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What do the White Nationalists Want?

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posted on Aug, 18 2017 @ 07:49 AM
a reply to: FyreByrd

You can lump this all together with many different groups in the usa

Blm movement kkk and antifa both play dress up and are enraged about how they deem society should act and the line in the sand has been drawn

By the media

No debate no Compromise no mercy

Can't find solutions if you don't respect others that don't agree with you.

posted on Aug, 18 2017 @ 07:53 AM
a reply to: FyreByrd

Who cares what they want? Why should anyone care what fringe groups on the extremes want or don't want?

It's amazing how something nobody cares about 2 years ago is now the most important issue in our country. What about Trangender rights?, last news cycle sorry. The extent people get led by the nose ring of media is incredible. "I'm a free thinker, we should stop KONY, you should donate". I'm sure that free thinker had never heard of KONY before it became fashionable. Then the next news cycle happens and what became of KONY?

posted on Aug, 18 2017 @ 09:29 AM

originally posted by: DAVID64
That's it....keep fanning those flames. Like we don't have enough of this sh** already.

Asking what White Supremacists want, or ridiculing them, SHOULD NOT fan any flames, as no one likes those guys EXCEPT those guys, right? And they're just a tiny fraction of the population, right?

If we've come to the place where mocking white supremacists can have a significant impact on anyone other than white supremacists, we've turned a very dark corner as a country. A corner I thought we had left behind a long time ago.
edit on 18-8-2017 by Dudemo5 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 18 2017 @ 09:42 AM

originally posted by: Leonidas
Chins? A girlfriend? A soul??

That's really all that this is about.

Same reason that ISIS gets to recruit new members.

Single guys need their girl.

Women have the power to socialize men, and make them human.

Without the woman, man just becomes an animal.

God realized this, when he first created man,

And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him. -- KJV, Genesis 2:18

We see the "proof" of this biblical verse every time we hear of Neo-Nazi and ISIS.

What decent white guy would go to a Neo-Nazi rally to demonstrate,

when his wife or girlfriend says to him "stay with me tonight"?


It's even in the "complaints" of the Neo-Nazi killers, who always proclaim the "other races" are stealing and raping their white women. So, we have written and spoken proof that it's all about the lack of ladies in their lives.

The muslim terrorists do exactly the same thing, promise 72 "virgins" to become a suicide bomber.

Always, it's about the women.

A lonely white guy is just a nuclear bomb waiting for an excuse to go off. The Neo-Nazi's provide an excuse.

edit on 18-8-2017 by AMPTAH because: (no reason given)

edit on 18-8-2017 by AMPTAH because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 18 2017 @ 09:43 AM
Hey did you Scholars ever find out what they want?

posted on Aug, 18 2017 @ 09:45 AM

originally posted by: Lysergic
Hey did you Scholars ever find out what they want?

Yeah. They want to blame other people for their problems. And they want everyone to know it, by God.
edit on 18-8-2017 by Dudemo5 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 18 2017 @ 09:46 AM
a reply to: Dudemo5

From Reading I thought they were just a bunch of Angry virgins and dwelling in the mother's basements.

posted on Aug, 18 2017 @ 09:46 AM
FULL DISCLOSURE.....I didn't even read the 4 pages before this.

However did you find out what they want? I mean besides only "white" people..... lol

I thought we stopped caring about these people in the 90's.....

posted on Aug, 18 2017 @ 09:52 AM

originally posted by: Lysergic
a reply to: Dudemo5

From Reading I thought they were just a bunch of Angry virgins and dwelling in the mother's basements.

Quite possibly.

posted on Aug, 18 2017 @ 09:59 AM
Or maybe they just don't want Jews to replace them. Or something.

I can't imagine a hoard of Jewish people invading their trailer parks....

posted on Aug, 18 2017 @ 10:06 AM
the guy in skinny jeans got the pretty girl and the good job. lot of bent up anger they have to direct somewhere. who knows..

posted on Aug, 18 2017 @ 10:20 AM

originally posted by: Lysergic
Hey did you Scholars ever find out what they want?

