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Iceland is 'eradicating' (murdering) Down Syndrome

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posted on Aug, 17 2017 @ 02:03 AM
"This baby is 'genetically inferior,' so I'll toss it in the trash." Whoa, calm down there, Adolf.
edit on 17-8-2017 by Kromlech because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 17 2017 @ 02:13 AM
a reply to: Nyiah

I'm worried about the world my boy will grow up in .

People like the op want to see the world burn, and that is worrying as their numbers are growing.

posted on Aug, 17 2017 @ 09:33 AM
a reply to: burgerbuddy

I've been binging on Star Trek recently. We all need more Star Trek.

posted on Aug, 17 2017 @ 10:12 AM
a reply to: burgerbuddy

I wasn't sure if your question was honest, but yeah, they have a choice. I think people might be reluctant to take the tests if it lead to forced abortions.

a reply to: silo13

My thinking was that the goal of eugenics is to remove certain genes from the gene pool, but I assumed that most people with DS don't have kids even if they reach adulthood? But maybe I'm wrong.

posted on Aug, 17 2017 @ 11:28 AM
a reply to: Nyiah

That's all you have to show for all the concern and bitching. You need to practice what you preach if you have the gall to tell others what to do. You don't want the medically borked to be aborted? Take care of them YOURSELF. Quit having a childish hissy fit about how others choose to handle the medical outcomes. You have a lot of slack to pick up before you can preach more.

You know nothing about what I do - or don’t do - to help others.
What I know about you is you’re incredibly bitter and judgmental.
The ‘gall’ to tell others what to do? Pot meet kettle.

If you want to call it having a ‘childish hissy fit’ I’m championing babies who’re being murdered in the womb and taking a stand against eugenics? So be it - I'll even get myself a T-shirt.

Why? becasue it’s murder and it’s wrong and the blood of all those babies? Fine - it’s on your hands not mine.

and being unwanted by you yourself in the first place

Wow - where do you get this stuff, lol. What - you have an I-Spy camera on my heart and in my head? If you do, you better get it fixed because you’re flat out wrong. I mean really, you can make it up as you go along driven by all your hate and anger but it’s not good for you. Talk about having a hissy fit. Whoa.

And really. Who calls a kid ‘f#d’ up? That’s just gross. People on the other hand (as you prove) are another matter, but kids? They’re little kids - they’re not something to be labeled ‘f#d’ up.

One grandkid isn't enough for you to claim the moral high ground with when so many are pressured to be carried to term by people like YOU, and unceremoniously ignored by people like YOU after they're born and given up.

You bitch and scream about what others do, yet never help, never have the home overflowing with deformed kids, the ill kids, the fragile kids.

Wow you’re an angry person. Anddddd, I don’t know who you’re talking to but it isn’t me you’re describing that’s for sure. Man living with that bitterness you’ve got must suck.

You never do anything but stroke your own egos, at the cost of others' freedom to choose what is best for them & their families.

Blah, blah blah... Ok, you feel better now that you got that all out? I sure hope so.
Nerveless, KILLING a child because it might have DS is a horrific act - to horrific to even contemplate.

Taking that a step farther? Who will be next? Babies who are not the right sex? Don’t have the right color eyes? Cleft lip maybe?

That you can’t see the atrocity in this is concerning. By all accounts your logic says ‘I have a choice to kill if it makes my life better’... Does the name Hitler sound familiar.

Life, all life is sacred. The safest place for a child should be in the womb... Damn if you all have not turned it into the most dangerous.

How flipping sad.

posted on Aug, 17 2017 @ 12:31 PM
Copied my post from another thread as it's relevant to both.

Women should stop having periods too. Just think of the poor egg!

And men? All of those millions of wasted lives per ejaculation!

And miscarriages! Damn womens bodies self aborting a life!

posted on Aug, 17 2017 @ 01:18 PM

originally posted by: knoxie
a reply to: butcherguy

not murdering, sweetness.

choosing to terminate in this scenario is an incredibly hard decision!

with a lot of genetic syndromes the children live in pain, serious pain. I know this first hand because my son was born with trisomy 18 (a more serious syndrome than down.) he passed away a few years ago at 23. he never spoke but i'm know he lived in pain, and I still feel quilt.. I am grateful for every second I had with him and I wish he was still with me, but I will never demonize someone for choosing to terminate. and, parents who decide to go to term have my upmost respect, as well.

these are very hard decisions for the parents and to call it murder is just awful, disgusting op.

Jumping to conclusions, I see.
I never mentioned murder and I am on record here as supporting a woman's right to choose.

I pointed out what seems to be incongruous to me, that the same society that will chastise one person if they are offended by a person with Down's Syndrome sitting next to them on a bus... apparently dislike them to a degree that they want to keep them from entering society.

posted on Aug, 17 2017 @ 01:20 PM
a reply to: butcherguy

I apologize, that was meant for the op!

posted on Aug, 17 2017 @ 01:21 PM

originally posted by: knoxie
a reply to: butcherguy

I apologize, that was meant for the op!

Sorry about that then.
Have a super day.
I am beginning my weekend as soon as work is over this afternoon and I am taking Monday and Tuesday off too... SO really long weekend!

posted on Aug, 17 2017 @ 01:22 PM
a reply to: butcherguy

nice, enjoy yours as well!!

posted on Aug, 17 2017 @ 01:24 PM

originally posted by: windword
a reply to: silo13

Perhaps your energy would better spent explaining the joy that your granddaughter has brought to your family, along with the hardships that have been, I would assume, worth it, instead of shaming women who are too scared to give birth to a downs syndrome child.

I'm not trying to shame but to educate. Iceland is taking this stand as a country. When, then, will it become mandatory?

As for my personal life? I've made the mistake of sharing parts of my personal life here on ATS before and I can assure you it never turns out well. And, I don't have permission from her mother - or I just might.

Maybe provide links to support groups and success stories. Post pictures of successfully integrated downs children and their families. Stuff like that.

I have posted success stories - it was after you posted though - but yes I do see your point on staying positive. Of course it is. But, in my opinion, it's also important to stay wide awake while watching how the government is creeping in to make our children their own - or exterminate them before they're even born.


posted on Aug, 20 2017 @ 12:43 PM
Story About Iceland Sets Off Angry Debate Over Abortion

A story by CBS News about the declining number of Down syndrome births in Iceland has caused an uproar, with conservative critics accusing the story of celebrating abortion and others lashing out at Iceland itself.

You can say that again.

Another factor in all of this is opposing views of abortion, of course. A counselor of pregnant women at an Icelandic hospital acknowledges that some see it as murder but says that's not the prevailing view in Iceland. "We don't look at abortion as a murder," she tells CBS. "We look at it as a thing that we ended. We ended a possible life that may have had a huge complication ... preventing suffering for the child and for the family."

The article goes on to explain the screening process, etc. It's a good read.


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