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Maybe lazy people are right?

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posted on Jul, 4 2017 @ 12:26 AM
a reply to: toysforadults


(Was thinking about writing a longer, more extensive post, but: you know: lazy.)

posted on Jul, 4 2017 @ 01:18 AM
a reply to: toysforadults

Let`s not be lazy, but do easy,

The do easy- way of life and thinking is awesome, look it up.

posted on Jul, 4 2017 @ 07:23 AM
a reply to: toysforadults

From the outside looking in, the American Dream; work until you drop, pay your taxes and fund the great American war machine.

As to laziness, I think there are 3 fundamental types of person, 'doers' 'havers' and 'be-ers'

The doers cannot sit still, always got to be busy. Havers will keep busy but only in order to acquire the stuff they want and the be-ers are happy to just be, also known as Existentialism.

"There is no happiness if the things we believe in are different than the things we do", Albert Camus

posted on Jul, 4 2017 @ 07:37 AM
I don't necessarily think that a person has to be lazy in order to be fed up with how rigged and broken the system is. It's like you say hard work no longer automatically sets you apart and helps you rise. Now it is perceived as "you doing what your'e supposed to do...and that is break your back for the company in exchange for pennies on the dollar for your labor.

It is now harder than ever to find work (with or without a college education) that will actually cover the necessities while still leaving enough for you to maybe enjoy life a little and treat yourself occasionally. More and more people are struggling to find work so the competition for even remedial jobs is ruthless. We haven't even hit the pivotal moment of automation yet, just wait for that one to come because I promise it will get worse before it gets better.

I haven't worked a traditional job in like 4 years and am happier than I have ever been. What really bothers me is that I'm not a lazy person and am willing to work and work hard. However to illicit that desire in me I must fell like the person I'm working for cares about me and my family. I need to feel as though I am getting a fair wage for my labor and I don't care how remedial your job is $8.50 an hour isn't cutting it. The 5 day's @ 40 hour workweek also should be revised to maybe like 4 day's on and 3 day's off or maybe 6 hour day's instead. As it sits now we might as well be labor robots to the perspective corporations that employ us. We are all expendable and replaceable in the eyes of our corporate overlords and better had be thankful to even have employment.

So I urge everyone that is capable of doing so to remove yourself from the matrix even if only temporarily and take some time off and enjoy life. Go have a mid day margarita on a Tuesday or stay in your pajama's all day watching Netflix but most importantly use that time to grow, learn about and improve yourself, try things that you have always wanted to try but didn't have the time. If you do then you realize in those moments just how much of your life you let slip away form you.

posted on Jul, 4 2017 @ 07:51 AM

originally posted by: c2oden
And this is what is wrong.
Lazy people suck.

Listen, I say I'm lazy, but I'm parroting the general consensus because I'm not out there with a job.

I'm an artist I make some money that way.

I also occasionally gentle and start a colt, but it doesn't pay much.

I'm also the maid, chauffer, cook, livestock keeper, family therapist and this summer I've built a corral by digging nearly three feet through bedrock to set posts and now I am clearing trees and brush to work on fencing off the bulk of the property.

The work that I have just done and that I am doing would have broken you, but I'm not working a 9-5 being # on by someone else, so society sees me as lazy. I prefer the fruit of my own labors, but when I'm asked "What do you do?" I say "artist' and suddenly I'm not worth respecting or sometimes, even speaking to.

The rest of the work I do is to provide stability to my family, and it is a job that I love, but it is a lot of hard work and society does not value it. My husband is in upper management in health care however, and he gets a great deal of respect. He would tell you that he wouldn't be able to do his job without the work that I do at home. We prioritized differently but because I can't tell people that I'm a nurse or even that I stock shelves at the local grocery store, I'm considered lazy.
edit on 4-7-2017 by redhorse because: (no reason given)

edit on 4-7-2017 by redhorse because: (no reason given)

edit on 4-7-2017 by redhorse because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 4 2017 @ 10:28 AM
Don't work harder, work smarter...

And if the boss tell you to work harder, tell him to go home and work on his wife. Because I'm pretty sure she called me and need some work done to her.

