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An interesting topic about the monolith and stargate

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posted on Feb, 9 2005 @ 02:33 AM

This article had been read and approved by Dr Wolf before his death. (strange from the horse's mouth)

This is really interesting, since it fits in with the whole monolith and stargate topic to. Has anyone ever heard of Dr, Michael Wolf before? Is he decent or is he not to be trusted? He mentions some ufo disclosure between 2000-2005. The only thing partially resembling that is the MOD and the mexican government, no one else. I think the belgium government released some years ago. Well, hopefull i can get this into a worthwile topic.

[edit on 9-2-2005 by malakiem]

posted on Feb, 9 2005 @ 03:31 AM
malakiem, I took me over a hour to read your information, due to my job here at work, however a very good read, thank you ! You will find many here that will give thier opinions. I wish I had time to post mine, but I have no time to do it Justice.... But in short, it happens to be along the lines of my thinking. Right Down to the children.

posted on Feb, 9 2005 @ 03:41 AM
yourwelcome jesse, sorry about the length, i couldn't find something smaller or more of a summary. I seem to have a magic touch for long articles
. Hopefully it might shed some light on a few things.

posted on Feb, 9 2005 @ 04:56 AM
That was facinating.

I am looking forward to your future posts.

posted on Feb, 9 2005 @ 05:48 AM
An interesting article, and I'd be interested in hearing from anyone who has read the book as well. I do however have a few comments to make:

The use of the S4 base in 1941 - I need to do some research but I've got a feeling that S4 didn't actually exist as S4 until the 60s and was up until that point just a small air strip until Lockheed took it over for devlopment of the U2/TR1.

UFOs can be disabled by radar? This is one of the oddested theories I've heard. Radar is just EM radiation, of which there is far more in "open space" than on Earth.

The Santilli film is genuine.....From what I've read most serious researchers are of the opinion that its a hoax for many reasons.

The Monolith - straight out of 2001/The Sentinel by A.C.Clarke

How do you "Program Ethics" in?

Why would the SAS have a need to know about UFOs? Does that imply that other SF troops such as Delta etc also share the same knowledge.

The Stargate piece could have been copied straight from the movies plot.

The Earth is alive, Gaia theory.

ETs as tourists - again almost straight from the movie "Men in Black".

Still it was interesting, and makes a change from the Greys are Evil topics.

posted on Feb, 9 2005 @ 07:23 AM

Originally posted by Megahurts
UFOs can be disabled by radar? This is one of the oddested theories I've heard. Radar is just EM radiation, of which there is far more in "open space" than on Earth.

(((Earth is one of the few planets which doesn´t control its weather. One reason why ET ships crash during extremes of climate - especially those using gravity propulsion. Dr Wolf says, "Their craft are no different to boats in a violent storm - bobbing up and down on large rolling gravity waves. To counteract these difficulties some ETs surround their ships with plasma energy or fly inter-dimensionally through a storm.")))

I hope someone that knows can post. I would think this would be correct. An electro-magnetic pulse from a radar if big enough I think could disable the craft and possibly force it off course or crash. After all the article mentions something about how our weather disrupts the crafts due to unstable magnetic fields.

[edit on 9-2-2005 by Event Horizon]

posted on Feb, 9 2005 @ 08:05 AM
A very interesting read indeed... Except it becomes a bit TOO interesting, when he starts to link together *everything*. Although I saw no real mention of reptilians

One thing confuse me though:

He briefed four different American presidents on the ET reality. Jimmy Carter was keen to end the UFO cover up but when told of the religious implications he backed down. "I attended this meeting. Carter had strong Christian beliefs. When told that religion is man-made and probably unique to this planet, he broke down in tears."

But then he writes:

He had spoken at length to the ETs about God and death. "Our bodies are merely containers for the soul. When people die their consciousness simply moves into another dimension." On God Dr Wolf said, "Some ETs call God The Forever - the creator behind everything in the universe." On Jesus Christ , "He was of joint ET/human heritage - sent to Earth as an attempt to end human violence." Whether a Zeta, Pleiadian, Altaran, Human etc.. we share the same God - we are all family.

Is it just my bad english, or are the two very contradictive? The first quote basicly says "God does not exist, man thought that up", whereas the second quote says "God is confirmed and everyone have the same God"

Maybe I'm just bad at understanding english...

posted on Feb, 9 2005 @ 08:25 AM
Megahurts...I agree with most of your comments, but wanted to go into the following more....

The use of the S4 base in 1941 - I need to do some research but I've got a feeling that S4 didn't actually exist as S4 until the 60s and was up until that point just a small air strip until Lockheed took it over for devlopment of the U2/TR1.

