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Flat earth theory?

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posted on Aug, 15 2019 @ 04:52 PM
Lets ask Google. Google! Why dont satellites fall back to Earth?

"Because they are orbiting Earth."

Google! Why dont geostationary satellites fall back to Earth?

".....Earth is the third planet in our solar system, it's.."

posted on Aug, 15 2019 @ 05:35 PM
a reply to: InfiniteTrinity

No matter how hard you put your fingers in your ears and shout lakalalala, your still are wrong .

You didn’t answer the blow:

Again, You do understand a geostationary satellite is still completing a circle about the earth’s AXIS ever 24 hours? (23 hours and 56 minutes to be more specific)

You keep acting like I asked a different question. You are ignoring the AXIS part out of intellectual dishonesty.

The earth rotates around a axis. Is that false.

A specific point on earth’s equator rotates at .2880556 miles per second around a AXIS. Is that false.

For a geostationary satellite to stay above the same point on earth’s equator, it must travel at 1.91 miles a second around the same AXIS to maintain its “ gravitationally curved trajectory” is that false.

edit on 15-8-2019 by neutronflux because: Added and fixed

edit on 15-8-2019 by neutronflux because: Added and fixed

edit on 15-8-2019 by neutronflux because: Added and fixed

posted on Aug, 15 2019 @ 05:53 PM
a reply to: neutronflux

You keep acting like a asked a different question. You are ignoring the AXIS part out of intellectual dishonesty.

No you keep acting like my answer doesnt apply. It does. A geostationary satellite does rotate around a point in space. This point is the middlepoint of your axis.

The earth rotates around a axis. Is that false.


A specific point on earth’s equator rotates at .2880556 miles per second around a AXIS. Is that false.

Didnt check but I believe you.

For a geostationary satellite to stay above the same point on earth’s equator, it must travel at 1.91 miles a second around the same AXIS to maintain its “ gravitationally curved trajectory” is that false.

If you say so. Now tell me, how does it it do that, Neutronflux? It's not orbiting the Earth.

edit on 15-8-2019 by InfiniteTrinity because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 15 2019 @ 06:29 PM
a reply to: InfiniteTrinity


No you keep acting like my answer doesnt apply. It does. A geostationary satellite does rotate around a point in space. This point is the middlepoint of your axis.

What? What does that have to do with the fact the earth rotates about an axis, and a geostationary satellite rotates about the same axis.

Your house rotates about the same axis by default as the surface of the earth. Is that false? If your house was on the equator with a geostationary satellite above it, the geostationary satellite, the house, and the surface of the earth are all rotating around the same axis. Is that false.

If you say so. Now tell me, how does it it do that, Neutronflux? It's not orbiting the Earth.

Because, about the axis of the earth, a geostationary satellite to stay in orbit must travel at 1.91 miles a second around to maintain its “ gravitationally curved trajectory” .

posted on Aug, 15 2019 @ 06:33 PM
a reply to: InfiniteTrinity


What Is a Geosynchronous Orbit?

So a satellite at low Earth orbit — such as the International Space Station, at roughly 250 miles (400 km) — will move over the surface, seeing different regions at different times of day. Those at medium Earth orbit (between about 2,000 and 35,780 km, or 1,242 and 22,232 miles) move more slowly, allowing for more detailed studies of a region. At geosynchronous orbit, however, the orbital period of the satellite matches the orbit of the Earth (roughly 24 hours), and the satellite appears virtually still over one spot; it stays at the same longitude, but its orbit may be tilted, or inclined, a few degrees north or south.

posted on Aug, 15 2019 @ 08:48 PM

originally posted by: Box of Rain
A rocket that flies straight up will not get into orbit. If it's trajectory is generally straight up (on a path that is generally perpendicular to the ground), then that rocket likely would not achieve orbit. Instead, gravity would crash it back to the ground.

Instead, a rocket needs to move generally parallel to the ground (after achieving some height), because the craft's/satellite's eventual orbit would be generally parallel to the ground.

We've never seen a single rocket fly upward towards 'orbit', that's the problem here.

No proof of any rocket flying into 'orbit', or flying up towards 'orbit'. They would show a rocket flying towards 'orbit', if it actually DID fly into 'orbit', without a doubt. We'd know the flight paths for their rockets, beforehand, and we'd be able to SEE these rockets from Earth, as they fly up towards 'orbit'.

