a reply to:
there is such a thing as everlasting the problem is in your short period of time on this planet you are unable to observe it. But don't worry because
when you die then and only then will you observe and know that everlasting is true.
Here is the real problem. but let's first eliminate any misconceptions. For example star trek and other fantasies use a time system that does not
exist in any form except in the fantasy. Star date 4590.5 are nothing more than fantasy.
But what we do have, that we can hold in our hands, is that in Genesis chapter 1 verse 2 God the Holy Ghost comes upon darkness and is above the
waters found on and through a certain amount of what we call space, essentially we have no idea how large this puddle of water is or how vast this
darkness is, from the old and new testament text we know it is on and around the earth, but from so called scientific observation we know that this
darkness is expanding. Here are links some I do not trust or like to use but it does proves that Majority of scientist believe the universes is
expanding and for some reason away from the earth not away from some other point.
Now God is looking down from space upon and in this darkness and wetness and calls for there to be light. Seeing the sun, moon and stars are
established later, this light cannot be any physical light but a spiritual light (this type of light is unknown to physical man therefore many dismiss
it, except in near death stories of light at the end of the tunnel.) This light Christians know as Christ as it is said he is the light of man and
the world and nothing was created without that light John 1:1-3. It is at this time God establishes that there is a difference between darkness and
light. He call the light Day and the darkness Night. And that is the establishment of the First day. We now observe this day and night on a regular
basis and in this chapter and into chapter 2 we know there are seven days. We currently call these seven days a week consisting of seven individual
days of approximate 24 hours each (This period of time is about 4 minutes less than 24 hours in reality science says it is 23 hours 56 minutes and 4.1
seconds and there are about 366.242 2 stellar days in one mean tropical year one stellar day more than the number of solar days). Of course this
fluctuates because in the year 2k was actually 365.24219 being off by more than one whole day in a mean tropical year.
So as not to bore you anymore with science and the Preserved Bible I move on to the ultimate quest to all of this. God understands and knows what a
24/7/365 plus days are but we do not know what "from everlasting to everlasting" which is a period of time only know to God. God shares with us by
establishing a approximate 24 hour tropical day (from what we can establish that the Garden which was east in Eden, a name God gave to the earth
before Gen1:2, and Israel is in the tropical zone). BY establishing an scientific understanding of a day, month, a season, and a year we have only a
base understanding of the time quantum known as "from everlasting to everlasting" something that is only attributed to the LORD God Almighty, who is
Jesus Christ the Light that was used to establish our time quantum we call a 24 hour day.
Now Science true purpose would and should be to establish and know what the time quantum of "from everlasting to everlasting". To make it easier to
know the true time quantum of eternity. Our greatest computers make models of all sorts of weather patterns, war scenarios, AI, and mathematical
equations to 100 with ten thousand thousands of zeros after it to approximate an impossibility but not one is used to calculate what time quantum is
"from everlasting to everlasting" of Eternity. If man were to understand that one time quantum he would see that all other 24 hour measurements would
be inaccurate when establishing age of the earth and of this expanding universe it is in, and why our current system of dating is totally in error.
Oh, the universe, as we know it, is like a giant basket ball being filled with air continually, the air is the darkness, the basketball is known as
the firmament, it was a container to hold in the darkness and to keep it from corrupting the true Light that surrounds it. But we can talk more on
that at some later time.
So yes there is an "from everlasting to everlasting" we would be wise in understanding that. Once done truly we would be humbled b y its
edit on 29-8-2017 by ChesterJohn because: (no reason given)