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Flat earth theory?

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posted on Aug, 30 2018 @ 10:07 PM
a reply to: Sheye

lets be blunt - its 2018 - it requires special levvels of stupidity to actually believe in the flat earth delusion

posted on Aug, 30 2018 @ 10:14 PM

originally posted by: Akragon
a reply to: Sheye

Normally this isn't my style...

But i take serious issue with the idea that the earth is flat

Unfortunately... i feel the need to be unapologetically blunt regardless of what anyone thinks

Carry on being you ... you obviously have some passionate opinions on what the facts are and I can’t say I blame you.
My apologies for butting in with my two cents. I just feel bad for people , who will most likely change their minds in time, when they are getting hit with the stupid hammer.

Been on the receiving end of that hammer , simply for having faith in things others don’t, and it doesn’t feel good.

posted on Aug, 31 2018 @ 05:53 AM
a reply to: Sheye

Nothing wrong with faith. Faith should be challenged though. Flat Earthers are the worst of both worlds. They claim it's facts not faith, then ignore everything that challenges them and proves their belief false.

posted on Aug, 31 2018 @ 06:06 AM
a reply to: OccamsRazor04

Faith in religion is one thing as the existence of God or whatever cannot be proved one way or the other.

When it comes to faith based beliefs in things like FE this can be proven using science to be false. Trouble is, a lot of flat earthers are also fundamentalist creationists.

posted on Aug, 31 2018 @ 06:33 AM
a reply to: oldcarpy

When it comes to faith based beliefs in things like FE this can be proven using science to be false. Trouble is, a lot of flat earthers are also fundamentalist creationists.

I hate to quote someone like Meat Loaf but 'you took the words right outta my mouth'!

Obviously no stats to support this but I'd have a large bet on there being quite a large correlation between the two.

posted on Aug, 31 2018 @ 06:44 AM
a reply to: oldcarpy

a reply to: Freeborn

" fundamentalist creationism " - still manages to cover a large slew of divergent delusions

and even under that umbrella - thier a quite a few who accept the spheroid model - and heliocentric solar system

some of the " ministry " sights evven address the isssue - which sends other fundies into mmeltdown

its fun to watch schisms in creationist " logic "

posted on Aug, 31 2018 @ 09:41 AM

originally posted by: Akragon
a reply to: Sheye

This particular issue isn't about opinions

Its factual informaton vs stupidity...

When we start to validate stupidity because it hurts peoples feelings... we decend into idiocracy

It needs to be crushed before it spreads

That's the problem we have seen a generation brought up that never had to compete everyone got a trophy or told how good they were, that doesn't prepare people for the real world that's why the internet is full of snowflakes & sjw's that think the world owes them, if the brown stuff hit the whirly thing they would be first to go they could never cope.

posted on Aug, 31 2018 @ 09:43 AM
a reply to: wmd_2008

What's are "sjw's"?

posted on Aug, 31 2018 @ 02:26 PM
a reply to: oldcarpy

Social justice warriors you know the type disagree with their view and they use social media to hound you persecute you or get you kicked out your job.
edit on 31-8-2018 by wmd_2008 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 31 2018 @ 03:31 PM
I gave up trying to talk to flat earth people years ago . Instead I just try to stump them. I have a GIF of this video but for some reason the link is broke.

This is sunset over the pacific,

under magnification, ( automatically destroys the vanishing point argument )

under filter ( Disqualifies the light distortion argument )

with the blue green flash. Which occurs when the conditions are right the blue and green wavelengths are the last to go over the horizon .

All nice and tied up with a bow on it. The key is to anticipated their rebuttals which is easy to do because we've heard them all before .

It usually stops them in their tracks and they start cussing at me . Lol

edit on 31-8-2018 by 14377 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 31 2018 @ 11:26 PM
a reply to: 14377

Kinda like this??

posted on Sep, 1 2018 @ 05:18 AM

originally posted by: ignorant_ape
a reply to: oldcarpy

a reply to: Freeborn

" fundamentalist creationism " - still manages to cover a large slew of divergent delusions

and even under that umbrella - thier a quite a few who accept the spheroid model - and heliocentric solar system

some of the " ministry " sights evven address the isssue - which sends other fundies into mmeltdown

its fun to watch schisms in creationist " logic "

I don't know any creationist who believe in flat Earth. I don't know any fundamentalist who believe in flat Earth. Young Earth, yes, but not flat Earth. The Bible's description of Earth in Genesis is consistent with a spherical Earth, not a flat Earth. It's actually one of the many amazing things about the Bible, thousands of years before the Greeks determined the Earth was round.