Can you feel it, cause she is, she be thanking me for the
edit on 4-7-2017 by Specimen because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 4 2017 @ 10:40 AM
a reply to: toysforadults

Not wanting to work like a dog just to eek out a living isn't being lazy. It's called common sense. If you work you should get adequate compensation from your labor.

If you're working a third of your life away and not getting ahead you should want better. Saying "F*ck That" to being someone's slave isn't being lazy, it's seeing that you're getting cheated and not wanting to take part in it.

The fact is that the working class, you know, the people who are actually doing all the work which keeps everything running, are getting f*cked big time. We're being used up and discarded like trash so the rich can afford to live like gods.

It's not lazy to not want to be apart of that. By saying people are lazy for not wanting that kind of life is ridiculous. Nobody wants that life.

posted on Jul, 4 2017 @ 11:03 AM
There are many studies about what people regret before dying. Most regret not loving more, not being enough time with people they loved, not enjoying life enough and so on.
Not one regrets not working more hours or more weekends.
Think about it, if someone will tell you you're gonna die next month what you're gonna do with your last days? Work some more or trying to live some?
Life is about living it, and not only on holidays or weekends. Work only for what you really need to live.

"Live like someone left the gate open."

posted on Jul, 4 2017 @ 12:56 PM
I feel like if a company relies on employing minimum waged young and dumb as$holes to gas the machine, then it's gotta hope that we all just keep procreating to pump out more as$holes to fill those positions. Cause nobody in their right mature mind is gonna subject themselves to that slavery.

But we're all taught that that's where we have to start. "Everybody has to start somewhere." So you're a slave until you earn your freedom, and you earn it in part by filling those entry level slavery positions- cause the machine needs that.

But really nobody ever earns their freedom, you just get 6 part time jobs to afford renting out that sh-thole of a shack if you don't learn how to turn off your empathy to choose profit over people. And talk about what's "cost-effective." And or you got that one job but your work eats up your life and you're traveling around in a hot stinky van to go house to house to plug some wires in, or lay down some mouse traps... fix a toilet, working six days a week overtime. Yeah, you're really living the life, bro.

LOL. I'm actually not feeling as negative as I sound... because I know there's more to this life than that. And I don't care anymore what anybody says. I'm not lazy, I just ain't gonna accept that slavery mentality.

posted on Jul, 4 2017 @ 01:02 PM
There is only one real question.

posted on Jul, 4 2017 @ 01:02 PM
a reply to: RainbowPhoenix

Very astutely stated.

posted on Jul, 4 2017 @ 01:02 PM
Well, I'm really glad that I bust my butt so my taxes can support you lazy a-holes. Want to be lazy? Fine. How about you also stop stealing from me? Deal?

posted on Jul, 4 2017 @ 01:03 PM
a reply to: rickymouse

sure, cause all us humans really need is green stuff to eat and water,
just like good little sheep. baaaaaaaaa

sounds like you live just the way your corporate Masters want you to. let your masters enjoy the fruits of your labor while they provide you only just enough to keep you working, that's the society we have, that's the world your advocating for. that is why more then half the world's wealth stagnates in the pockets of so few.

that won't ever change with people thinking the way you do. that it is proper for the world's wealth to gather and sit with so few

posted on Jul, 4 2017 @ 01:16 PM
a reply to: TruMcCarthy

You are asking the wrong people. Government steals from you. Throwing some crumbs at the "lazy" is a fraction and they would keep it all even if the "lazy" got jobs.

posted on Jul, 4 2017 @ 01:19 PM

originally posted by: TruMcCarthy
Well, I'm really glad that I bust my butt so my taxes can support you lazy a-holes. Want to be lazy? Fine. How about you also stop stealing from me? Deal?

Well okay. Except no one here said that they are on welfare. I'm not on welfare. You aren't supporting me. You aren't supporting my kids.

The funny thing is that assholes like you bitch and moan and throw a wall eyed fit because people aren't willing to be slaves to the system. You wax indignant and call people "entitled", when you are the most entitled of them all, and so utterly lacking in self awareness that you will never see that you are a far greater societal problem than any "welfare queen" or "pot smoking slacker" or whatever condescending title you want to toss out to make yourself feel better.

posted on Jul, 4 2017 @ 02:22 PM

originally posted by: toysforadults

We work to hard in the US for far to little.

