a reply to:
This is why I TRY, where possible, to only engage in social functions which have a limited cost. I do not buy rounds at the bar, and I do not accept
offers of drinks from others, unless I can afford to pay them back immediately at the time. I allot funds to an evening, spend them, and that is my
My friends go to the pub every Friday night. They also hold a gathering at a friends place every Saturday. I do not turn up on Fridays. I turn up on
Saturdays. On Saturdays, I can spend a third of the cost of the night at the pub, and have a pleasant evening with my chums, where I can hear them
speak, sing as loudly to as many tunes as I wish, and engage with their company absent overmuch financial concern. The pub is a different matter
entirely these days. Things have only become worse for me financially in the last little while, not better, which is roughly in line with the
performance of my entire country, and so is not to be surprised at.
My friends though, understand that I am less than flush, they take no offence, offer support, mostly because they have all been through one or
another hardship of a similar sort in their lives, and know me well enough to respect that I will only drink what I can afford, only consume what I
can pay for, and nothing more, under most circumstances anyway.
I never go out for big meals, with people I am not close friends with, for this precise reason. My closest associates know my life well enough to
understand, that inviting me to events I cannot afford to be a part of causes me sorrow, and furthermore, know that if I am to be involved, there is a
cap on what I can spend, that I will be frugal not because I am tight, or because I have no respect for the endeavour in question, but because I must
be to avoid greater sorrow in that regard than I already experience.
I manage my affairs rather well, for a pauper, and they respect that. The crucial thing then, is to manage carefully who you spend your time around,
and how you spend it.