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REPORT: Nearly All Of U.S. Drinking Water Contaminated With Cancer Causing Chemicals

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posted on Jul, 30 2017 @ 10:52 AM
a reply to: TheLead

Sulfur (hydroden sulfide / sulfur dioxide) dissipates out of the water into the atmosphere.

"Lyme" is just the pH.

It's all the other stuff in the water (which what I meant is half the time it says "Spring Water" it's bottled 'city water').

And then what the plastic residues add to it.

You can all get an RO filter for $100 shipped off ebay!

posted on Jul, 30 2017 @ 10:53 AM
a reply to: 727Sky
I am all for drinking filtered water but this article seems a little alarmist.

Some of the chemicals found in your drinking water include – arsenic, hexavalent chromium, radiation, chloroform, perfluorooctanoic acid, Bromodichloromethane, Dichloroacetic acid, Barium, and Uranium;
It's all about the levels of contaminants (mg/L). There are many naturally occurring elements that could be found in water like arsenic and uranium yet what are the ppm? Note that these are elements not chemicals yet this is a matter of semantics I suppose.

Radiation, however, is neither a chemical nor element, it is energy like heat. You wouldn't consider heat a chemical contaminate would you? Radioactive chemicals, or elements, can emit radiation so I assume that's what the article is implying yet what radioactive contaminants did they find? Were they naturally occurring?

Personally I don't think those small filters added to your faucet are enough. I buy my drinking water from a purified drinking water store (water to go), their filters are huge in comparison. Distilled water I think would be best yet then you are removing the beneficial trace minerals that may be present. I completely agree with you in that once I started drinking filtered water I have a very hard time drinking tap water. Drinking the water from a restaurant is a little tough yet the chlorine taste is a good indication that there isn't any bacteria living in it.

edit on 7/30/2017 by Devino because: added source

posted on Jul, 30 2017 @ 11:16 AM
a reply to: Devino

Man - ATS loves the scare stories!

So here we have a group of people who created their own jobs by scaring the # out of you!

All they did was gather the lab reports of every utility in the United States (did not even do their own sampling) which is provided free of cost and put in a searchable database.

From the website:

The vast majority of the nation's drinking water supplies get a passing grade from federal and state regulatory agencies. However, many of the 250-plus contaminants detected through water sampling and testing are at levels that are perfectly legal under the Safe Drinking Water Act or state regulations, but well above levels authoritative scientific studies have found to pose health risks.

First of all if it exists at all, the risk is not zero. So it is the truth that there are health risks but how meaningful are those risks.

Your body is made up of all the minerals and chemicals of the earth. That includes arsenic, barium and cyanide. Matter of fact, your body cannot function without those minerals and chemicals in trace amounts

For example:

Arsenic Deficiency

So go ahead you all - remove all trace minerals and chemicals from your water and see how your body really likes it.

Every thing and I do mean EVERY THING has health risks. So the health risk is NEVER zero!

Just because a chemical is harmful in the parts per thousand range (mg/L) or even in the parts per billion (ng/L) range, does not mean it is harmful in the parts per trillion range. The poison is in the dose.

So here we have the same old story. Government weak, corrupt or incompetant. Industry corrupt and will poison drinking water for a buck.

The ONLY people who can save you is the dedicated professionals at EPW. There are asking for donations. Better send money if you want to live to be 20.

Is everyone forgetting their history? Read about the work that was done by government in providing clean drinking water and how many lives were saved. How many diseases?

Now you all think if your water has anything natural or unnatural in it, it is not fit to drink.

posted on Jul, 30 2017 @ 11:26 AM
a reply to: TiredofControlFreaks

Drinking 0ppm water is not going to have the deficiency effect you claim.

All the beneficial trace elements are present in vegetables through their water source when grown.

posted on Jul, 30 2017 @ 11:29 AM
a reply to: Mandroid7

Prove it!

water is an essential source of nutrients in our diet. Most people can't properly balance proteins, fats and you think they can manage trace minerals as well!

If you think its in the vegetables and fruit and meat that you eat, why would you think it is necessary to take it out of our water?

posted on Jul, 30 2017 @ 11:40 AM
a reply to: 727Sky

And some people still can not get it through their heads that they are deliberately being poisoned by the people at the top.

Far more important to pay attention to celebrities, sports, and whatever run of the mill topic the 24 hr MSM brainwashes the masses with.

Looks like the long term study of Fluoride's effect on the minds of the masses has brought about the needed results, people are stupid and docile and still believe in the State!

posted on Jul, 30 2017 @ 11:45 AM
a reply to: elementalgrove

Did you happen to read the website this report came from:

EPW web site

The vast majority of the nation's drinking water supplies get a passing grade from federal and state regulatory agencies. However, many of the 250-plus contaminants detected through water sampling and testing are at levels that are perfectly legal under the Safe Drinking Water Act or state regulations, but well above levels authoritative scientific studies have found to pose health risks.

