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Is The Alt-Left Craziness Driving Centrists To The Right

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posted on Aug, 29 2017 @ 03:57 AM
Btw, on topic, I have always considered myself a libertarian centrist for the most part, and I wrote several threads attacking Trump before he was elected. I was the type of Ron Paul supporter who didn't think the lesser of two evils was a valid choice. Now I see things a little bit differently, the OP definitely has a valid point.

posted on Aug, 29 2017 @ 04:41 AM
I used to think of myself as a leftist, Im all for LGBT rights, marriage, adoption, womens rights, free speech (more difficult in Blighty).

But since the surge of hate from the left for their brothers and sisters I have found myself distancing myself from them more and more. But I get it, there is no alt left. There is however:

Fascist Left - Trying to shut down all free speech and "wrong think"
Violent Left - Trying to shut down all free speech and "wrong think"
Thought mobs - Trying to shut down all free speech and "wrong think"

As all of the above use the following just in different amounts: Fascist tactics, violence & thought policing I tend to group them together as a alt left cult / collective.

Much like how the alt right can be considered a hate bunch of hate groups, so can the alt left, a bunch of hate groups.

Break it down ever more into this one liner for the most vile ends of the spectrum:

Alt Right:

I am a white straight male, I deserve more than anyone else from an ethnic group, F**k

Alt Left:

Your a cis white male, you deserve nothing except your race to die out.

posted on Aug, 29 2017 @ 05:36 AM
a reply to: fiverx313

if the kids are more fiscally conservative, it's because the economy sucks and they're broke. as for socially conservative? not the ones i know. do you know any teenagers or young adults, personally?

I do. Quite a few of them. My oldest son is 28, lots of friends, my youngest son is 19, lots of friends, my daughter is 17 and has more friends than she can keep track of. Financially, as they get a bit older, the teenagers are turning much more Conservative. They are looking more toward getting jobs and are amazed at the taxes on their pay cheques and how little they actually bring home. They're looking into getting their own cars, apartments, saving for for school, buying their own clothes, etc and how they're going to pay for it.
The idea of a free stuff Utopia is long as you live at home and Mommy and Daddy pay for the majority of everything.
Reality, on the other hand, is beginning to smack them in the face.

posted on Aug, 29 2017 @ 05:51 AM

originally posted by: thekaboose
I used to think of myself as a leftist, Im all for LGBT rights, marriage, adoption, womens rights, free speech (more difficult in Blighty).

But since the surge of hate from the left for their brothers and sisters I have found myself distancing myself from them more and more. But I get it, there is no alt left. There is however:

Fascist Left - Trying to shut down all free speech and "wrong think"
Violent Left - Trying to shut down all free speech and "wrong think"
Thought mobs - Trying to shut down all free speech and "wrong think"

As all of the above use the following just in different amounts: Fascist tactics, violence & thought policing I tend to group them together as a alt left cult / collective.

Much like how the alt right can be considered a hate bunch of hate groups, so can the alt left, a bunch of hate groups.

Break it down ever more into this one liner for the most vile ends of the spectrum:

Alt Right:

I am a white straight male, I deserve more than anyone else from an ethnic group, F**k

Alt Left:

Your a cis white male, you deserve nothing except your race to die out.

Except that's not what the Alt Left thinks.

First there is no 'Alt-Left', that's an invention of the Alt-Right. What you see as the 'alt left' is just a disparate assortment of everybody else who is against Trump for various reasons.

Also, nobody on the 'left' actually hates cis white males and wants them to die out. That's just how the Alt-Right portrays the left, endlessly, on websites like this.

Talk to people on the left, you'll find they're actually all about equality. And they don't actually want to put down straight white men.

posted on Aug, 29 2017 @ 05:54 AM
Don't let the point get lost on semantic labels, I am not talking about liberal Bernie supporters that want free health care and and university. I am talking about people who recently called for historical monuments to be pulled down, and not the Confederate ones either. I am talking about those people calling for Washington and Lincoln to be brought down.

For an independent centrist that is a bridge to far, and the realization that this loud mouthed minority must be stopped.

And the MSM gives them a platform to spout their stupidity, just because it's something that goes against what Trump said "what's next?"