We work for nothing.

They say Americans are stupid. But, in fact, there are too many smart people here.

That's why it's so tough to make a living.

posted on Jul, 4 2017 @ 04:14 PM

originally posted by: pryingopen3rdeye
a reply to: rickymouse

sure, cause all us humans really need is green stuff to eat and water,
just like good little sheep. baaaaaaaaa

sounds like you live just the way your corporate Masters want you to. let your masters enjoy the fruits of your labor while they provide you only just enough to keep you working, that's the society we have, that's the world your advocating for. that is why more then half the world's wealth stagnates in the pockets of so few.

that won't ever change with people thinking the way you do. that it is proper for the world's wealth to gather and sit with so few

I buy half a grassfed organic cow every year. Meat is something I need. I don't eat much of that sheep food, save that for the cows and deer to eat.

Our corporate masters want us to buy all sort of stuff we do not need, I am not backing any of that, you are the one that seems to want all that junk you do not need. I have three cars, all older vehicles, all in decent shape with not many miles on them. The total value of all three of these cars is probably six grand if you were to buy them. Yet, with the low miles, they will last me for many years. Go try to buy one car you can trust to take you across the country for under six grand. I would trust going on a six thousand mile trip with any of these cars, I also work on them myself. I do take them in for oil changes and anything I do not want to do though. Do we want a brand new car....hell no, then we would have to worry about scratching it and pay high insurance premiums.

Live within your means, the more you spend the more you have to make to be in the same place...broke.

I know doctors that are so far in debt they will never get out. I know big business owners who are blowing everything they make. They will have to work till the day they die. Live within your means, screw the conditioning we have been given to put yourself in debt.

posted on Jul, 4 2017 @ 06:56 PM

originally posted by: redhorse

originally posted by: TruMcCarthy
Well, I'm really glad that I bust my butt so my taxes can support you lazy a-holes. Want to be lazy? Fine. How about you also stop stealing from me? Deal?

Well okay. Except no one here said that they are on welfare. I'm not on welfare. You aren't supporting me. You aren't supporting my kids.

The funny thing is that assholes like you bitch and moan and throw a wall eyed fit because people aren't willing to be slaves to the system. You wax indignant and call people "entitled", when you are the most entitled of them all, and so utterly lacking in self awareness that you will never see that you are a far greater societal problem than any "welfare queen" or "pot smoking slacker" or whatever condescending title you want to toss out to make yourself feel better.

What a sick, twisted world view you have. I work my butt off, and so that means I'm "entitled"? Yet your "welfare queens" and "pot smoking slackers" are somehow more virtuous and noble than I am, and are far better for society than I am, while I am the problem? My god, it's no wonder this country is going to hell. And the fact so many people starred and agreed with you, is truly mind blowing. So sad.

posted on Jul, 4 2017 @ 07:18 PM
a reply to: redhorse

Hello Redhorse,

Reading your post about being an artist and making a home for your family, supporting your Husband at home, while he's out in the world making a living for your family, I wouldn't consider you lazy. Not even close.

But this:

You wax indignant and call people "entitled", when you are the most entitled of them all, and so utterly lacking in self awareness that you will never see that you are a far greater societal problem than any "welfare queen" or "pot smoking slacker" or whatever condescending title you want to toss out to make yourself feel better.

What's your rational for thinking that someone like the member you were responding to has a sense of entitlement greater than anyone else? What's the nature of his lack of self awareness, why is he a greater problem than any "welfare queen" or "pot smoking slacker"?

I'm very curious about the intellectual path you take to get to those assertions. Can you explain please?

edit on 4-7-2017 by imwilliam because: spellin

posted on Jul, 4 2017 @ 07:45 PM
americans are too materialistic, they don`t know the difference between needs and wants.
nobody in America works themselves to death to provide for their basic needs, but many people work themselves to death to get all those materialistic things that they think they need.

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