They wanna, wanna, wanna, wanna, zig a zig aaaah.

posted on Aug, 18 2017 @ 10:57 AM
I would of liked the OP article, if it also extended the analysis to the Antifa crowd. The losers on both sides are the same type of people. Lost people unhappy with their lot in life. Who get manipulated into thinking if they fight the other unhappy losers, they will somehow feel better about themselves and the bad decisions they have made.

You always hear talk of cucks and betas from these people. Anyone who is getting laid and is happy with the person they are getting laid with, never uses the word cuck, unless that is their fetish. Alphas do not need to follow a strong man figure/concept. They are the strong man figure. Its the losers who can not get laid that strut and posture and preen while they call everyone else a cuck and beta, then cry and masturbate themselves to sleep.

On another related note. Why do all the real(not media imagined) white supremacists venerate the Nazis and the Confederacy. Both sides that lost. How is that supremacy? Now if that triggered you. I am talking about the real hardcore white supremacists. If your just someone from the south who does not want your history destroyed. That is totally understandable. You are not a racist or Nazi or whatever other buzz words the left is using to demonize everyone. Being angry that your history is being destroyed does not make you a white supremacist. You are a white supremacist if your end goal is the expulsion or death of everyone who does not fit into your narrow definition of whiteness. To be fair the same goes for the black supremacists who venerate gang-banger and drug culture. How is that supreme? Its not. Its losers venerating losers. Fix your own house before you destroy everyone elses.

Where is the side that hates commies, anarchists, and nazis. Where is the side that calls out BLM, Antifa, and the Stormfront crowd. Where is the side that does not get backed into a corner, where they end up defending losers because those losers are tangentially connected to their "side" of the political spectrum. Oh yeah that's right. Its called the middle, but its not loud or violent enough to get media attention. Why are so many good Americans beholden to these losers who are so unhappy with the decisions they have made in life that they want to burn western civilization to the ground. Why are so many people choosing to take the side of any of these arse-hats, by deflecting away from the horrible actions all these groups partake in.

Anytime anyone says, but the other side does it too, as an excuse and deflection for horrible actions. You are part of the problem. But that is just my opinion. I am pretty sure I am still allowed to have one.

But what the heck do I know. I am just a happy American man living and loving my family and life in general.

posted on Aug, 18 2017 @ 11:01 AM

originally posted by: karmicecstasy
I would of liked the OP article, if it also extended the analysis to the Antifa crowd. The losers on both sides are the same type of people. Lost people unhappy with their lot in life. Who get manipulated into thinking if they fight the other unhappy losers, they will somehow feel better about themselves and the bad decisions they have made.

You always hear talk of cucks and betas from these people. Anyone who is getting laid and is happy with the person they are getting laid with, never uses the word cuck, unless that is their fetish. Alphas do not need to follow a strong man figure/concept. They are the strong man figure. Its the losers who can not get laid that strut and posture and preen while they call everyone else a cuck and beta, then cry and masturbate themselves to sleep.

On another related note. Why do all the real(not media imagined) white supremacists venerate the Nazis and the Confederacy. Both sides that lost. How is that supremacy? Now if that triggered you. I am talking about the real hardcore white supremacists. If your just someone from the south who does not want your history destroyed. That is totally understandable. You are not a racist or Nazi or whatever other buzz words the left is using to demonize everyone. Being angry that your history is being destroyed does not make you a white supremacist. You are a white supremacist if your end goal is the expulsion or death of everyone who does not fit into your narrow definition of whiteness. To be fair the same goes for the black supremacists who venerate gang-banger and drug culture. How is that supreme? Its not. Its losers venerating losers. Fix your own house before you destroy everyone elses.

