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Charlottesville VA Stuck Hosting (Arguably) Largest Hate Rally In Decades

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posted on Aug, 13 2017 @ 04:39 PM

originally posted by: Gryphon66
a reply to: whereislogic

I don't disagree with your claims for about 95% of the Bible (perhaps).

But there are oft-quoted verses that are everything the hateful could want and more.

It has been my observation that those verses are more often cherry-picked, used and twisted by critics of the bible and God (or the notion of a God and Creator) than by those who you described. But I don't spend that much time digging into what supporters of nationalism and patriotism use to justify their ideologies and worldviews. Everyone there on either side would have done well to heed this advice from Proberbs 17:14-16:

14 Beginning a fight is like opening a floodgate;
Before the quarrel breaks out, take your leave.
15 Anyone who acquits the wicked one and anyone who condemns the righteous one
—Both of them are detestable to Jehovah.
16 What good is it that the stupid one has the means to acquire wisdom
When he has no heart for acquiring it?* [Or “When he is lacking good sense?”]

Religion is a Snare and a Racket (playlist)

Checkout the religiously dressed figures at 4:11 (she calls them "priests") who seem to be among the ones protesting against the rally by those promoting nationalism, I guess they chose to seek confrontation as well while ignoring Proverbs 17:14-16 (more religious figures later on, remember that Proverbs is part of what the Jewish religious leaders also claim as their Holy Scripture, so the same counts for the lady dressed in Jewish robes at 5:05), only sharing the video for that purpose, my previous commentary should make it clear that I don't agree with the alt-right views she is promoting or justifying (for which she uses no bible verses):

1 Corinthians 15:33

33 Do not be misled. Bad associations spoil useful habits.* [Or “corrupt good morals.”]
edit on 13-8-2017 by whereislogic because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 13 2017 @ 04:43 PM
No time to really talk now, about to roll out to a fine sushi restaurant then a local brewery for pints of tasty blackness.

But I've been thinking about the guy that ran down some folks yesterday. Overall I wish it hadn't happened but it did and nothing will change that. Since it did happen I'm glad it was one of the racist jerks that did it instead of one of the protesters.

Since he was just a stupid racist it's more palatable than one of the "good guys" out there trying to protest them. Yes, I know everybody has the same freedoms, free speech, assembly all that. You people should know my stance on that one but if this had been one of the protesters it would be a lot uglier now than it already is and the racists would be bolstered by it. Instead they took a hit when one of their own ran down a crowd.

It's all senseless and no matter how much people dig in to one side or the other nothing is going to change. There will always be supremacists of varying types, there will always be bigots and there will always be those that oppose them. And that goes all the way across the spectrum from only a little bit to extreme and violent.

But I have seen a boost in hatred against those that hate. This is something I don't understand. Fighting hate with hate doesn't work. It's one thing to pity the foolish supremacists or to wish they come to their own peace and understanding that they're not actually superior.

But to hate them, proper hate, is to be no different than they are. Hate is not the answer and spreading that hate will do no good.


posted on Aug, 13 2017 @ 04:45 PM
a reply to: starviego

You mean this?

Today's "white nationalist" are just better dressed neo-Nazis. Which is appropriate, I suppose, since real Nazis weren't slovenly Klan-fodder or methed-out yahoos with face tats.

Nonetheless, despite all the efforts to clean up their appearances to be more palatable, their ideals are the same and let's be real here, while the higher upa try to be snappy dressers and spout quotes to back up their toxic ideology, just like any other similar group, the base — the foot soldiers — are mostly just impressionable idiots looking for a cause to belong to.
edit on 2017-8-13 by theantediluvian because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 13 2017 @ 04:47 PM
a reply to: theantediluvian

Any chance that these are recurring themes because there is some truth to them? Certainly I condemn white supremacists and Nazis, who are being manipulated by truth into heinous beliefs, but I think it could be that Nationalism is rising in the world for good reason.

posted on Aug, 13 2017 @ 05:05 PM

originally posted by: theantediluvian
a reply to: starviego

You mean this?

