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What do the White Nationalists Want?

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posted on Aug, 18 2017 @ 04:11 AM
a reply to: FyreByrd
I couldn't read the whole article; too many adds and such. Read one line, wait 5 minutes for content to download, read two lines, wait 5 minutes for content ...

Welcome to your life
There's no turning back
Even while we sleep
We will find you acting on your best behavior
Turn your back on Mother Nature
Everybody wants to rule the world

It's my own design
It's my own remorse
Help me to decide
Help me make the most of freedom and of pleasure
Nothing ever lasts forever
Everybody wants to rule the world

There's a room where the light won't find you
Holding hands while the walls come tumbling down
When they do, I'll be right behind you
So glad we've almost made it
So sad they had to fade it

Everybody wants to rule the world

I can't stand this indecision
Married with a lack of vision
Everybody wants to rule the world

Say that you'll never, never, never, never need it
One headline, why believe it?
Everybody wants to rule the world

All for freedom and for pleasure
Nothing ever lasts forever
Everybody wants to rule the world

My opinion is that they expect to live in a caste system society, with themselves at the top. They blame anyone and everyone for that not being the case.

They are willing to fight for recognition, but need peer approval, not one man against the World, but me and my bros against the World.

If they could just cut a hit single though, that would probably satisfy. Like "money for nothing, and your chicks for free."

edit on 18-8-2017 by pthena because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 18 2017 @ 04:12 AM
Just change white boy with whatever you please. This explains most of it.

posted on Aug, 18 2017 @ 04:20 AM
White, male, "DnD" (we use our own refined system) player here.

I can also confirm that I am not a Nazi.


I also question how much about the 3rd Reich these Neo-Nazis actually know.

posted on Aug, 18 2017 @ 04:23 AM
Why do the same handful of characters flock to any thread even tangentially about racism to proclaim they are sick of such threads?

Forget "dog whistles" ... more like facial tattoos. Between whining about their and Trump's beleaguered saintliness, I wonder how they have time to feed themselves? I'm hoping they are paid to troll, as the alternative (or alt) is depressing.

Oh well, every site has detritus... glad I'm not this sites' anymore!

Oh ...yeah... the article was spot on and thank you for bringing it to our attention. Far more eloquent than saying "they are why good folks are sad and puppies die."
edit on 8/18/2017 by Baddogma because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 18 2017 @ 04:29 AM

originally posted by: DAVID64
That's it....keep fanning those flames. Like we don't have enough of this sh** already.

It's a fair call, though. I mean, you don't hear poor white boys parading down the street, chanting "More White Pride World Wide!" like you used to...

But a poor black boy, why he can chant "More dead Cops!" and it leaves little question as to what BLM wants.

posted on Aug, 18 2017 @ 04:30 AM
Maybe you should look up what a nationalist is. Then put white before it and get the answer to your title.

The funny thing is white nationalist wasn't mentioned one time in article. Did you even read the article you linked or just pulled the part where they talk about white boys to try for another pissing contest on ATS?

posted on Aug, 18 2017 @ 04:31 AM

originally posted by: Abysha

originally posted by: DAVID64
That's it....keep fanning those flames. Like we don't have enough of this sh** already.

It's not fanning flames unless a white nationalist is reading this thread.

And if so, they can kindly go back to Stormfront.

Why are you offended?

Why are you offended that he's apparently, to you, offended?

And aren't you always offended anyway?

posted on Aug, 18 2017 @ 04:38 AM

originally posted by: JinMI
a reply to: FyreByrd

What do you think white nationalists want?

I think they just wannabe hugged, loved and to be appreciated...

posted on Aug, 18 2017 @ 04:45 AM
a reply to: Middleoftheroad

Maybe you should look up what a nationalist is. Then put white before it and get the answer to your title. The funny thing is white nationalist wasn't mentioned one time in article. Did you even read the article you linked or just pulled the part where they talk about white boys to try for another pissing contest on ATS?

You are trying to be combative with the OP why exactly?

And points for word recognition , but then they get erased for reading comprehension... and, seemingly, lacking decency. I hope I'm in error.

edit on 8/18/2017 by Baddogma because: had to keep smiling... even tho it's getting creepy

posted on Aug, 18 2017 @ 04:54 AM

originally posted by: Spider879

originally posted by: JinMI
a reply to: FyreByrd

What do you think white nationalists want?

I think they just wannabe hugged, loved and to be appreciated...

Dawww, you must be a daddy!

posted on Aug, 18 2017 @ 04:54 AM

originally posted by: Middleoftheroad
The funny thing is white nationalist wasn't mentioned one time in article.

