a reply to:
It worries me that anyone shares your sentiment. Especially on ATS. There are SO many reasons to keep anonymity online. Not just because of
bullying (quit being a wuss) but because voicing your actual opinion on something nowadays can lead to actual violence and loss of employment.
you never know who is reading or writing anything and that's dangerous.
How so (genuinely curious)? To me it seems less dangerous. People on the internet are idiots. There are so many nutjobs running around right now
that feel violence and even murder are justified if someone has a different point of view.
I'd rather people that are timid, candyassed or otherwise fragile stick to Facebook and let those of us who value freedom of speech and opposing
viewpoints continue to discuss things with our anonymity intact. No one is forcing you to interact with anonymous people. So stick to what you're
comfortable with.
Now if someone is making threats or inciting violence, of course the proper authorities should take action. We don't need Joe Citizen taking action,
businesses firing people for speaking their mind openly, or having people terrified of expressing an unpopular opinion. I''l give you an example, I
think BLM is a terrible group (if perhaps initially well intentioned). Now if I say that and everyone knows I said it, I could get fired from my job,
harassed, assaulted whatever. I don't even need to say anything mean about the group, just that I don't agree with their tactics and someone could
label me a neo nazi or put me on a list of BLM enemies.
Should we start forcing people who review products on Amazon to have their info easily accessible? Someone who complains about a business on Yelp?
Letters to the editor posted along with a photo, address and name?
I hate seeing people get aggressively bullied online, especially kids. There's a big difference between someone who knows someone in the real world
and someone who just knows someones online handle bullying.
There's no telling what someone is going to get offended by. There's no telling the kind of bullcrap witch hunt may ensue. There's no telling if
people are going to post your picture all over the place, say you're a terrible person and maybe drop your address so people can "write you letters".
What about victims of rape, violence or stalking that want a place to vent where they can't be identified by their abuser?
The authorities are going to be able to track down the worst offenders already. Leave law enforcement to law enforcement. Shaming people publicly
that don't want to go public is a sad tactic.
OP, I think it's going to be different, but I'm having a difficult time imagining exactly how. I'm very worried that the poster I responded to may
get their wish.
I bought a new Apple TV today. I really didn't think even a few years ago I would be able to press a button, talk to my remote and have it play
whatever I want, TV, Movies, Music. If you told me I could do that when I was 10 I wouldn't have believed you.
I think things like Google are only going to get "smarter". Like to a weird place.
The trend right now seems to be integrating everything. My TV talks to my phone, my phone controls my lights, I can see my security cameras on my
phone or laptop. I could easily live comfortably ordering things online. I think there is going to be a HUGE amount of integration in the future.
We laugh at the fridge that can order you milk when it gets low since it's kind of a pain in the ass, but I see that getting worked out. You can
already have basic food staples and sundries delivered, only problem is you have to REALLY know your routine. It would not surprise me (and I know it
sounds like a joke) if pretty soon there was a toilet paper dispenser that counted revolutions, got an average and ordered more when you were getting
I don't think it's going to look visually all that different unless there are some really crazy advances in certain areas. Not much more you can do
(I've said that before). You've got text, you've got pictures, you've got movies. Not really much more you can do there. I think navigation may
change. Back in my day, track pads were terrible. Now I can use gestures on the thing to go back, forward, whatever. I have a suspicion that
there's going to be a very neat new way to interact with technology. I see the QWERTY standard changing, but not entirely sure what to. ESPECIALLY
with mobile devices. I know there are a few apps that let you do something similar, but they aren't perfect, and they aren't well adopted yet.
I'm hoping ads get less obnoxious, that sites realize autoplay ads and movies are driving people away in droves, and that I'm far more likely to buy
your product if you give me a head nod and say "I know you hate ads, so this one is only 5 seconds".
Let's all hope ATS gets some help. It's terrible right now, and I don't think the owners even post here anymore.