a reply to:
Taxes (Morill Terrif Act) = secession + not allowing too = war.
I don't care to scythe through all the propaganda, I'll just get facts. Yes the Fire Eaters exsist, woooo... I don't think anyone knows who hell most
those people are.
The real causes of the dissatisfaction in the South with the North, are in the unjust taxation and expenditure of the taxes by the government of the
United States, and in the revolution the North has effected in this government from a confederate republic, to a national sectional despotism.” -
Charleston Mercury, Nov.3 1860.
Oh, wait.. 1860? So when ol lying Abe addresses his inauguration a year later the South was already IN THE MIDST of pulling away? Because of Taxes?
“The North was mad and blind; it would not let us govern ourselves. and so the war came and now it must go on till the last man of this generation
falls in his tracks, and his children seize the musket and fight our battle. Unless you acknowledge our right to self government. We are not fighting
for slavery. We are fighting for Independence, and that, or extermination.” President Jefferson Davis, C.S.A (tombstone)
Now I know he is a “traitor” or a “war criminal” or a “white supremacist”.. but I think he may know why he is the governing body of the
South- yeah? Many want to look at state influences, and yes, it was about slavery… AT THE END but predominantly had other reasons of
“The Tariff question, again enters largely, more largely than is commonly supposed; into the irritated and aggregate feelings of the Southerners.
And it cannot be denied that in this matter they have both a serious injury and an unconstitutional injustice to resent… All Northern products are
now protected; and the Morrill Tariff is a very masterpiece of folly and injustice.” James Spencer, British Cotton Trader & Trade Adviser, Scottish
Here is a guy who draws no alliance to either side. He's literally calling it what it is. Unconstitutional.. folly and unjust taxes.
“The Northern onslaught upon slavery was no more than a piece of specious humbug designed to conceal its desire for economic control of the Southern
states.” Charles Dickens
“Everyone still professes to the disapproval of slavery. Of course, so in the can't of the day runs, slavery is a very dreadful thing, and everybody
the South above all, would be glad to see it abolished; but slavery has nothing to do with the present war.” - British Correspondent “The Outlook
of the War”
“As a rule, the great mass of the public expenditures were made from the North, not in the South, so that Southerners found themselves doubly taxed;
taxed first for the benefit of the Northern manufacturers, and then in disbursement of the public funds, denied an equal participation in the benefits
accruing therefrom.” The Weekly Athenaeum, May 1865
“Since therefore, the abolition of slavery never appeared in the platform of any great political party, since the only appeal ever made to the
electorate on that issue was scornfully repulsed, since the spokesman of the Republicans empathetically declared that his party never intended to
interfere with slavery in any shape or form, it seems reasonable to assume that the institution of slavery was not fundamental issue during the epoch
preceding the bombardment of Fort Sumter.” - Charles Beard
myth 1: it was all the fire eaters, yeah and the illuminati rule world today buddy.
myth 2: war was over slavery
myth3: the South attacked fort. No dude.. all they did was say "hey man, you need to leave - this is our property. " guy in fort says "oh, it'll take
us 30 days.. we are hungry." so south literally feed these guys for 30 days. The guy at fort is being told by Abe to hold them off until backup
arrives. 30 days later, guess what? backup arrives! an illegal act of war. South saw the ships of troops and tax collectors and then say "this is an
act of war, you won't leave, you're on foreign soil- be prepared to be fired upon." and one guy died. Not by bullet.. but by standing close to a
gunpowder keg. It wasn't a show of force, but warning they will force them back.
After war, after Nathan Bedford and Robert E Lee's surrendered, Nathan said to his own men (not the north, isn't propaganda, but truth)
Civil war, such as you have just passed through naturally engenders feelings of animosity, hatred, and revenge. It is our duty to divest ourselves of
all such feelings; and as far as it is in our power to do so, to cultivate friendly feelings towards those with whom we have so long contended, and
heretofore so widely, but honestly, differed. Neighborhood feuds, personal animosities, and private differences should be blotted out; and, when you
return home, a manly, straightforward course of conduct will secure the respect of your enemies. Whatever your responsibilities may be to Government,
to society, or to individuals meet them like men.
The attempt made to establish a separate and independent Confederation has failed; but the consciousness of having done your duty faithfully,
and to the end, will, in some measure, repay for the hardships you have undergone. In bidding you farewell, rest assured that you carry with you my
best wishes for your future welfare and happiness. Without, in any way, referring to the merits of the Cause in which we have been engaged, your
courage and determination, as exhibited on many hard-fought fields, has elicited the respect and admiration of friend and foe. And I now cheerfully
and gratefully acknowledge my indebtedness to the officers and men of my command whose zeal, fidelity and unflinching bravery have been the great
source of my past success in arms.
I have never, on the field of battle, sent you where I was unwilling to go myself; nor would I now advise you to a course which I felt myself
unwilling to pursue. You have been good soldiers, you can be good citizens. Obey the laws, preserve your honor, and the Government to which you have
surrendered can afford to be, and will be, magnanimous.
— N.B. Forrest, Lieut.-General
Headquarters, Forrest's Cavalry Corps
Gainesville, Alabama
May 9, 1865.”
Only 5-6% had slaves. It was a good idea to those people. Most people didn't care and slavery was dying out. Europeans wouldn't of made those claims
if it was a coupe to slave even harder lmao slavery was ended in Europe. Same goes for " Lost Cause " crap, only one who thinks it's a conspiracy is
one's who think war was over slavery. It's laughable. Charles Dickens don't have a political agenda.. he just laughs and calls it for what it is.
Even if Fire Eaters got that, who's say it would of been voted in? Your theories rely on a lot of "what ifs.."
Had anyone stop to think how the International Slave Trade would impact something that most of war had shunned? Europe wouldn't allow that to happen.
1.) England helped secure coast of Africa
2.) League of Nations banned it
3.) There was a lot of southerns, including congress who was pro ending the International Slave Trade.
4.) There was numerous of societies that formed to keep people from slaving other nations including Denmark, Finland, Norway, Germany, France...
5.) why would you open a "international slave trade" if don't have consumers both domestic nor foreign, considered an act of war not just who you
slave but their allies, or when you have Indians? Why not just slave the Cherokee?
Fire Eaters are morons.
edit on 31-8-2017 by Iostsheep because: (no reason given)