Some of you have religious faith in 'experts', God-like figures of all truths, no mortal denies the claims, of our greatest Gods!! All truth is spoken by our 'Gods. of 'science'!

It's simply crap.

posted on Aug, 15 2019 @ 11:28 PM

originally posted by: oldcarpy
a reply to: InfiniteTrinity

Because, as you could see from the article if you had read it, the aim is not to get the rocket into space but to get it into orbit.

why not shoot it straight up into space, and let it drift back into the desired orbit using the gravity and a bit of thruster.

Because that would probably result in it falling straight down rather than achieving orbit?

Do some research into it if you really are that interested.

You assume rockets actually have flown into 'orbit', without ever seeing a single rocket fly up towards 'orbit', from Earth...Without a single video, shot from Earth, ever showing a rocket fly up towards 'orbit'. While they've never even - one time - mention where we could SEE their amazing rockets, as they go upward, towards 'orbit'.....

Suppose they claimed to build a time machine, or a Star Trek-like transporter, yet they never proved actually worked, only showed films they had, everyone had to believe what is not proven, not seen, is true, because scientists are saying it, we trust the word of our Gods...!

If you don't see anything fly towards 'orbit', why would you ever believe a rocket will fly into 'orbit', without ever seeing one from Earth, or a single video showing it fly towards 'orbit', is simply from ignorance, a blind faith...

Nobody could speak about all these rockets, flying up, into 'orbit', unless it was true, right?

Why would all of those powerful rockets fly lower than airplanes, is not relevant....

When they tell us where the ISS can be seen above the Earth, it is the ISS, orbiting Earth, since a light matches to where they said the ISS would appear above Earth, while in 'orbit'!!

Telling us over and over again, where we can see these amazing spacecraft going around Earth, in 'orbit', while everyone looks up, and sees a light moving in the darkness above us....over and over, endlessly....

Nobody needs to actually SEE one of these amazing rockets, when flying upwards, going up, and up, towards 'orbit'!

Why do you think they mention where to see the ISS, etc. all the time, but never mention - ever - where we could see them going up TOWARDS 'orbit', first of all?

They know the exact path of their rockets, but somehow, they never mention where we could see them flying upward to 'orbit', which shows they don't fly into 'orbit', at all.

How could you actually know if a rocket can fly up towards 'orbit', when nobody has ever SEEN one flying up towards it, doesn't make any sense, unless the rockets don't go into 'orbit', at all.

So it's an illusion they show us, with excuses, and light shows to sell the illusion as a reality....

Sell it over and over again, to confirm it is real.

posted on Aug, 15 2019 @ 11:47 PM
Seeing a rocket fly up towards orbit would support their claim as true, or most likely true, for sure.

Hiding it shows it's all faked.

posted on Aug, 16 2019 @ 03:25 AM
a reply to: turbonium1

Your back? After posting blatant falsehoods?

You need to owe up to:

a reply to: turbonium1

Really. Looks like a normal glacier to me.


Here's a video of the ice wall...

That’s not the your supposed ice wall because you said:

Planes cannot fly to the wall, nor a blimp, nor anything else can do it.

The weather is very extreme, apparently, all of the time, flight is not possible. Other means of travel don't work, either.

Thanks for proving you post blatant falsehoods.

edit on 16-8-2019 by neutronflux because: Fixed some

posted on Aug, 16 2019 @ 03:26 AM

originally posted by: InfiniteTrinity
Lets ask Google. Google! Why dont satellites fall back to Earth?

"Because they are orbiting Earth."

Google! Why dont geostationary satellites fall back to Earth?

".....Earth is the third planet in our solar system, it's.."

Well, I Googled that and guess what? That is completely untrue. Here is the top answer (out of quite a lot)so I am afraid that your dishonesty is now exposed for all to see:

this came up too, a nice video which answers all your questions;

So, I'm afraid I have caught you out. You are a liar. Plain and simple.

edit on 16-8-2019 by oldcarpy because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 16 2019 @ 03:28 AM

originally posted by: turbonium1
Seeing a rocket fly up towards orbit would support their claim as true, or most likely true, for sure.

