bright flash is sp related .

Have you heard anything about a flash of light and sleep paralysis ?

posted on Sep, 10 2017 @ 05:54 AM
a reply to: sylvie

Fascinating and interesting read.....I have often thought that any kind of religion has a "End of Times" prophecy sort of thing...and often watch or read anything of this nature. have to admit what with all fires, floods and earth quakes that are getting more serious each year...that something could be going on.

I'm not a church goer....I don't believe or like man made religious dogma....yet when I was a child (I'm in my 50's now) I was often "visited" by something and was wasn't until in my late teens I started using the Lords Prayer as a form of protection from the attacks.

First time I used it worked....and after using it, the attacks became less often until they stopped entirely...I like the Lords Prayer to a spell...that wards against evil....and now I always keep a written copy of the Lords Prayer next to my bed....

So....I don't scoff when I hear someone with the courage and conviction to tell their story of such events and portends....peace.

posted on Sep, 10 2017 @ 07:22 AM
I'd be very wary.... switching from Orthodoxy to the hierarchy of the Vatican Catholicism is a IFFY thing...besides much of the observations about Francis are that he qualifies as a 'False Prophet'

as for a letter from Phoenix...Phoenix is an overlooked Vortice/Vortex center... I realized a 7 year Quest there when I happened to witness the group of 6 young Arab men at the Scottsdale AirPark taking flight school training in Mar-Apr 1995
(tip letter sent to Phoenix FBI resulted)....Then, waiting in Phoenix for next vision Quest I survived a brain hemorrhage in May '97 and was fortunate to be in that city as they had the brain injury hospitals available, & in abundance !
(a Baptist hospital 6 blocks away , sent me to St Josephs directly...)

as for hat man, I donno.....last night I had a physical fight in Lucid Dream state with some fellow, & I did not call upon Jesus, in fact I potty-mouthed the bass-tard pretty severely

as far as 40 days after the 23 Sept '17.... I have a notion the celestial event (Virgo, birthing...) is not a prophetic sign as much as being the final warning sign of the commencement of the events Christ said to his closed group of insider followers...the Virgo Sign of the Son-of-Man Story is the final evangelizing to the whole world of the Story/Narrative of the Gospel that the End-Times can proceed as prophecy tell us.

wars, civil wars, increased birth pains/increased Beginning-of-Sorrows, then the final week of 2 ea. 3 1/2 year periods of time...(tribulations then Wraths)
pivot points=Turkey

posted on Sep, 10 2017 @ 07:33 AM

originally posted by: Charlyboy
I actually can't believe I just read this given everything that has been going on in my life recently.

Beautifully written BTW, not often you get something so coherent here

Thanks! I'm actually a writer, so that's probably why.

posted on Sep, 10 2017 @ 07:36 AM

originally posted by: GreenGunther
a reply to: sylvie

I wish there was something that I could say to keep you from turning to religion...
Sleep paralysis is a scary experience and usually coincides with a specific figure due to stories and beliefs held in a specific culture.

Although my own experiences have varied greatly, I haven't had it in a couple of years and do not fear it anymore. Once you realise the experience is an expression of your sub-conscience more control can be had.

I'm just not an advocate for religion. The human mind is a fragile thing, and should be treated as such. I sometimes wonder if corresponding experiences haven't been implanted through social engineering. But hey, each to their own. I just wish I could make people see that the human race has the potential to be God, we're just being held back by silly superstitions...

Oh, it's way too late to save me from religion/spirituality, but thank you for trying.
I've had so many supernatural experiences throughout my life—including an apparition of Mother Mary at a time when I wasn't religious and didn't believe in Mother Mary, poltergeist incidents, and more—that I have no doubts about the existence of God and the Evil One.

posted on Sep, 10 2017 @ 08:23 AM

originally posted by: GreenGunther
a reply to: sylvie

I wish there was something that I could say to keep you from turning to religion...

People turn to religion when bad things occur in their life, and they can't find any comfort or explanation in their mortal realm. If it makes them feel better, so be it. Religion was invented by early man, before science, when they were afraid at the time of things they couldn't explain such as EQs, eclipses, etc. to find comfort. People say "have faith". "Faith" is a term invented by organized religion, and accepted by the masses, to make a virtue for being intellectually lazy.

posted on Sep, 10 2017 @ 08:40 AM
Well, after all that over thought, maybe its time to relax no? What happens, happens. No matter how prepared a person is for calamity its not enough. DO what you can today, and worry about tomorrow when tomorrow comes. If you are meant to walk the earth...walk you will, if not, you'll be at peace when they lay you down.

posted on Sep, 10 2017 @ 09:26 AM
a reply to: sylvie
This is what I think and believe.