Fascist Left - Trying to shut down all free speech and "wrong think"
Violent Left - Trying to shut down all free speech and "wrong think"
Thought mobs - Trying to shut down all free speech and "wrong think"

We can label them however you want but these groups are pushing independents to the right, and what is it going to do to the blue dog Democrats ?
edit on 29-8-2017 by Blue_Jay33 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 29 2017 @ 06:04 AM
a reply to: Kettu

the name we have for the Alt Left isn't something that can be used here, so the "alt left" will have to suffice.
T&C's and all.

posted on Aug, 29 2017 @ 06:14 AM

originally posted by: Kettu

Is The Alt-Left Craziness Driving Centrists To The Right

No, because the "alt-left" doesn't exist. It's a made up name by alt-right extremists and right wing talking heads.

Extreme left liberals don't call themselves "alt-left". No one on that side of the political spectrum uses that term when talking about themselves. It's made up. Fake. Fabricated.

Now, alt-right? Sure. There are lots of people who call themselves alt-right. In fact, it is those very people who invented the term "alt-left" because they wanted to take the pressure off of themselves.

Find me a radical liberal who calls themselves "alt-left". I'll wait.

Give me 30 seconds and I'll find you 100 far-right folks proud to be called "alt-right".

The alt-left is a label that has been given to the current far left radicals. I thought the far left liked to label everyone else, so they shouldn't have a problem with it.

The alt-left terminology has actually existed for years and grew and operated in the same online manner that the alt-right did/does. Here's is an article on the subject:

I think you are repeating CNN and other leftist media stories that 'Trump made it up', which is actually a lie.

OP, yes I would say clear thinking people will be very much turned off by the actions of the alt-left. Whether that means they stay at home or vote GOP in 2018/2020 remains to be seen.
edit on 29/8/2017 by UKTruth because: (no reason given)

(post by mikell removed for political trolling and baiting)

posted on Aug, 29 2017 @ 06:28 AM
When Obama came to power I was on the left and thought he would unify everyone as he is mixed race. Instead he destroyed the nation( by spreading white hatred and aligning himself with only blacks- colour shouldn't matter - you set the country back), this has just got worse and worse and Hillary would have expanded this so I have aligned myself as a conservative.
Trump is in power because of Obama. Trump will make America great again, get behind him.
edit on 29-8-2017 by SoEpic because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 29 2017 @ 06:38 AM

Just what we need, more labels for each other!


posted on Aug, 29 2017 @ 06:51 AM
a reply to: UKTruth

sorry to show you up however,

The alt-left is a label that has been given to the current far left radicals. I thought the far left liked to label everyone else, so they shouldn't have a problem with it.

the alt left was something trump came up with two weeks ago, neo-nazi introduced the term alt-right and calling anti fascist antifa, a failure on your part on both accounts, next.

The alt-left terminology has actually existed for years and grew and operated in the same online manner that the alt-right did/does. Here's is an article on the subject:

it's a less than two weeks old opinion piece, fail.

I think you are repeating CNN and other leftist media stories that 'Trump made it up', which is actually a lie.

yay cnn is at fault for this, epic fail.

back on topic, if you had a white supremacist leaning to start with the current torrent of lies about anti fascism would no doubt feed your wonky logic, if you don't harbour racist views, anti fascists protesting neo-nazi rallies isn't going to make you a nazi sympathiser.

another case of a bunch on ats hoping if they repeat antifa is evil they can get more to their next rally.
keep trying, we beat fascism before and will again, follow your leader, do it.

posted on Aug, 29 2017 @ 07:02 AM
a reply to: Blue_Jay33


I'll stay in the middle thank you.

The right is just as crazy as the left.

posted on Aug, 29 2017 @ 07:19 AM

originally posted by: Kettu
a reply to: pthena

Yeah, I went into some of the craziest left-leaning and hardcore liberal places and no one was using the word "alt-left" to describe themselves.

What people on ATS don't understand is yes -- there are radical liberals just like radical conservatives.

Some of those radical conservatives call themselves alt-right.


None of those radical liberals call themselves alt-left. That name, this "alt-left" was invented by the alt-right.

I label them Antifa and BLM. Both Extremists groups for the left. Then you have the ignorant group on the left, that just listen and repeat what MSM tells them.

For Example, not many people have identified themselves as "Alt-right". Yet, the liberal media and most leftists on this site tend to label everyone that doesn't agree with their political stance as Alt-right or Nazi's. Not all, but a lot of them.
They make it seem like the Alt-right is some major movement, but I bet if you took a poll on this site you wouldn't find hardly anyone that would want to identify with them.

