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There's a chain of events in my life that's pointing to something big happening this year...

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posted on Sep, 9 2017 @ 04:00 PM
OK, this may sound really weird, but hey, that's what this forum is for, right?

So here's a short rundown of what happened since about September of last year...

I'm a former Christian that's kind of fallen off the bandwagon and turned to New Age spirituality in her late teens. Since then, I'd made several attempts to get back into the church, but couldn't muster the full conviction to really pull it off long-term.

I should probably also mention that I come from a very psychic family and have had many encounters with the divine as well as what I call the "dark side." So there's really no doubt for me whether God and the devil (or at least evil spirits) exist; I know they do.

Anyway, I was convinced that orthodox church wasn't really my thing, but last year health insurance got so expensive that I started looking into signing up with Christian Healthcare Ministries, an alternative way to pay your medical bills. Only thing was, you had to be a Christian and go to church to get in. I could have lied, but figured that would be really bad form.

So my son and I started going to church again to be eligible for the healthcare. It didn't escape me that this was kind of ironic, to get back into the church again this way. (I've had the feeling to "be called back" into the church many times before, and this was another one of them.)

After some trial and error, we found a Catholic church whose services were very warm and uplifting, and the priest was just this fuzzy ball of love (hold on to your nasty pedo comments, he's nothing like that). At some point, I decided to convert to Catholicism. I was raised in a Protestant family, but somehow always felt drawn to the Catholic rites. Plus, my son is already Catholic (he went to a Catholic elementary school, and I wanted to have him baptized; since at that time I wasn't a member of any church, I figured a Catholic baptism would be just fine).

So about two months ago, I committed to go through a church-based program for people who want to convert.

Switch topics: Recently, I found out about the prophecy regarding September 23, 2017, that was allegedly foretold by the Book of Revelations.

I had already bookmarked the lunar and solar eclipses in August in my calendar, as well as the date of September 28 (I had that marked for several years, because that's where a very close fly-by (and potential hit) of Asteroid TX68 was supposed to happen). Lately, news sources have been saying that TX68 is no threat anymore, it won't get that close, etc. I'm wondering if that's true or just a way to pacify the public, though.

Between the solar eclipse (which some people call the Great American Solar Eclipse) on August 21, we've seen four major hurricanes form in the Atlantic. Hurricane Harvey made landfall on August 25. Now we're looking at Irma for September 10 making landfall in Florida, and unless they die down considerably, Jose and Katia are directly on Irma's heels and could do even more horrible damage.

At the same time, we see an 8.2 earthquake in Mexico. Not to speak of manmade threats like North Korea firing ICBMs and such.

So basically, it's as if all hell has broken loose recently, and it feels to me as if it's building up to some kind of crescendo.

Now add this to the mix:

I always had an interest in paranormal matters, but haven't been paying attention much recently, because I had too much to do with ordinary life and non-whacky issues. However, a number of years ago, I got really fascinated by uber-creepy stories like the black-eyed kids (BEK), the Shadow People and the Hat Man. I listened to several Coast to Coast AM shows about the latter and read some of Heidi Hollis's books.

However, I didn't totally believe in all that. Granted, I've had so many paranormal experiences of my own that I don't dismiss anything off hand, but I also don't believe everything just because someone said so. So I was slightly scared by these stories but not freaked out—I figured they might be simply urban legends, like "Bloody Mary."

But then, about one and a half months ago, I hung out with a relatively new friend and we were swapping paranormal stories. (It's interesting how almost everybody has at least one, even people that are totally no-nonsense. You just have to pry a little and you'll be amazed what you learn.) Anyway, she is a mental health pro who works in a prison, i.e., a tough-as-nails woman who doesn't believe in much. She's also an agnostic.

She told me an experience from 20 years ago. She was going through a nasty divorce when one night she saw the silhouette of a man in a trench coat and with a Fedora standing in her door frame. He moved to her bed with unnatural speed (more "zooming" than walking) and started choking her. She said she'd never felt such a terror in her life. When she was within an inch of losing consciousness, he let go of her and zoomed back to the door, tilted his head as in a greeting, and left.

Listening to her story, I exclaimed: "OMG, you saw the Hat Man!"

She looked totally confused and said, "What? What are you talking about?" Who's the Hat Man?" She had never heard of the guy, and I had to google the name for her before she believed me that other people had seen and experienced the very same thing. Even then, she chose to believe that her own experience had been just a "hypnopompic state" illusion.

