Isn't it interesting that human eyes can give expression to who the mind on the inside is?
Although this was probably recognized by 'initiates' before the age of neuroscience, neuroscience provides a neat anatomical explanation for how
eyes give expression to the personality of the people who hold them.
Exhibit A: Clement Freud (Freud's grandson)
This horrifying face is that of a man who has been accused of pedophilia by at least three different woman, at age 11, 14, and 16. Also, he has been
implicated in the case of a beautiful little British girl who was kidnapped in Portugal - and whose house Freud is said to have invited the mother
inside, and then comment that the mother may be a nymphomaniac.
Clearly, and
as this telegraph
article makes clear, this man was probably a psychopath.
So what is this significance I claim exists in the eyes?
As you can see in this image, the eye is an extension of the brain, with the retina connecting to the optic nerve which moves to the optic chiasm,
which then crosses to the other side of the brain.
The brain is best thought of as a system of dynamical relations between various groups of neurons. It seems "static", but its really dynamical,
moving, changing, and transforming itself, again and again, but always in terms of the concept of "flowing": energy is always be dissipated and
processed in symmetrical (i.e. structured) ways through our system, as seen so clearly in these high definition fiber tracking fMRI image:
The right brain takes in 'signs' from the environment relevant to its functionality, while the left brain, which is where our "I", or thinking,
and manipulating mind lies, in order for it to function optimally, takes in the sign, and acknowledges it utility for functioning. When the system
works well, the creature is happy. When it isn't, the change registers in various ways.
What I've described above is the subjective first person experience of what the body is constantly doing to recreate our structure: symmetry-making.
We are bilaterally symmetrical creatures, and symmetry, in effect, is what we mean by beauty: nobody likes asymmetry, especially "alt-right" people,
even if they can't tolerate the existence of these facts in their minds as well.
In effect, what is being argued is this: when a person lies to themselves on the inside, or rather, and more likely, has a philosophy that convinces
them in the rightness of lying about what happens within and outside them, their eyes, which are expressive of brain-dynamics, begin to express the
asymmetry occurring between right brain and left brain processes.
Of course, a person can change - can become more coherent - and so their eyes will express more "symmetry". Indeed, it has been noted by many
therapists who work with people with dissociative identity disorder that changes in self-state are accompanied by physiological changes as well, one
of which is the symmetry of the eyes.
I choose Clement Freud as my example because he seems to have been a very sordid and sick individual, so sick as to have invited the parents of a
missing child to his house, despite a plausible case being made against him, given his history.
In any case, the eye that always seems off, or "out on its own", is, of course, the right eye, which feeds into the left hemisphere: the place of
the ego. The right eyes symmetrical relation to the left eye - where feeling is felt, is neither aligned nor coordinated; it is just 'off'. A symbol
of the humans thinking on the inside.