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originally posted by: AugustusMasonicus
You sound like a bitter little man (?) who just cant seem to find his way in life and is all jelly of other people who may be better off, regardless of how they got there. Maybe your church can throw you a can or two of Alpo if you sit through a few insufferable sermons.
originally posted by: klikmaus
a reply to: AMPTAH
Masonic lodges not accepting a candidate strictly on financial grounds is erroneous. A man is judged by his internal character not his achievements in life when the ballot box is passed around.
However... all lodges have their own by-laws that govern that particular lodge. It's entirely possible for some lodges to have some form of "minimum income" requirement for admission. I doubt it but it could be possible. I am a Traveling Man but it would be next to impossible to visit every single chartered lodge in America to find out.
My own Masonic journey story validates this--- when I petitioned my lodge for the degrees my income was below poverty level. Even now I'm not much better off. And no.... visions of better jobs and better pay is NOT what drew me to Masonry, nor any other TRUE Brother I've met. It's fellowship, community organization, tradition, brotherhood, good food, and getting to wear a cool ring.
I almost forgot the BEST benefit of being a Mason... driving conspiracy theorists bat# crazy!
originally posted by: UpLateWakingUp
a reply to: GoatWizard
Explain what " the craft is " please
If you are a single mason what does the lodge say about one night stands and drinking
Is your mind "centered " at entered apprentice iniation or when raised a master mason , thanks
originally posted by: bw1000
I would like to ask GoatWizard...
Though you stress the kind of ordinariness of The Masons,
from your own experience at least,
... what small or tiny percentage would you estimate of the current political establishment of both major parties are not members of the Freemasons?
It may not have been so relevant in your type of employment, I don't know, or your lodge may have been not much of the type...
... but were you ever much involved, yourself, in "helping up" other Masonic members in the big wide world, (whatever area of employment or endeavour).
Did you ever receive any such helping hands pulling you up, which you were aware of?
originally posted by: klikmaus
until you've experienced the degree work and rituals first hand... you don't know all about Freemasonry. There is certain wisdom imparted through interaction not conveyed through written or spoken instruction.
originally posted by: norhoc
a reply to: GoatWizard
I think most people would be bummed to find out how boring and mundane freemasonry is. They want to believe in these grand conspiracies where masons are an all knowing secret society that has all the secrets of past and present at hand, when,in reality, it is just a bunch of guys hanging out.
originally posted by: SRPrime
originally posted by: GoatWizard
I spent several years actively involved in Freemasonry, and after considerable time and reflection I decided to permanently leave the Fraternity in 2014.
During my years as a Mason I rarely visited sites like this. I have not been on ATS at all until very recently. I remember this site being a place where talk on the subject occurred regularly. I would like to answer any questions about the subject, engage in meaningful discussion; and possibly expound on what I speculate about the future of Freemasonry (at least in the Southern USA).
At any rate, I joined a fairly large, well established Lodge, some time ago in the Southern USA. I worked my way through the Officer's line and became Master of my Lodge. I worked the entirety of the York, and Scottish RItes, and was actively involved in Degree Teams until the year I became Worshipful Master. It was late in my tenure as Master that has began to have very serious thoughts about leaving permanently, and did in the summer of 2016. After a year of post-departure reflection. I am confident in my decision; and am resolved to begin sharing my experiences, making good where I can.
So... if there is anything pro, con, or whatever, I am happy to respond here.
There is no way that you can have move up to master of a lodge in just a "few" active years, let alone a worshipful master or anything else you claim. The timeline doesn't fit and you were purposefully vague about your timeline and location.
5 pages deep in an "AMA about Freemasons" and you haven't said one thing about freemasonry.
This thread should be outright deleted.
originally posted by: sputniksteve
These truths cannot be learned or taught, they can only be lived in practice ..
No eagle will be found diving under the water for weeds and fish.
People join masonry for one main reason, to get a better job.
Nothing spiritual aimed for, just plain old "help me" get ahead.
So, we expect that most masons had "some job" before joining up. They just want a "better job."
When you become a true mason, you'll actually know all these things.
originally posted by: AMPTAH
Look. All you are saying, is that you are not a real Freemason.
Your lodge may use the term "Freemason", but if you're not following the Landmarks of Freemasonry, you guys are really just a club or fraternity of men who like to gather together on Weekends for barbecue.
Why do you feel the need to call yourselves "Freemasons" ?
That's the only thing that is puzzling here.
originally posted by: klikmaus
Euclid's 47th problem...
It's surprising how many brothers now days don't recognize what this Mason symbol represents or its operative function.