I seriously doubt S-4 was in existence in '41. Area 51 was pretty much just an airstrip until the late 40's (either '48 or '49) when the U-2 and it's prototypes were tested there. You can even find some satellite maps of the area of that time. If I recall correctly, the U-2 program was earnestly tested in '51, and then used for quite some time, even while the SR-71 was developed... So, since most UFO activity didn't even start until '42, and then really heat up in '47, I can't see them hollowing out a space in the mountain to study it in '41.

UFOs can be disabled by radar? This is one of the oddested theories I've heard. Radar is just EM radiation, of which there is far more in "open space" than on Earth.

This is actually a highly regarded theory. It's very interesting that most of the early crash incidents were all near high-powered radar installations, and this wasn't exactly all over the place back in the 40's and 50's when most crashes occurred. As to how or why, well that would require knowledge of their drive systems, but the correllation is uncanny, and certainly a logical conclusion. While radar is EM radiation, it is directed EM, and it's thought that the UFOs utilize a method of EM wave propogation while in atmospheric flight as opposed to a space/time warp drive method in space. The idea is that the directed EM from the radar disrupts the EM wave propogated by the UFO. While I'm no physicist, this is the basic idea as I understand it...

He briefed four different American presidents on the ET reality. Jimmy Carter was keen to end the UFO cover up but when told of the religious implications he backed down. "I attended this meeting. Carter had strong Christian beliefs. When told that religion is man-made and probably unique to this planet, he broke down in tears."

This is interesting, as yes, Carter did promise disclosure if elected, but then backed down from it, and he did have a documented visit with the Pope allegedly regarding the UFO issue. (the visit was documented, but the purpose is vaguely stated).

Something is ringing a bell with this "Dr. Wolf" character....
I'm pretty sure this was a) a false name, and b) that this guy's story was blown to hell.... I'll check on it....

posted on Feb, 9 2005 @ 08:26 AM

Originally posted by merka
A very interesting read indeed... Except it becomes a bit TOO interesting, when he starts to link together *everything*. Although I saw no real mention of reptilians

One thing confuse me though:

He briefed four different American presidents on the ET reality. Jimmy Carter was keen to end the UFO cover up but when told of the religious implications he backed down. "I attended this meeting. Carter had strong Christian beliefs. When told that religion is man-made and probably unique to this planet, he broke down in tears."

But then he writes:

He had spoken at length to the ETs about God and death. "Our bodies are merely containers for the soul. When people die their consciousness simply moves into another dimension." On God Dr Wolf said, "Some ETs call God The Forever - the creator behind everything in the universe." On Jesus Christ , "He was of joint ET/human heritage - sent to Earth as an attempt to end human violence." Whether a Zeta, Pleiadian, Altaran, Human etc.. we share the same God - we are all family.

Is it just my bad english, or are the two very contradictive? The first quote basicly says "God does not exist, man thought that up", whereas the second quote says "God is confirmed and everyone have the same God"

Maybe I'm just bad at understanding english...

I dont think he ever said god didnt exist.

I see what you're saying God = Religion.

He just states that religion is man made.

Jesus Christ , "He was of joint ET/human heritage - sent to Earth as an attempt to end human violence."

God is the creator of all things and the aliens acknowledge that but they admit the religion is manmade. IMO, religion is only a catalyst. It is just a "doorway"or attempt to try and understand and be closer to god.

posted on Feb, 9 2005 @ 08:47 AM
Here's an excellent old thread on Dr. decide for yourself whether he is full of it...

posted on Feb, 9 2005 @ 09:25 AM
man, that is a really good read. I need to see if i can his me if anyone knows where to get it. I did find this part really interesting. It reminds me of tv show that once aired.

He was involved in various genetic experiments - one being the Sentinel Project. After perfecting cloning techniques on animals, Dr Wolf and his associates successfully created an artificially-intelligent human named ´J-Type Omega´ - their superiors wanted a superbright, superpowerful soldier who would follow orders without fear or question. But Dr Wolf surreptitiously programmed ethics into its intelligence after realising that ´J Type´ had a soul. When the being refused to kill a harmless dog, his superiors ordered its termination. Instead, Dr Wolf set ´J Type Omega´ free. This ´intelligence´ is presently living somewhere in America.

posted on Feb, 9 2005 @ 12:55 PM
so some bloke could use 50% of his brain eh , even though we use 100% of it anyway ?

to me that read is like all the popular ufo myths all rolled up into one handy bitesized story for the devotees to chew on

posted on Feb, 9 2005 @ 01:29 PM

to me that read is like all the popular ufo myths all rolled up into one handy bitesized story for the devotees to chew on

Yep, which is of course, what makes it so suspect. Also, if you'll visit the link of the old thread I mentioned, Byrd goes into a dizzying analysis of his academic credits that he claims...including one degree that doesn't even exist.