Hiding it shows it's all faked.


originally posted by: turbonium1
They always mention where to see things fly in 'orbit', but for some reason, have never once mentioned where to see them going upward, towards 'orbit'!

LOL, indeed!

False argument by you....


a reply to: turbonium1


I've never even seen a rocket fly up to airplane altitudes, and neither have you, or anyone else, seen it.

What is it with you and blatant lies?

originally posted by: sapien82
a reply to: Akragon

I was gonna post that one !

here are JAXA rockets launching 7 satellites

funny thing about this whole flat earth , we can lead a horse to water
but it will only drink when its ready!

A launch that placed these items into space.

Japan’s Epsilon rocket launches seven tech demo satellites

Seven small satellites launched aboard a Japanese Epsilon rocket Friday, including a diverse suite of tech demo payloads and a spacecraft designed to create an artificial meteor shower next year that developers say should be visible with the naked eye.

We are placing so much junk in space, it might “ruin” the night sky.

SpaceX's Starlink Could Change The Night Sky Forever, And Astronomers Are Not Happy 59b6

“The potential tragedy of a mega-constellation like Starlink is that for the rest of humanity it changes how the night sky looks,” says Ronald Drimmel from the Turin Astrophysical Observatory in Italy. “Starlink, and other mega constellations, would ruin the sky for everyone on the planet.”

posted on Aug, 16 2019 @ 03:37 AM

Lol the cognitive dissonance.
a reply to: InfiniteTrinity

I'll see your cognitive dissonance and raise you with:

Dunning-Kruger Effect

Got any more lies to post?

posted on Aug, 16 2019 @ 03:42 AM
a reply to: turbonium1

Hiding it shows it's all faked.

Trying to pass off a video of a coastline as being your phony "Ice Wall" taken from plane that you claim cannot even fly near it shows that you are dishonest. No way around that conclusion, is there?

posted on Aug, 16 2019 @ 03:44 AM
a reply to: turbonium1

so you dont believe rockets go into space ?
so the US and USSR just had a cold war over nothing then did they ?
so you are saying that ICBM's cant go into orbit and then deploy their warheads to kill targets all over the planet
that MAD and the Cold war is all just an elaborate hoax to keep us stupid ?
and that we are all being sold a big fat lie ?

posted on Aug, 16 2019 @ 03:46 AM
a reply to: InfiniteTrinity

As you have still apparently not realised that the title of this thread is "Flat Earth Theory" may I also point out that this thread is in "Ludicrous Online Lies"? For a very good reason, too. Your posts fit in perfectly.

posted on Aug, 16 2019 @ 03:56 AM
a reply to: InfiniteTrinity

As you seem to have some difficulty with understanding basic science perhaps this might help you to find answers to your questions:

Satellite Facts for Kids

Now, let's get back on topic - what is your take on FE theory?

posted on Aug, 16 2019 @ 03:59 AM

originally posted by: sapien82
a reply to: turbonium1

so you dont believe rockets go into space ?
so the US and USSR just had a cold war over nothing then did they ?
so you are saying that ICBM's cant go into orbit and then deploy their warheads to kill targets all over the planet
that MAD and the Cold war is all just an elaborate hoax to keep us stupid ?
and that we are all being sold a big fat lie ?

Unfortunately, yes he/she does believe all of that. He/she also believes that nukes are fake and that Hiroshima and Nagasaki were not atom bombed.

posted on Aug, 16 2019 @ 04:21 AM

originally posted by: InfiniteTrinity
a reply to: ManFromEurope


Exactly, so how is it orbiting the Earth? It isnt. It has to move relative to the surface in order to orbit.

It moves on a circle with is center being the center of Earth. It moves on a circle with a length of 265680 km with a speed of 11070 km/h in exactly 24 hrs.

posted on Aug, 16 2019 @ 07:44 AM
a reply to: ManFromEurope

It moves on a circle with is center being the center of Earth. It moves on a circle with a length of 265680 km with a speed of 11070 km/h in exactly 24 hrs.

How does this refute the comment you responded to? It does not orbit. It does not move around the Earth. End of story.

posted on Aug, 16 2019 @ 07:46 AM
a reply to: oldcarpy

Well, I Googled that and guess what? That is completely untrue.

You arent the sharpest tool in the shed are you?

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