No book burning? I'm disappointed.

posted on Aug, 13 2017 @ 05:09 PM
Here is a new video...


posted on Aug, 13 2017 @ 05:13 PM

originally posted by: starviego
More buffoonery. (It helps if you're drunk)

I'd rather be around those guys than your average blue hair hipster anyday.

posted on Aug, 13 2017 @ 05:15 PM

originally posted by: matafuchs
Here is a new video...


Hopefully people will be more careful about protesting like that..

posted on Aug, 13 2017 @ 05:20 PM
a reply to: carewemustI'm afraid it was too graphic for you tube, it's unavailable now...

posted on Aug, 13 2017 @ 05:22 PM
a reply to: carewemust

Something like this has been a loooooong time coming based on how these protests have been. Blocking the streets and declaring them your own is not how to protest. I am honestly surprised it has not happened already.

posted on Aug, 13 2017 @ 05:22 PM
a reply to: carewemust

Yikes. Condoning violence and intimidation or dI'd I read that wrong.

posted on Aug, 13 2017 @ 05:22 PM
a reply to: TruMcCarthy

too few people enjoying the fruits of the labor???
economic collaspe??

there's just not enough to go around, so let's pick and choose we find as worthy to enjoy the rest and ship the rest off to some camp out of sight and forget about them???

posted on Aug, 13 2017 @ 05:24 PM
a reply to: matafuchs
and, I'll remind you that it was the nazi, whatever your want to call them group that was the first to block the streets and they literally claimed the whole city as their own!!!

posted on Aug, 13 2017 @ 05:27 PM
a reply to: starviego

How is that any different than this?

Both sides when violence enters the picture are wrong. Difference is those 5 white guys look like they are on their own property drinking, talking smack but do not see them in the streets beating people up.

posted on Aug, 13 2017 @ 05:30 PM

originally posted by: dawnstar
a reply to: TruMcCarthy

too few people enjoying the fruits of the labor???
economic collaspe??

there's just not enough to go around, so let's pick and choose we find as worthy to enjoy the rest and ship the rest off to some camp out of sight and forget about them???

Not sure what you are talking about. I was talking more about controlling your borders, negotiating better trade deals, holding the financial industry to account etc. Nationalism.

"too few people enjoying the fruits of the labor???"

Sounds like Bernie Sanders.
edit on 13-8-2017 by TruMcCarthy because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 13 2017 @ 05:35 PM

originally posted by: Leonidas

My grandfather killed Nazis in WW2 and he earned medals doing so. I am glad he is not around today to see people justifying and supporting Nazis behavior in his own country.

Freedom is a bitch isn't it...

posted on Aug, 13 2017 @ 05:41 PM
Police officers protect the organizer of a white nationalist rally in Virginia. He was chased away from a news conference Sunday, a day after violence left three people dead.

He posted a video on social media saying police and city officials were responsible for the violence at Saturday's rally, and criticized them for how they handled Sunday's news conference.

Wonder if he told officers thank you, this time, for protecting him, after crowds rejected his commentary?

edit on 13-8-2017 by DancedWithWolves because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 13 2017 @ 05:46 PM
a reply to: TruMcCarthy

illegal immigration wasn't really seen by either party as a major problem as long as they could take advantage of them in their farms and factories without facing bad side effects, it wasn't till the construction workers started seeing their jobs replaces that it began to see a problem...
trade deals and such?? it wasn't that long ago the right was telling just how great outsourcing was for our economy!

you were wondering why nationalist movements historically rise up...
it all has to do with economic factors... they don't mind a ton of immigrants coming into the country if it means the rail system they want has cheap labor, it only when there's not enough jobs to go around and they find that they are being replaced by someone with a heavy accent that will take half the pay as them that it becomes one..

posted on Aug, 13 2017 @ 05:58 PM

originally posted by: TruMcCarthy
a reply to: theantediluvian

Any chance that these are recurring themes because there is some truth to them? Certainly I condemn white supremacists and Nazis, who are being manipulated by truth into heinous beliefs, but I think it could be that Nationalism is rising in the world for good reason.

Why am I reminded of the maxim that anything occurring before the word 'but' is of no consequence to the speaker's statement and may be readily ignored? The only good thing about events like this is they serve to reveal people's true natures. Mind you, not too many surprises here.

posted on Aug, 13 2017 @ 06:03 PM
a reply to: TruMcCarthy

Sooner or later, we're all going to have to get over our mutual squeamishness about talking about these issues. Left to their own, things are getting ugly.