posted on Sep, 1 2018 @ 05:18 AM
a reply to: oldcarpy

Exactly, faith is fine, just needs to be tested.

posted on Sep, 1 2018 @ 08:40 AM
a reply to: seagull

For the most part they stuck to four letter words and mumbled nonsense about the Bedford level experiment and ice walls. None of them had the ability to spell rassa-frassin.
edit on 1-9-2018 by 14377 because: Bad grammar

posted on Sep, 1 2018 @ 09:38 AM

originally posted by: OccamsRazor04

originally posted by: ignorant_ape
a reply to: oldcarpy

a reply to: Freeborn

" fundamentalist creationism " - still manages to cover a large slew of divergent delusions

and even under that umbrella - thier a quite a few who accept the spheroid model - and heliocentric solar system

some of the " ministry " sights evven address the isssue - which sends other fundies into mmeltdown

its fun to watch schisms in creationist " logic "

I don't know any creationist who believe in flat Earth. I don't know any fundamentalist who believe in flat Earth. Young Earth, yes, but not flat Earth. The Bible's description of Earth in Genesis is consistent with a spherical Earth, not a flat Earth. It's actually one of the many amazing things about the Bible, thousands of years before the Greeks determined the Earth was round.

The Bible mention the circle of Earth so where does it say sphere

Rob Skiba is a Bible thumper on youtube he says every word is true he is a flat Earther lots of youtube flat Earthers are in the Bible belt of America.

posted on Sep, 1 2018 @ 09:54 AM

originally posted by: WIZolman49
a reply to: TomLawless

I'll break you in slowly. Here is flat earth proof from an AF SR-71 pilot:

Uh, no, you have it backwards. That is proof that the Earth is round, and neither concave nor flat.

An SR-71 flies high above the Earth - over 85,000 feet; more than 16 miles above the surface. This is more than twice as high as civilian airliners. At that altitude, you can see the curve of the Earth.

If the Earth was flat, then the pilot should be able to see much more than just the mountains from New Mexico to Canada.

He may be exaggerating slightly, but you can actually see what he's talking about if you go into Google Earth. Go find White Sands in southern New Mexico. Zoom to an altitude of about 100 miles, then rotate your camera angle to see the horizon such that you are looking south. This should put you near 16 miles up. White Sands should be on the right, an ancient lava field 'below' it, and Sierra Blanca Peak in the center.

Keep your eye on Sierra Blanca Peak, and slowly move north until it is prominently on the horizon. For me, this happens between Taos, NM and Cannon City, CO. It does not disappear over the horizon until north of Colorado Springs, CO.

Once it does, rotate the camera to face north. On the horizon, there should be a large peak on the left, roughly midway between the center of your screen and the left edge. Go to this peak; Cloud Peak, in northern Wyoming.

These peaks are approximately 800 miles away, and you can see both from north of Colorado Springs, CO at 85,000 feet. The SR-71 may be able to go even higher than 85,000 feet. It's about 1000 miles from mountains in New Mexico to mountains in Canada, so whether he is exaggerating depends on how much higher the plane can fly.

posted on Sep, 1 2018 @ 10:31 AM
a reply to: Greven

Earths curvature could also be seen from the Concord. Here's a picture taken out the window .

To head off a flat earthers saying they don't see the curvature . Here's one with gridwork applied

Next they usually claim the window is curved and distorts image . Here's a picture of the Conchords window. It's flat as a pancake.

When discussing flat earth with a believer. The one thing you can be sure of is they use the same tactics, claims and statements over and over . Their response is easy to anticipate and for that reason I've found the key to shutting them down is to anticipate their response and cut it off .

posted on Sep, 1 2018 @ 12:58 PM
a reply to: 14377

Fisheye lens.

posted on Sep, 1 2018 @ 02:40 PM
a reply to: OccamsRazor04

Reply anticipated . ( i'm pretty sure you're kidding)? But this is an example of the way I work them . Always anticipate the next reply . Lol

So you're calling this picture a fisheye lens yet the coverage is only apparent on one side ?

But let's Move on.

Now here's a picture John Glenn took from space in friendship seven .

He used a camera he bought in a drugstore that was slightly modified for taking pictures . ( The handle was added )

Here's the specs

Here is the definition of a fisheye lens .

45mm not below 15mm

edit on 1-9-2018 by 14377 because: Sigh

posted on Sep, 1 2018 @ 03:01 PM
a reply to: 14377

Fisheye lens only distorted the middle.

Yes I'm joking but that's their reply.

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