Actually, I saw it mentioned once.

There is some value in taking them at their word, or the 14 of them that make up the basic creed of the white-nationalist movement:

Just saying.

posted on Aug, 18 2017 @ 04:58 AM

originally posted by: WakeUpBeer

originally posted by: Middleoftheroad
The funny thing is white nationalist wasn't mentioned one time in article.

Actually, I saw it mentioned once.

There is some value in taking them at their word, or the 14 of them that make up the basic creed of the white-nationalist movement:

Just saying.

Hmm maybe I missed a paragraph due to the choppiness of that site. Regardless this whole make everything about race movement is getting old.

posted on Aug, 18 2017 @ 05:01 AM
a reply to: Middleoftheroad

Totally agree with you there. I think there is a larger agenda at play here.

But this is ATS. We are all probably thinking something similar in that regard.

posted on Aug, 18 2017 @ 05:07 AM

What do the White Nationalists Want?

Ahh bacon.

ironically both groups seem to want dead pig, so why can't they get along...

posted on Aug, 18 2017 @ 05:19 AM
Well this one just wants to have fun. Someone needs to be going all out Lieutenant Aldo "The Apache" Raine on his little white supremacist arse.

edit on 18-8-2017 by Soloprotocol because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 18 2017 @ 05:29 AM
Im far from racist, im proud to be white though, im sick of people living in fear to be white. I love who i am, i have nothing to do with slavery that onve was. That was generations ago, many generations. Its sad that the left is feeding into this msm crap. Yall are making it sound like if anyone is republican then they are white supremacy. Pffft, sad really. Youd be surprised at how many people arent racist, but all this back lash at white people and towards other races is creating hate groups. The msm is not helping but the left definitely is not either lashing out at white people and calling those racist who love history. Maybe we should just go wipe most of africa out since they support slavery, disown rome and egyption history for slavery, disown the uk for enslaving the irish and being cruel. Pffff, pathetic.

posted on Aug, 18 2017 @ 06:02 AM

originally posted by: Deaf Alien

originally posted by: DAVID64
That's it....keep fanning those flames. Like we don't have enough of this sh** already.

I don't see you complaining about the right-wing posters who keep fanning the flames.

The real interesting part about the events in Virginia is how it was allowed to happen all_day_long. A total of 6 people were arrested, including the driver of the car.

Unlike Occupy, over 700 arrests were made in one day on the Brooklyn Bridge.

Or The Pipeline protests, over three hundred people were arrested.

Or the Ferguson demonstrations that resulted in over a hundred arrests.

Numbers are rough estimates, point being the racists who used to wear masks, now protest in broad daylight, showing their faces, are allowed to beat up people in an ongoing clash for a whole day, culminating in the mass casualty hate crime by the driver of that car.

Where were the federal agencies, the MRAPS, the phalanxes of militarized police in full riot gear to use every non lethal device to put down the protesters like during Occupy, Ferguson and Dakota?

Theres your sign...
edit on 18-8-2017 by intrptr because: spelling

posted on Aug, 18 2017 @ 06:08 AM
a reply to: pthena

My opinion is that they expect to live in a caste system society, with themselves at the top. They blame anyone and everyone for that not being the case.

Show me one US megacorporation that isn't owned by whites. Thats why its called the White Establishment.

posted on Aug, 18 2017 @ 06:17 AM
a reply to: Soloprotocol

Oh there is another one of these guys, this one an adult, who spoke much smack, bragging he can kill ppl, found out he "may" have an arrest warrant out for him, maaan you should see the tears streaming down his cheeks at the thought of him being, shot if the cops came to get him, all that tough guy crap goes out the window, I can bet mad money that he cheered whenever some unarmed black male get killed.. Can't post the vid right now, so if one of you guys know of what iam talking about pls post, all I can say is he did white supramacists no Honor..

edit on 18-8-2017 by Spider879 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 18 2017 @ 06:26 AM

originally posted by: Spider879
a reply to: Soloprotocol

Oh there is another one of these guys, this one an adult, who spoke much smack, bragging he can kill ppl, found out he "may" have an arrest warrant out for him, maaan you should see the tears streaming down his cheeks at the thought of him being, shot if the cops came to get him, all that tough guy crap goes out the window, I can bet mad money that he cheered whenever some unarmed black male get killed.. Can't post the vid right now, so if one of you guys know of what iam talking about pls post, all I can say is he did white supramacists no Honor..

Saw the video you mention, Yeah, The guy has a in his eye.

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