Those who know that I believe parts of Lazar's story, may wonder why then, when one like this shows up. First, I believe Lazar is fairly brilliant, but not the type who went through the trouble of degrees, etc. I think he did attend the colleges he mentioned, but did not get a PhD, etc. Personally, I think he makes the ideal disinfo agent, and if his story is even remotely true, this makes perfect sense as a disinfo/disclosure exercise. First off, from my own experience, S-4 rings true. I've already said why in at least half a dozen other threads, so I won't go into that again and again. Second, it is corraborated that he was able to correctly know when and where test flights would be done at the base. Third, his knowledge of some of the details of the base is pretty accurate. And last, there is the Dept. of Naval Intelligence W-2, complete with MAJ coding, that is perfectly legit. As to whether or not he saw alien craft, Unimpentium, etc. who knows, but he was there it that at least says something...

posted on Feb, 9 2005 @ 01:41 PM
does he mention the death star or aliens bleeding acid ? I hope not, I was going to put that in my book !

can we ask mr friedman....

"The Canadian UFO researcher, Stanton Friedman, had attempted to discredit Michael, which upset him greatly, but as the doctor explained, "He wanted me to be the smoking gun but I refused."

posted on Feb, 9 2005 @ 03:36 PM
imo that this story (link) is a hoax...

I cite for referance his statement about the alien hybrid clone, being able to use 50% of the brain...
this statistic has been 'debunked to death" and anyone with a science degree would know that the humans using 10% of there brain, is a myth...

posted on Feb, 9 2005 @ 05:00 PM
i did not come from space
i have allways been different thou
and constantly have questioned the structure we live by ever since a young child
i am not jesus or any of that..but i know that we can manifest
first you have to understand the mechanics of reality and then believe in whatever you want to believe with 1oo%and then give up control...visulise the outcome..
i have changed the outcome of actions before me thru this process that i do not understand..
lets stop looking for god on the outside..look with in,we are all like jesus..thou there is way to much thinking going on way to much outer stimulation..way to much dogma etc
be in harmony with yourself and nature

posted on Feb, 9 2005 @ 05:26 PM

I seriously doubt S-4 was in existence in '41. Area 51 was pretty much just an airstrip until the late 40's (either '48 or '49) when the U-2 and it's prototypes were tested there. You can even find some satellite maps of the area of that time. If I recall correctly, the U-2 program was earnestly tested in '51, and then used for quite some time, even while the SR-71 was developed... So, since most UFO activity didn't even start until '42, and then really heat up in '47, I can't see them hollowing out a space in the mountain to study it in '41.

Thanks for clearing that up, I've got a link to a cool Area51 site somewhere thats run by a guy living in the area who's also into hunting the desert for crashed aircraft - He's found parts of a U2 and SR71 - and also lists a pretty complete history of Area51/S4 including its use during the nuke testing in the 50s/60s etc.

As for the radar theory, I'm still not convinced, didnt the apollo capsuals need extensive sheilding to protect against cosmic rays etc?

posted on Feb, 9 2005 @ 05:42 PM
ok, eyewitness time.

RAF Portreath. Ever heard of it?? NO?? not many have.

Its a disused ww2 Airbase, and a current Radar base. When i was there, they had a captured Argentinian radar set in use.

The seargent in charge talked us through some stuff, when a question was raised about the warning signs on the gate. " Why no vehicle over 10 feet tall?? The answer was swift but i feel unintentional. " when we need to burn out an unidentified aircraft, the beam at close range will cook you in microseconds." he got flusterd, and changed topic real quick. Oh, the main radar bunker or control room is in a semi buried bunker that looks like a toblerone peice. Great place, nice and near the sea, and some real hot stuff hiding down there.

posted on Feb, 9 2005 @ 06:22 PM

Originally posted by LazarusTheLong
imo that this story (link) is a hoax...

I cite for referance his statement about the alien hybrid clone, being able to use 50% of the brain...
this statistic has been 'debunked to death" and anyone with a science degree would know that the humans using 10% of there brain, is a myth...

The thing is, you can't hold that to his story. Michael Wolf, if he is credible was young in the 30's and 40's. Even up to the 70's i think they still believed we used 10 percent of there brain. I'm sure the government thought that to. But the young ones and the older people today (well some of us) know we use 100 percent, only at different times. Not the aforementoined 10. Some people today still believe we still use 10 percent, some ideas never change.

posted on Feb, 9 2005 @ 06:24 PM

The answer was swift but i feel unintentional. " when we need to burn out an unidentified aircraft, the beam at close range will cook you in microseconds.

I would agree with that. My dad has told me stories about him being on exercise (British Army, REME, 24yrs), and they would cook their food (be what it may) in front of field portable radar units.

So, imagine the power in a fixed installation, and you can probably cook an "alien pilot" whilst he is checking out the sights (so to speak, who knows what they are up too) and unaware.

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