BTW, many people who have had Hat Man encounters are convinced that he's the devil himself. One story I read was of a man who had tried to commit suicide. When he woke up in the hospital, the Hat Man sat in a chair by his bedside. With a terrible smile, he said to the man, "I almost got you."

While my friend herself was unwilling to believe that she met the devil (or at least some entity from the dark side), I did. I mean if you see something and it turns out AFTERWARDS that thousands of others have had the same experience, but you had never heard of it, that's pretty good evidence this thing might be real.

So this has convinced me that my decision to convert and go back to church was a really good one. I've seen first-hand that the Lord's Prayer and the mention of Jesus can rebuke certain entities...but you do have to believe it.

Switch topics again: Just yesterday, I stumbled over a bunch of YouTube videos about September 23 and what will/might happen. Honestly, I haven't been putting too much weight onto them. Most "Bible prophecies" are made by hysterical fanatics and shouldn't be taken seriously, and we all know how the "Mayan" December 21, 2012 prophecy turned out.

Anyway, just for #s and giggles I was discussing this prophecy with my son. He of course didn't believe a word of it, and I thought to myself, "Usually, when something is true and important and I should pay attention to it, God always sends me three signs. So just finding these videos probably means nothing."

(to be continued)

edit on 9-9-2017 by sylvie because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 9 2017 @ 04:08 PM
(continued from above)

Now, THIS MORNING, I found a letter in my (snail) mailbox. It was in a handwritten envelope stamped in Phoenix, AZ. The "sender's name" part said, "A. Prayer" (handwritten too), and the recipient part didn't say my name, just my address.

Inside the envelope was a typed piece of paper with the following message, which gave me the creeps when I read it:

"If you're reading this, this is possibly what's getting ready to happen on September 22-23, 2017. We want to make it crystal clear that we are NOT setting dates for Christ's return. The stars in the heavens are lining up perfectly with the Book of Revelations (Revelation 12:1-2) This speaks to the constellation of Virgo and the birth of a male child, possibly referencing the rapture of the church to heaven. At the foot of the woman is waiting a great red dragon who wants to devour the child before it's caught up to heaven. (Revelation 12:3-4) He fails, of course, but nonetheless, he's waiting. the church (Believers in Christ) are snatched up to the throne of God. This event triggers the time of Jacob's trouble."

Etc., etc. I don't want to type the whole message, but in essence it said to repent and turn toward God and Jesus to be saved and that we're now in the 40 days of repentance, which started on August 21.

I don't know anyone in Phoenix, AZ, and I have no idea who could have sent me this letter and why. And to get this in the mail one day after I talked to my son about September 23 and finding those YT videos feels very, very weird.

Now I'm wondering if there'll be a third sign, and if all these things I described could mean something is coming. Then again, I also thought something might be happening on 12/21/2012 and it didn't. So who knows. Still, high strangeness abounds.

I'll update this if any more happens.

+6 more 
posted on Sep, 9 2017 @ 06:17 PM
Sounds like we have a similar path through New Age vs Christianity. My experiences--some quite scary--convinced me that malevolent entities do exist and led me back to scripture. I've been experiencing multiple "coincidence" and affirmation as well lately.

I'm a post- not a pre-trib rapture guy---so I don't expect to be leaving soon, but I do think the 23rd is probably the start of the 7 years.

Thank you for your well-written and thought out thread. Things are definitely heating up. Two words struck me hard the other day: Gratitude & Repentance.

Let the scoffers scoff and make excuses for what we are seeing. All they have is opinion too. God Bless you and your son and keep the faith. Your innermost is steering you right in my own humble opinion.

edit on 9-9-2017 by The GUT because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 9 2017 @ 06:21 PM
I have been watching that same date for 5 years. Lots of things going on now. Look at kim in NK. Look at the ramped up weather systems.
Look also at the major identity hack. Is it time for the mark of the beast?

posted on Sep, 9 2017 @ 06:58 PM
I've been a firm believer for most of my life.

I grew up with a dark entity in my house, and one of the most surefire ways to get it to leave me alone was to sing "Jesus Love Me" as a little girl. It always worked. I made a decision very early on (1st grade) after my 1st grade teacher had us say that Lord's Prayer in class that I would simply continue saying it every night because I liked the idea of talking to God every night.

I continue it to this day barring sickness.

I did have a dream with a man dressed on a dark suit wearing a hat. He was in the same house I was in and I felt like he was coming for me, but them I was taken away as cheesy as this sounds on the back of a white horse. I've seen him in other dreams doing very bad things to other people (he once caused a massive wreck on a highway), but I've always been protected in some way.