Even they couldn't find much to criticize!

If you think you are being poisoned - do as they do in the third world and find a mudhole to drink out of.

Then you will finally understand the value of clean drinking water!

posted on Jul, 30 2017 @ 11:46 AM
a reply to: Macenroe82

posted on Jul, 30 2017 @ 11:47 AM
a reply to: TiredofControlFreaks

The OP is posting doom porn meant to keep us afraid and clamoring for someone to "save" us.

We are living longer healthier lives than ever before in the history of mankind.....still you insist on being afraid?

posted on Jul, 30 2017 @ 11:49 AM
I've been drinking bottled water for years. In your research, have you found that it's okay? I've found a new band that's bottled in Canada. Clean, cool, fresh Canada. Tastes great and cheap.

By the way,since I've stopped drinking tap water I have had a couple of cavities, so I miss that part, but I guess I'll have to floss more. I hate to floss.

posted on Jul, 30 2017 @ 11:52 AM
a reply to: TiredofControlFreaks


You read my post and expected me to believe the Federal and State Regulatory Agencies grading system!

Thanks for the laugh!

Enjoy the fluoride, pesticides, trace pharmaceuticals, chlorine, assortment of metals and the rest, I mean they got a passing grade!

posted on Jul, 30 2017 @ 11:56 AM
a reply to: TiredofControlFreaks

Prove what?

That chemicals are toxic?

posted on Jul, 30 2017 @ 11:59 AM
a reply to: TiredofControlFreaks

Clearly you have never grown hydro and played with TDS meters.

You would change your tune fast if you did.

Tap water is toxic.
edit on 7 by Mandroid7 because: sp

posted on Jul, 30 2017 @ 12:00 PM
a reply to: angeldoll

Are you aware that united states and canada have deemed that bottled water is a food item and not water?

Do you even know what that means?

It means that public water supplies must undergo rigorous tests for 350 separate paramenters and must be properly disinfected with chorine that has a residual to protect you from bacterial contamination that cause diseases like diptheria, yellow fever, polio etc. Water supply sources are protected by law.

Water as food sold in a bottle need not be tested for 350 parameters (I believe its only 150 parameters) . The water can be sold without a disinfectant so if it becomes contaminated in the bottle - your tough luck!

Use and drinking of chlorine has been estimated to cause bladder cancer at the rate of 1 per 10,000 population.

The country of Peru decided to protect their population from the health risks of exposure to chlorine

I was working at the time and carried a newspaper clipping of the Peru epidemic. There were something like 5,000 people that died in the first week of epidemic!

give me water where I can smell chlorine - then I know its safe!

posted on Jul, 30 2017 @ 12:03 PM
a reply to: Mandroid7

You mean "toxic" like the water that we drank before chlorination??

You mean 'toxic" like the water that caused diptheria and polio and killed children by the thousands? Is that the "toxic" you mean?

I have conducted more TDS tests than you can imagine. TDS testing is conducted to ensure that the dissolved solids in a water supply are sufficiently low so that the particulate does not interfere with complete disinfection.

posted on Jul, 30 2017 @ 12:03 PM

originally posted by: IgnoranceIsntBlisss
a reply to: TheLead

Sulfur (hydroden sulfide / sulfur dioxide) dissipates out of the water into the atmosphere.

"Lyme" is just the pH.

It's all the other stuff in the water (which what I meant is half the time it says "Spring Water" it's bottled 'city water').

And then what the plastic residues add to it.

You can all get an RO filter for $100 shipped off ebay!

I knew what your were saying about it, that's why I stated the ignorance is bliss comment. I was just being facetious. That and only people from America in a ten year span would probably understand the connection. You ever had water with high sulphur content? I only know of one family around that taps into our spring water and it's rather disgusting. I don't have a natural spring on my property, that I have found. The distilleries around here buy up most of the viable spring land. Lime recalcisfies in the body without the right acidic intake, which leads to the very high rate of kidney stones in my area. The RO systems are also being used by the water industries that supply out water. I realize pex and pvc are a higher grade than and deteriate less due the limited expose to uv light, but with the way our water is supplied, you're always going to have plastic, copper, or lead contamination. Unfortunately society is always caught in a constant catch 22 between efficiency, waste, and monetary involvement.

posted on Jul, 30 2017 @ 12:05 PM
a reply to: elementalgrove

That laughable "grading system" has saved more lives than you can imagine

posted on Jul, 30 2017 @ 12:23 PM
I only wash dishes with unfiltered water. And when I filter my water, I boil it afterwards.

posted on Jul, 30 2017 @ 12:30 PM
a reply to: FelisOrion

where does your water supply come from that you are so afraid?

posted on Jul, 30 2017 @ 12:39 PM

originally posted by: FelisOrion
I only wash dishes with unfiltered water. And when I filter my water, I boil it afterwards.


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