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It's more than that Byrd.
We were taught that -
-All the trees north of the Canadian border would be dead by 2000, not due to acid rain, but due to global cooling. At least that's what I was taught
in a California college in about 74-75.
-All the oil would be gone before 2014.
-There was not enough arable land on the planet to support the population and by 2000 hundreds of millions would die.
-All the nuclear material would be consumed before the oil ran out.
There was much more, but those are the things that come to mind right now. Science never seems to want to admit it's evolving or that a theory is a
theory and often science gets it wrong. When it is wrong, an excuse is always made, but the errors are seldom admitted to.
The fear mongering never seems to get us anywhere and the hysterics from activists does not help. Pretending we don't all want a clean, healthy
environment is also counterproductive.
Spiking trees was just for attention, killed and harmed innocent people and never helped with anything.
Lying about the Spotted Owl and destroying peoples livelihoods did not help and no apologies ever happened, even after it was known widely that
Spotted Owls live in many environments, including the desert and were never at risk.
Apologies were made for activists stopping the sound forestry practices in Arizona and causing a huge fire, but no such apology came when Yellowstone
burned for the same ridiculous reason.
The huge elk herds are almost gone in Yellowstone now due to competition with the Bison, that never did actually live there to begin with, thanks to
law suits from radical groups. Not a peep about how much damage that did to the elk.
When the transplanted wolves in Yellowstone started leaving and killing livestock one State Biologist did actually admit that he knew that the wolves
were never gone from Idaho where I lived. I could have taken them to see a pack of local wolves in that area, that had been protected by the farmers
and ranchers they hated, but it was well known to keep silent about the wolves to protect them. So many lies involved with activists. I personally
watched a wolf in Yellowstone die on the side of the road a couple of weeks before the wolves were transplanted. One of the wolves that were falsely
claimed not to exist.
Bald Eagles were never at risk and on and on and on with the counterproductive garbage. There were more Bald Eagles in just the area I lived in then
than they admitted to in that entire part of the country and they just tried to silence those who spoke the truth with law suits, based on lies.
Wild eyed activism is not the answer and it in fact drives sensible people away from the subject.
While working in Eureka, California I picked up what looked like a forest service publication while waiting in line at a deli for lunch. In it were
coloring pages for children with instructions how to destroy construction and logging equipment, telling the children "sometimes your parents are
wrong" with illustrations to color of how to put things in the fuel tanks. I called the forest service and they sent someone out to get the copy from
me and then destroyed the rest of them. While we were standing in front of the office building, an old luxury car billowing blue smoke drove by and
the the man who came pointed at it and said "you know who that is"? Then he told me it was the head of the Earth First group and that was what he
drove. Two people died while I was there due to spiked trees.
While there I ended up on a plane that flew over the area and miracles of all miracles, instead of seeing the massive clear cuts I expected to see,
there were only a few area's spread out here and there and it was obvious they had not put much of a dent in it.
It has seemed to me that activists just go with whatever they are told and truth be damned.
I'm all for cleaner energy and a clean environment, but what I'm against is the insane activism that will never lead to anything but more harm than