Whether or not things start to really roll this September (and I've been watching this sign for a long time myself, I've been drawn to Revelation and prophecy for ever longer), I'm not unduly fussed. Things will happen as God needs them to and whatever His plan is, right now, I feel like He has my back. I continue to pray and study each day as I can and wait with as much humility and patience as I can muster. Whether He brings me home tomorrow or when I die in my bed an old woman, I will keep watching and waiting.

But ... I think I might not make it into old age.

posted on Sep, 9 2017 @ 07:22 PM
seriously i am catholic and my priest never said any short of bs like that...

posted on Sep, 9 2017 @ 07:25 PM
Fascinating read, thanks for sharing.

I think these times speak to us all, perhaps in different ways, but I think most people can now see there is more wrong with this world than right. I am convinced something major is about to change the human world as we know it completely, for the better or worse is a matter of perspective.

I lost faith in organized religion long ago, when I discovered and realized these were all the creations of men. I didn't lose faith in God. I too have encountered evil. I don't need to be convinced that there is much more beyond our perceptible existence. I've experienced enough already.

I don't believe anyone needs psychic abilities to see what's coming now. Doesn't matter when or how. We all sense it...

posted on Sep, 9 2017 @ 07:54 PM
That's normal. Everyone gets a check from the government and a nice crazy letter letting them know they are ats members. Nothing is going to happen this year. Not even September 20 or everyone says. It's basically shet. BS.

Next year comes, the only worse difference would be the economy getting better and Trump gets a new hair do. That's all.

posted on Sep, 9 2017 @ 08:15 PM
The Hat Man. Interesting. I have never heard of that before, but have had a kind of experience with something dressed as such.

It was a time of upheaval in my life. Just moved out of college to an area where I knew no one. I felt isolated and alone.

One night I got home and just felt off. Extraordinarily tired. Laid down on the couch and fell asleep. Woke up from a horrible dream, and couldn't move....i saw out of the corner of my eye a silhouette of a tall person in a hat.

I tried to speak, but nothing worthwhile came out. Then he moved in an instant right next to me. I remember the fear as if it were yesterday. I closed my eyes and prayed, HARD. the feeling of dread slowly went away.

Will never forget it....

posted on Sep, 9 2017 @ 08:23 PM
a reply to: annoyedpharmacist

I can't say your fear was the same as mine, but I can remember the horror the thing in the house I grew up in used to cause. I used to think I just had an overactive imagination, but I remember feeling like there was something behind me and I just. could. not. look. It was the great screaming horror.

Never experienced anything like since moving away from there.

Singing, prayer ... they always would work.

posted on Sep, 9 2017 @ 09:06 PM

originally posted by: visitedbythem
I have been watching that same date for 5 years. Lots of things going on now. Look at kim in NK. Look at the ramped up weather systems.
Look also at the major identity hack. Is it time for the mark of the beast?

And look at the 8.1 mag earthquake that just hit Mexico...

And the hits just keep on coming...

posted on Sep, 9 2017 @ 09:13 PM
A very well written OP

I feel her humanness and believe she is authentic.

Nothing wrong with seeking the higher through prophetic lore and experience.

One, though, should always, in my opinion seek the inner truth

“The Kingdom of God is within you”

This outward world is a corrupted reflection of reality or God; always know therefore you have to wait for the conclusion to these outer signs and hope for meaning to them.
One should not depend on them…

If they don’t come then don’t worry because the real world is always awaiting and that world is inside you.

These outer signs (btw 911 being among them) all point to one thing: the purification or rectification of the outer Garden or Solar system, which is a reflection of the inner Garden inside all of us.

When that happens the humans, who have willingly tried to reach their inner garden will have an easier time than those who haven’t been seeking.

As Above So Below

The Above is that outer Garden (MACROCOSM) the Below is our inner Garden (MICROCOSM) that is a direct reflection of the outer Garden.
They, by cosmic law have to reflect each other by about over 90 percent…

Right now, the corrupt outer Garden is the direct reason most of us are separate from God. About over 90 percent. The remaining 10 or less are indicative of the few truly but rare spiritual giants in this plane of existence.

All adepts, people like Jesus, Buddha and all the great saints have activated, purified, rectified their inner garden long before the great time based purification of the outer Garden takes place in the future that present signs are indicative of….In other worlds, the inner Garden is timeless. The outer Garden is time centered

That’s why the Quran says

“ By the time

Indeed, mankind is in loss,

Except for those who have believed and done righteous deeds and advised each other to truth and advised each other to patience."