Where is the side that hates commies, anarchists, and nazis. Where is the side that calls out BLM, Antifa, and the Stormfront crowd. Where is the side that does not get backed into a corner, where they end up defending losers because those losers are tangentially connected to their "side" of the political spectrum. Oh yeah that's right. Its called the middle, but its not loud or violent enough to get media attention. Why are so many good Americans beholden to these losers who are so unhappy with the decisions they have made in life that they want to burn western civilization to the ground. Why are so many people choosing to take the side of any of these arse-hats, by deflecting away from the horrible actions all these groups partake in.

Anytime anyone says, but the other side does it too, as an excuse and deflection for horrible actions. You are part of the problem. But that is just my opinion. I am pretty sure I am still allowed to have one.

But what the heck do I know. I am just a happy American man living and loving my family and life in general.

Except most people have never even heard of Antifa. And Antifa was only a small percentage of the counter-protestors on hand in Charlottesville.

Everyone has heard of White Supremacists. Nearly everyone hates White Supremacists. And most of the protestors were in fact White Supremacists -- they organized it and intended it to be a show of force, proof that they could "step off the internet to occupy physical space in the real world."

So, I find it strange that you'd need the article to ALSO call out Antifa to appreciate it.

Also, one doesn't have to be a member of the KKK or Antifa to get violent. Normal everday citizens can do that, as evidenced by the way locals stormed the podium after the White Power organizer of the event stepped up to the microphone after the murder had taken place. They'd pretty much had enough of their invading army of brain dead Nazis.
edit on 18-8-2017 by Dudemo5 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 18 2017 @ 12:00 PM

originally posted by: Dudemo5
Nearly everyone hates White Supremacists.

Hey, I don't hate White Supremacists. They are the ones that hate me.

I think we should ship out all the White Supremacists to their own island, where they can be "happy" being alone, and away from the rest of us.

You know, the British shipped out their law breakers to the colonies, back in the day. All those who didn't want to live with the British common decency laws, got their own land to live on, like Australia and the Americas etc..

I suggest we do the same thing today with the Supremacists.

In fact, we have the perfect place for them.


The last "unclaimed" piece of land on earth.

Better yet, Antarctica is "All White" already, so everywhere they look they can see "Whiteness" and not be disturbed by the presence of "other colors" in their environment.

Also, Antarctica is already cleared of all other life forms, so the White Supremacists wouldn't have to "share" the land with any "undesirable creatures" of any type. They wouldn't have to worry about "deporting" any living thing back to some other land, etc.., since the land is pure and clean already.

So, my vote is that the United Nations declare Antarctica the home of the all white peoples, and all nations ship out their supremacists to that continent.

Hey, the Jews have returned to their land of Israel, from all over the world.

Why can't the Nazi's have their own land too?

We love Nazi's when they are not living among us. So, give them their own home.


That's the solution.

The Nazis even researched this idea near the end of WWII.

Some even say, there's a Nazi base under the ice there already.

They must have fell in love with the place, when they discovered it was "All White" over there.

edit on 18-8-2017 by AMPTAH because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 18 2017 @ 12:54 PM

originally posted by: AMPTAH

originally posted by: Dudemo5
Nearly everyone hates White Supremacists.

Hey, I don't hate White Supremacists. They are the ones that hate me.

I think we should ship out all the White Supremacists to their own island, where they can be "happy" being alone, and away from the rest of us.

You know, the British shipped out their law breakers to the colonies, back in the day. All those who didn't want to live with the British common decency laws, got their own land to live on, like Australia and the Americas etc..

I suggest we do the same thing today with the Supremacists.

In fact, we have the perfect place for them.


The last "unclaimed" piece of land on earth.

Better yet, Antarctica is "All White" already, so everywhere they look they can see "Whiteness" and not be disturbed by the presence of "other colors" in their environment.

Also, Antarctica is already cleared of all other life forms, so the White Supremacists wouldn't have to "share" the land with any "undesirable creatures" of any type. They wouldn't have to worry about "deporting" any living thing back to some other land, etc.., since the land is pure and clean already.

So, my vote is that the United Nations declare Antarctica the home of the all white peoples, and all nations ship out their supremacists to that continent.

