posted on Jul, 29 2017 @ 11:07 AM
a reply to:
Be careful of exploratory surgery unless you truly trust those doctor's, I have refused a pace maker and am on beta blockers but try not to take them
because they just slow my heart beat down and make me lethargic, my heart skip's about once every 3 or 4 beats so is just arrhythmic and not as
potentially serious as yours, oh I have good and bad day's but I firmly believe we do not go naturally before our time unless someone pushes us out of
this world and then we may have to wait around until it was meant to be our time in some kind of waiting room.
OK subjective crazy spiritual hokum pokum aside.
Get well, I shall say a prayer.
Oh and keep a positive attitude the mind has extremely powerful impact on every part of your body, there are even some Tibetan monk's whom have
learned to mentally control there body temperature and can steam towel's dry in the Himalayas and Indian holy men whom can control there heart rate,
your heart is just a muscle but like breathing it work's without us consciously thinking about it and has been beating since you were a very small
embryo but remember also that almost all cell's in your body are replaced about every seven years or so, they are being replaced all the time but all
cell's are mostly replaced in that time frame.
You know your own body, 62 by the way is young these day's, maybe old enough to value a quiet Sunday afternoon but not elderly anymore ~(especially
for a lady, we fella's don't have as long a shelf life most of the time) so you have decades left in you IF you want them.
God bless and wishing you all the best.
edit on 29-7-2017 by LABTECH767 because: (no reason given)