The solar eclipse was the 'event' that causes the 'awakening'.

The solar eclipse and the lining up of the planets is showering our living Earth in known and UNKNOWN energies that is affecting Earth and all life upon it. The disasters that follow will cause many to suffer ruinous material/financial loss, not to mention the loss of loved ones.

This is the start of the awakening.

Because for many, possibly even the majority of people on this planet, it is only when all material possessions have gone and much suffering is endured and becomes unbearable, that they turn to each other, they will pray to the Lord Almighty for His help. Even people who have never believed in God will pray to Him for help in their darkest despair.

The 'awakening' isn't going to be an instant switch-on of awareness the second we're zapped with magical galactic fairy-dust. It's going to be a gradual thing. And it's already begun. It cannot be stopped.

People will become aware that even though they no longer have the material possessions that their lives were ruled by, none of it matters, it never really did. They don't need 'things' to live, they are still living and breathing without them. What does matter is life, each other, helping each other, not only in times of crisis like now, but always. It creates positive energy that we can't see but can feel, and like a ripple in water this energy touches and affects everything in its path as it radiates out from its source. Be the source of positive energy, radiate it. Be the source of light, shine it. We can affect the world.

Things are changing on this planet. Life is changing. Consciousness is awakening.

It's long overdue.

posted on Sep, 10 2017 @ 09:50 AM
a reply to: doobydoll

This is the true awakening.

posted on Sep, 10 2017 @ 09:59 AM
a reply to: sylvie
Personally I have a stream of events from June 1996 repeating day-on-day with now.

However, nothing bad will happen. In fact IMO an absolutely amazing event will occur this November where everyone who is spiritually minded will awaken.

From that moment onwards this world will transform from an industrialized one to a spiritual one.

Many people will be shocked by the change and need guidance into the new era.

As for wars, nothing will happen because its all a mechanism to lower peoples hopes allowing little common demons to feed off the low vibration emotions.

posted on Sep, 10 2017 @ 11:32 AM
a reply to: UnBreakable

lets not go there, i dont want to start an flame war

posted on Sep, 10 2017 @ 05:20 PM
OP. the signs mentioned have a few flaws to them biblically. First God does not want us putting faith in astrologers.

Second. the crown of stars... there are more stars in Leo than 9. it throws off the count of 12 stars above virgos head.

Also This is in effect man misreading signs and declaring his judgement on signs based on astrology. a sin that got you a death penalty back then.

posted on Sep, 10 2017 @ 06:30 PM
I believe in cycles, not prophecy. Prophecy has no real statistical baseline to stand on really, as 99% do not come true, and perhaps 1% randomly falls on a marginal super cycle.

Everything that happens has some kind of statistical probability. Some are based on real physical cycles, and others on the probability that they will occur over somewhat regular intervals. Either way, it is wave theory that rules when they bunch up or string out.

-The Sun has cycles of sunspots and storms. It is also the prime mover of most other events on our Earth.
-Earthquakes have local and long term cycles depending upon location, and this also controls the frequency of most Tsunamis.
-Hurricanes have cycles based on Ocean temperature maximums and the amount of high pressure systems that come off of Afirca.
-The world has cycles of good and bad leaders, and how they react to their times and economic pressures.
-Times of drought, famine, disease and pestilence. All with their own probabilities as well.

Individual cycles, but when they randomly converge, it may seem like the end of the world, and sometimes, it probably gets really close..., although that has a very low statistical probability as well.

Perhaps the most damage is done, when people believe a prophecy is about to be fulfilled. They contribute to the chaos by adding their own cycle of impending doom to the mix.

Yes, things seem scary, because presently we have a super cycle, with many of these calamities just happening to be on top of each other. I think it is very important to understand their nature, rather than to believe that others have magically been able to predict them.

posted on Sep, 10 2017 @ 08:26 PM
a reply to: The GUT

No need to repent to the giver of suffering, better to declare that the giver of all, must now face ITSELF instead of blaming everything but.

Like a spoiled child, it will not get away with it, this time, and will be trapped in time forever if it continues to abuse every dam thing that exists.

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