Hey, the Jews have returned to their land of Israel, from all over the world.

Why can't the Nazi's have their own land too?

We love Nazi's when they are not living among us. So, give them their own home.


That's the solution.

The Nazis even researched this idea near the end of WWII.

Some even say, there's a Nazi base under the ice there already.

They must have fell in love with the place, when they discovered it was "All White" over there.

Antactica. The forgotten Nazi homeland. Sweet idea!

posted on Aug, 18 2017 @ 01:51 PM
a reply to: intrptr

Show me one US megacorporation that isn't owned by whites. Thats why its called the White Establishment.

That's a fairly tough assignment. First I should issue a disclaimer: I have no degrees in Political Science or Economics.

Megacorporation derives from the combination of the prefix mega- with the word corporation. ... It refers to a corporation (normally fictional) that is a massive conglomerate, holding monopolistic or near-monopolistic control over multiple markets (thus exhibiting both a horizontal and a vertical monopoly). Megacorps are so powerful that they can ignore the law, possess their own heavily armed (often military-sized) private armies, hold "sovereign" territory, and even act as outright governments. They often exercise a large degree of control over their employees, taking the idea of "corporate culture" to an extreme. Such organizations as a staple of science fiction long predate cyberpunk,

Listed examples of real-life megacorporations are: Dutch East India Company, British East India Company, and The Hudson's Bay Company. Those examples all seem to have been white owned, though not U.S.

Back to the fictional category: I would add Alien franchise movies' Weyland-Yutani Corporation, and Avatar's RDA Mining, which do match the U.S. Megacorporation model. Those seem fairly white.

Now for non-white: Saudi Aramco.
It started out as partnership with U.S. oil corporations, but then, since 1973, Saudi government gained higher shares until it had 100% control in 1980.

Saudi government is a monarchy, therefore the royals own and control the major income source and operate as a megacorporation.

Putin, a white guy in Russia has pretty much set himself up in the same manner as the Saudis. His is a Plutocracy which arose through Kleptocracy. Megacorporation since he controls the military and the source of wealth, through a network of State owned and Oligarch (loyal to him) owned companies.

So if the U.S. relaxes anti-trust laws and voting rights laws and federal trade regulations, then we too can be like Russia.

White Nationalists are the chumps, the cannon fodder, the disposable foot soldiers, who can cause enough chaos so as to mask the dismantlement of laws and regulations which prevent the U.S. from becoming another Plutocracy.

Bannon dismissed the far right as “irrelevant”, Kuttner wrote, quoting the Trump aide as saying: “Ethno-nationalism – it’s losers. It’s a fringe element. I think the media plays it up too much, and we gotta help crush it, you know, uh, help crush it more … These guys are a collection of clowns.”

Regarding the Democrats, Bannon said: “The longer they talk about identity politics, I got ’em. I want them to talk about racism every day. If the left is focused on race and identity, and we go with economic nationalism, we can crush the Democrats.”
Steve Bannon brands far right 'losers' and contradicts Trump in surprise interview

I just saw that he's out. Hmmm. Interesting.

posted on Aug, 18 2017 @ 01:58 PM
What do they want? Watch 'The Man In The High Castle". (for those who haven't read the book or seen the series it deals with an alternate US where the Germans and Japan win WWII). Basically a Nazified version of 1950's America They want what Obergruppenführer John Smith has.........

posted on Aug, 18 2017 @ 02:01 PM
a reply to: Spider879

Here's a montage.

posted on Aug, 18 2017 @ 02:12 PM

originally posted by: pthena
a reply to: Spider879

Here's a montage.

Oh my God. Talk about schadenfreude. I gots it!

The one piece of footage they left out that they SHOULD have included was the footage of the murder. It is very obvious that this guy's version of what happened to the driver is a complete fiction. That was certainly not self defense. The guy rammed through an open instersection (where he could have turned and left the area) and plowed into a crowd of people peacefully milling about at high speed.

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