I think it has a lot more to do with emotion and tolerance of change than anything. Let's be real here. Current predictions are that whites will no longer be a majority of the population in the United States by 2050. We'll still be the largest "racial" group but combined, the other groups will constitute a majority.

This is upsetting to a lot of white people who feel that "white people" are being "replaced." It's right in the tagline for the rally: "They Will Not Replace Us." I don't think that even the average white right-winger wants anyone being murdered but they also don't want their descendants to be a minority of the population.

It's a really thorny topic to discuss — it's inherently a "racist" subject by definition as it's nearly entirely an issue of race.

I'll let you in on a little secret, even we whites on the Left aren't immune to the uncomfortable pangs of these baser, tribal anxieties and impulses. Contrary to what popular rhetoric would have you believe, being a white progressive doesn't mean hating yourself or other white people. We're not eagerly advocating for "white genocide" out of some misplaced notion of "white guilt." (I mean, in any group there are outliers, I'm sure there is some tiny percentage of self-hating members of any group)

And in turn, the modern "white nationalists" aren't clueless. That's why they've softened their positions across a whole spectrum down to the "Proud Boys" whose membership isn't exclusively white. The shift there is away from genetic "race" to cultural identity.

What I will argue is that the anxiety is irrational. We, as a society, are very malleable. Most people conceive of American history as being something like this:

Columbus - colonies - American Revolution - America - American Civil War - The Industrial Revolution - 20th Century till now.

Along with the missing history, there's a lot of missing reality. We have had successive waves of immigration and we've assimilated those people into our society (and assimilation is something of a two-way street). How many people today, in a country where 60% of us have German heritage, are lamenting the waves of German immigrants who came to this country in the middle of the 19th century? How many today view that as a hostile invasion that supplanted traditional American culture?

All those triggered nativists of the time sounded all the same alarms about European immigrants. "They won't assimilate" "they're taking our jobs" "they bring disease" "they bring immorality and drugs" (Chinese in particular).

In 2050, if white people aren't the majority, this will still be America. In 2150 if 100% genetically "European" people are 10% of the population, this will still be America. The people here will still be Americans. Our history will still be their history. They'll still be speaking English (though it'll have all sorts of new words and other words familiar to us will fade from usage).

What people need to understand and I think this is one of the fundamental differences in personalities that accounts for why people lean "conservative" or "progressive" — change happens. Everything evolves over time. These impulses rising from our tribal instincts are irrational and often lead to arbitrary ideals. Like this idea that the world should be split up into little political compartments of genetically homogeneous groups with very limited cross border exchanges of genes, culture, etc — segregated.

That makes no sense. That's not the path that humanity has followed to this point at all is it? Try to understand the "logic" of the white nationalist arguments. Basically, you have arguments like "white people created the modern world." Well not exactly. That only sort of works if you arbitrarily lump all Europeans into "white people." 60% of Americans, as I said, have German heritage. Any idea how the Germans were living before the Romans invaded? And where did the Romans get a large chunk of the culture they brought? (Greeks?) How many of us living in the "Western World" are Greek? And if Greece is the original wellspring of Western Civilization's greatness, why aren't these "white nationalists" and "Western chauvinists" enamored with the greatness of modern Greek society?

Because it's all irrational bulls# created to cater to primitive impulse.

I didn't intend to go on a long winded, meandering rant. If you made it this far, thanks for indulging me.

There's no white genocide. There's no globalist cabal out to replace us. (why would they?) There's just change and the predictable emotional responses to it.

If people are really concerned about the future of America, perhaps they should try channeling their discomfort with change in other ways. Instead of fearing people who aren't like us, should we not try embracing them? That fear comes from a mentality of us v them. I think most people intuitively understand that. There are two paths forward from that realization. Either "us" and "them" merges into just "us" or we fight against the natural procession of events and try to get rid of those we view as "them."

Haven't we learned by now, from the horrendous nightmare that was the Nazi's attempt, that the latter path that their ideological offspring are trying to push us down, is not the way to go?
edit on 2017-8-13 by theantediluvian because: (no reason given)

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