Does Alt-left exist? Why not? It's just a term to label a set of people with a specific political stance that tend to use violence to get their way or message across.
edit on 29-8-2017 by Middleoftheroad because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 29 2017 @ 07:25 AM
a reply to: growler

The link I provided proves you wrong.. one of the links with years worth of posts and over 50000 threads is alt.politics.radical.left, lol ... , so in your words... sorry to show you up.
Let go of CNN owning your mind.

If you like, I can also link you references in THIS FORUM referring to the alt left before Trump ever mentioned them. Would you like that? Or would you prefer not to be shown up as just parroting the false reality CNN and leftist media tell you?
edit on 29/8/2017 by UKTruth because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 29 2017 @ 08:34 AM
No such org as Alt Left.

posted on Aug, 29 2017 @ 08:53 AM

originally posted by: Blue_Jay33
So you have a centrist voter in Wisconsin he/she voted for Obama twice, not having a good choice this election last election cycle they stayed home and never voted.
But now they see an insane shift occurring one that the democrats won't stop rather they will encourage he/she sees it building without letup, they are't too big on Trump and the GOP, but they see at least this way it might get stopped so in 2018 they vote GOP and in 2020 they vote for Trump for the first time, why; to try and stop the shift of craziness. I think the independents that have critical thinking skills are being pushed away equally by the Alt-left and Alt-right, they can't identify with either side, they are politically homeless. But at some point they are going to pick a side.
Just like the Ron Paul libertarians, trying never to pick the lesser of two evils.

But maybe to use a Star Wars reference it's actually a choice of what you would rather fight a "Death Star" or a "Super Star Destroyer", again picking the lessor of two evils may become a political necessity in the near future.

That is not a good and healthy democracy! Either we change the two party system or we adapt it! Voting Against a candidate is why this country has been spiraling downward in apathy and separation for nearly 20 years!

There shouldn't be a lesser of 2 evils, I am a centrist with Libertarian values who is frankly tired of the Alt-right who think the world is created and flat...

posted on Aug, 29 2017 @ 09:13 AM

originally posted by: Kettu
a reply to: pavil

No, if nazi's don't call themselves nazi's they're not nazi's. They're obviously something else with another name.

Your logic seems to be if they dont call themselves something, they are not that thing?

So if Trump never said white supremacist, KKK or NeoNazi, he isnt, rather just some other name that he has used.

Those being:

They are all positives, those self described monikers. Big suprise.

If a bunch of dipsnips say they are Alt-Right, who cares! Ever since the first time I heard it it was a negative label, and I've never felt pulled to it in the least.

posted on Aug, 29 2017 @ 09:13 AM
a reply to: Blue_Jay33

Short answer: no.

The crazies on both sides should be pushing everyone towards the middle.

posted on Aug, 29 2017 @ 09:13 AM
a reply to: Blue_Jay33

I honestly think that the extremism that can be found in equal amounts (well, sort of) on both sides is pushing the average person either to the center/libertarian arena, or under a rock altogether because of how stupid things have become. Even our congressmen and public officials seem so divided on the extreme ends of things that the average individual must sit in awe as to where politics are these days, wondering if it's even worth trying to inject sense into the machine.

That said, I do think that there are more extremist or semi-extremist people in office on the left than the right, when it comes to looking at things strictly from the designed intent of our country. With that perception (that is shared even by many of my liberal-minded friends), I would agree that this is pushing people to the right by default, but not to the extreme right.


a reply to: Kettu

Your argument against this OP is to claim something doesn't exist only because those in the group don't call themselves by a certain name?

That's really all that you have? That's very weak.

So if a white supremacist doesn't call themselves that, does it mean that they're not a white supremacist?

If Bernie Sanders refuses to call himself a Socialist, does that mean that he's not?

If John McCain calls himself a Conservative, does that mean that he is?

Self-identification means nothing if the definition of something fits, regardless as to who created the term or who uses it. Just because you don't call yourself incorrect on this topic doesn't mean that you aren't.

Your whole comment reminds me of Adam Savage on Mythbusters:

"I reject your reality, and substitute my own."

Did you also chant, "Not my president," during the inauguration?
edit on 29-8-2017 by SlapMonkey because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 29 2017 @ 09:15 AM
Nope. It's driving us firmly to the center where we are watching to moronic parties clearly flailing around.

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