“The Kingdom of God is within you”

That’s why the great spiritual giants just cant snap their fingers and fix things until the Outer Garden comes back on line

Then we will truly separate the good from the evil

edit on 9-9-2017 by Willtell because: (no reason given)

edit on 9-9-2017 by Willtell because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 9 2017 @ 09:17 PM

originally posted by: humanoidlord
seriously i am catholic and my priest never said any short of bs like that...

Instead Catholic priests FEARMONGERED prepubescent boys as they were molesting them.

posted on Sep, 9 2017 @ 09:37 PM

edit on 9jY by UnBreakable because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 9 2017 @ 09:42 PM

originally posted by: The GUT
Sounds like we have a similar path through New Age vs Christianity. My experiences--some quite scary--convinced me that malevolent entities do exist and led me back to scripture. I've been experiencing multiple "coincidence" and affirmation as well lately.

I'm a post- not a pre-trib rapture guy---so I don't expect to be leaving soon, but I do think the 23rd is probably the start of the 7 years.

Thank you for your well-written and thought out thread. Things are definitely heating up. Two words struck me hard the other day: Gratitude & Repentance.

Let the scoffers scoff and make excuses for what we are seeing. All they have is opinion too. God Bless you and your son and keep the faith. Your innermost is steering you right in my own humble opinion.

Thank you so much for your kind words. I've been having great experiences since I went back to church. For example, I got divorced last year and one Sunday at mass, the topic was love, and I got a little weepy thinking how long it had been that someone had told me that he loved me.

The mass was held by a substitute priest I'd never seen before and who was not the warm and fuzzy type our normal priest is. When I left the church, though, shaking his hand, he looked me in the eye and said, "I love you very much."
It felt as if he was channeling Jesus, like he'd read my mind about not feeling loved. And these kinds of things happen all the time... it's pretty amazing.

posted on Sep, 9 2017 @ 09:56 PM

originally posted by: Willtell
A very well written OP

I feel her humanness and believe she is authentic.

Thank you! In a forum where everyone smells and calls BS, that's a real compliment.

posted on Sep, 9 2017 @ 10:04 PM
a reply to: sylvie

That is so lovely. I had a strange thing happen today. Last week, I kept trying to remember a time when my mother told me she was proud of me. I couldn't remember a single time, and I've had some achievements in my life, if I do say so myself, and not a peep from her. (She has passed away).

Anyway, last week I started thinking about it, and I guess, brooding about it, maybe feeling a little sorry for myself.

So. Today I was cleaning out a closet, and there was an old dusty box in the back, a cloth-covered box, and I remembered it as being something I kept a little journal in, letters from boyfriends, and assorted personal junk. Anyway, the box was wrapped in plastic too, and I was also on the phone at the time, (only having one available hand) so I sort of tore through the plastic, squeezed my hand under the lid of the box, and pulled out a notepad.

It was a note from my mother on my 19th birthday. She told me I was such a good daughter, and she was so sad to see me all grown up and she knew she would have to let me go. (I was moving into a dorm). But anyway, in this note she ends it with, yes, you guessed it "I am so proud of you".

But isn't it odd? I mean, last week I'm brooding over this; today I decide to clean out a closet; find the box, and the note is the first thing I pulled out? And "I'm so proud of you" is the first thing my eyes focused on?

Does anybody else think that's strange?

posted on Sep, 9 2017 @ 10:09 PM
a reply to: angeldoll

A little off topic, but sweet. I don't believe in coincidences, and I see signs and synchronicity like that all the time. It's a pretty great way to live—and makes for a very enchanted life.

posted on Sep, 9 2017 @ 10:12 PM
a reply to: sylvie

I guess I posted it because it's been on my mind so much today. One of those things that doesn't mean anything to anybody but me, but I don't see signs in everything. Anyway,

Peace out.
edit on 9/9/2017 by angeldoll because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 9 2017 @ 10:13 PM
While we're at it, I just found this song on YouTube and ab-so-lu-tely can't get it out of my head anymore. The singer's voice reminds me very much of an old friend of mine who was a singer/songwriter...and the melody and lyrics totally drew me in. I think I've listened to it 50 times already today, and that probably won't be all.

It's called, "Send a Sign" and is about Bible prophecy, rapture, etc. Actually, now that I think about it, the mystery note from Phoenix, AZ told me to look up Scott Clarke, "Eternal Rhythm Flow." So I listened to one of his presentations, and this song was in the middle of the video. Now I'm addicted to it.

edit on 9-9-2017 by sylvie because: (no reason given)

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