The other day during another thread something became very clear to me, now this is something I have always known but the other day it felt like it
punched me over the head.
We are all taking this stuff way to seriously.
Another member actually told me the other day that the reason for posting was because he was “defending his country”, well no all we are defending
on ATS really is our own points of view and I think the entire charade is being taken way to seriously. You see the problem I think is that at times
we become so self obsessed with our own points of view that at times it can feel like its something as serious as defending the nation when really its
not, I think that when we forget that, thats when the ugliness of ATS comes out.
I think we all need to chill out.
People get very passionate about their beliefs particularly when it comes to politics, however I think that somewhere along the line quite a lot of us
have started to think that this all matters. Like we keyboard warriors on ATS are achieving something, well we’re not. All we actually seem to be
doing recently is pissing each other off.
The reason for this I think is because a lot of people on both sides of the political divide have stopped using proper arguments. This takes many
forms, the most popular one seems to be this utterly stupid argument that because your views are different to mine then you must be a near brain dead
moron. Basically if you don't have the same political views as I have ,then you must be stupid because really who could believe anything else?…. The
idea that someone could be just as well informed but reach a different view is ignored.
Most of the time people who have a different view from our own are actually just as knowledgeable as the rest of us in my experience. Sometimes they
might even be more knowledgeable and that is why they disagree with our views so strongly. I see opposing views then as a opportunity to learn more.
However that has been lost on ATS recently because of how simplistic the arguments have gotten.
Another stupid argument is that which appeals to emotion, this nonsense of you are too emotional about this subject to have a reasonable view on it.
What utter horse Sh!t is that, I get pretty darn emotional about child killers yet I can still hold the reasonable view that they are all evil scum.
Anyone who says they don't get just get a little bit emotional about political debate is either a alien or a liar, we all want to feel like our views
are of value because that makes us feel valued, emotional is a intrinsic part of debate in my view.
Yet it is not the most important part, no the most important part should be the facts. This is now almost like a singularity were everyone on ATS have
lost their collective minds and just went nuts. People are taking their politics so seriously now that its not so much a confirmation bias but just
blindness. This is one both sides again, facts are not pretty much ignored, its like we have forgotten how important actual facts are. Any time you
see a little factoid you don't like, such as Trump won the electoral collage vote, or all US intelligence agencies say Russia hacked the DNC, its just
dismissed as fake news.
Thats a word people like to use a lot around these parts isn't it, I use it myself quite a bit, others like to call me ignorant all the time. What is
the point though in calling someone ignorant but not telling them why they are being ignorant, not showing them the error of their ways.
I guess what I am trying to see that political debate now on ATS is pointless, its just a series of trolling, insults with a smattering of hypocrisy
and ignoring facts to suit preconceived political views. We are all guilty of this on both sides of the “is trump a political genius or is Trump
satan incarnate?” Debate.
So if thats the case we should really just stop taking this all so seriously.
Ohhh and please do not think that irony of my posting this is lost on me.
edit on 29-7-2017 by OtherSideOfTheCoin because: title change,
originally read "stop take politics so seriously"