posted on Jun, 28 2017 @ 12:00 AM
I expect a financial meltdown that they will distract us from in the most efficient manner: We get an EMP blown about 20 miles about the United
States, we're back to partying like it's 1899. Mass deaths from lack of medicine, lack of power, lack of modern medical equipment, lack of
pharmaceuticals which cannot be either manufactured or shipped, and the scale of it will be insane because people don't know how to live without
everything at their fingertips. Cars sitting dead? Planes that were aloft lose all power. There's a lot to it. Everything that runs on electricity
or batteries will be fried by the EMP. NOTHING will work. No water, no power, no cell phones, no vehicles running......our country will be thrown
into inertia and panic on a mass scale.
Might as well throw in a limited-scale nuclear engagement by Lil Kim getting angry and turning South Korea into a sheet of glass, and then it spreads
from there. The middle east will have its Armageddon.
Just to add spice to this doom porn stew, throw in a deadly earthquake or the Yellowstone caldera blowing sky high.
But before this buffet of the worst that humanity has to offer, why not have ugly civil wars based on stupid ideas and criminal government activity
that we take out on each other instead of addressing the problem where it began. A vicious pandemic would be the icing on the crap cake.