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posted on Aug, 14 2017 @ 09:49 PM
I write this post assuming that most people know that the idea of a new World Order is out in the open now---no longer a conspiracy, but part of the
fabric of political life, already the culture of many countries, the deepest hopes of U.S. Progressives---and now going by the name of many
things---globalism--for one, and involving many factions, including the Deep State.
It is currently the battle ground between patriots and globalists, here, in what was once a country based upon and modeled after the deepest hopes
of our rational and brilliant forefathers.
I have done a great deal of traveling this past year, spending weeks in post-communist countries, collectivist countries, emerging countries and
democracies like India.
I have some observations I'd like to make about what I'm seeing. These are just my observations, of course, and whether they relate to the empirical
plans of the elitist cabal is for you to decide.
1) I just returned from Sweden, Denmark and Norway and I think it's safe to say that the model for the NWO is Scandinavia. I couldn't help but see
Obama's dreams modeled in these three countries: the highest taxes in the world, welfare states, obedient and compliant citizens, clean, modern,
rational, pleasant, mostly cashless, sound green policies, bike riding citizenry.
I was surprised by my own admiration of how clean and quiet these countries seemed to be. I began to wonder if they hadn't gotten something
fundamentally right: no one seemed as stressed and unhappy as we seem to be in America. And why were they always voted the happiest people in the
No student loans, five weeks paid vacation, generous retirements, free health care until the age of 18, unbelievable parental leave, seriously good
daycare centers, equality in the workplace---there are Utopian themes running through these country's veins.
But there is no such thing as perfect. There is high unemployment, an aging population, malaise, lack of initiative and unbelievable levels of
conformity. While Sweden has brought us things like Skype and IKEA, you cannot compare the kind of creativity and output there to a place like
And while this is not a pro-America rant, I was very intent on seeing the ways in which Socialist-like countries adhere to a wayward agenda that was
meant to enslave unknowing citizens rather than encourage them to realize their own potential.
I started reading about how and why these socialist tendencies were set in Scandinavia, and I'm certain that they come from the same place they
sprung up in America.
It is something I am still pondering.
Important to note that the family is not the nucleus is Scandinavian society. The state is. Children are taught to become independent of the family
at an early age. It is difficult for me to imagine a world where human bonds, compassion and love take a back seat to the state and collectivism.
2) Apartment buildings being built everywhere all of the time---everywhere I go. It's so pervasive that I can't even do this item justice in words.
You'd have to see it to believe it. I believe this stems from Agenda 2020/2030 and their concerted effort to drive people into cities. The small,
rural towns in Scandinavia are dying just as ours are. Pick any country in the world and you'll find this is true.
And no one anywhere is doing anything about it. Money is not being given to rural areas to revive them and bring life to those areas where people
choose to live a more sedate and rural life.
3) Relentless immigration. I believe one of the most important tenets of the NWO is to dilute patriotism and nationalism by forcing people to live
together. This is a huge progressive tenet and when you're in Europe it is patently obvious what is going on. It's most obvious in Scandinavia
because they've never been known as one of the great melting pots of the world. Everyone is blonde or brown haired with blue eyes and so an immigrant
wearing a scarf over her head and a long black dress sticks out quite a bit more than in a city like New York.
In airports across the world there are seemingly hundreds of kinds of people walking through terminals in numbers I've never seen before.
Right now in Houston, the apartment complex I'm visiting is a testament to the acceptance of Americans to a new mode of living. Houston is the most
diverse city in the US and this apartment complex is about less than half white and the rest a true diversity of people---especially Asian and
Anyone who calls Americans racists should spend a day in Houston where people from all over the world converge and work and live side by side.
I am not against immigration, but I am against the elitist cabal that does not have to live with the more serious consequences of immigration (like
certain neighborhoods of Stockholm where there are serious problems). Forcing a country to extinguish their patriotism or way of life is not a way to
meld the world.
4) Forced Globalism: I read recently that having the same stores and restaurants everywhere would make the slaves of the NWO more comfortable in their
city apartments around the world.
McDonalds in Cuzco, Peru, 7-11 across from Tivolli Gardens in Copenhagen, you can't escape the repetitive landscapes no matter where you are in the
world---the complete take over of the multi-national corporations. This is one of the saddest parts of globalism for me---seeing cultures and
traditions destroyed----that's what makes the world beautiful. People all over are getting fatter, the streets are full of chain stores, young
people are yakking on their cell phones and watching the Kardashians on TV.
As a person that honors authenticity above all else, I hate to see this. The western world is spreading its materialisism,brainwashing people into
thinking that stuff is more important than what they've created themselves as a society, whether it's family bonds, ancient crafts or skills, etc.
What is unique and special to places---foods, dress or ideas--is being homogenized all over the world.
I've been in 20 different countries in 15 months and I've taken this truth away with a certain amount of sadness.
5) Forced Truths: All over the world, forced truth is being shoved down people's throats so that eventually we all believe the same things. We see
this at American Universities but also in Scandinavian museums and other places where progressivism is king.
Reading plaques on museum walls stating climate change as a truth, for example, or Atlantis as a myth---it's a common practice now. There's no
question about these things, the powers that be are saying---this is the way it is.
Archaeologists won't entertain any other points of view about the strange and not very well understood history of earth, scientists are blind to
opposing views.
I sat next to a physicist who helped build CERN and is still actively involved, and he was shocked to hear that lay people had their own theories
about reality. He had never seen the movie What The Bleep nor did he know that some serious people were now considering that reality is simulated.
He was oblivious to it all.
People are now living in New World Order bubbles.
6) So many people in Turkey accept that 911 was an inside job that it's astounding to an outsider. They actually find it amusing that it's called a
conspiracy theory in the states.